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"Did Guiying spot us?" Ximen Yiyi asked nervously and quietly.

Leng Chengyu and the others also felt very nervous. They didn't know if Gui Ying had actually spotted them. Logically speaking, they had been hiding inside the strange rock, and they could not be seen outside.

Seeing that Simon Yiyi was so nervous, Leng Chengyu had to comfort him: "Unless the ghost infant has a perspective, we are already hiding in the stone. How could he be able to see it? He only came over when he was suspicious."

The footsteps of the ghost infant are getting closer.

However, it suddenly stopped at this moment.

Then, everyone heard a deafening sound of "jumping".

It sounded like some strange rocks nearby were broken by ghost babies.

Then, not long after, there was another deafening sound of broken stones.

Zhao Zizhou's face solemnly said: "Gui Ying should know that we are nearby, but he is not sure where we are hiding, so he has to clear all the obstacles around here so that he can see everything here."

Wu Siwei worried: "Will he also come over and break the rocks here?"

Zhao Zizhou still said with a very solemn expression: "I guess he will, he won't give up if we can't find it."

"Then what should we do now? If he even smashes us when he smashes the stone, then we are about to die here." Simon Yiyi became frightened.

Zhao Zizhou, Wu Siwei, and Ximen Yiyi all looked at Leng Chengyu, hoping that Leng Chengyu could make an idea.

At this time, Leng Chengyu also knew that he seemed to be unable to hide.

Because there were so many strange rocks in this area that the ghost infant couldn't see anyone, he broke all the strange rocks, allowing him to have a wider vision and better find the person he wanted to find to kill his mother.

The strange rocks that Leng Chengyu and the others hid were actually not far from the ghost infant.

Soon, after Gui Ying smashed all the nearby strange rocks, it was Leng Chengyu's turn.

What should I do now?

Leng Chengyu also frowned, looking at the trust and expectation of everyone, Leng Chengyu said: "I'll go out, you continue to hide here, shield your breath, I will draw him away, you can think of a way Run away."

Leng Chengyu was trying to get out of the protective film that shielded the breath, but at this moment, Zhao Zizhou stopped and said, "Even if you go out alone, it's useless. The ghost infant won't let the breath of his mother's death remain on anyone. People, after he kills you, he will continue to kill us."

Leng Chengyu said: "Now he can only bet on luck. Maybe he doesn't know how many people were at the death scene of his mother. You blocked your breath. He can't smell the breath, so he can only follow me. Trying to get him away, I have many means to save my life, and I don’t necessarily die."

Although Leng Chengyu also knew that Gui Ying was very powerful, he could not deal with it, and he might be killed by Gui Ying as soon as he went out.

However, Leng Chengyu was still a little disappointed.

Hope that the ghost infant has some points that need help, and the system prompts it, then he can deal with the ghost infant through the system's rewards and the new items that appear in the system mall.

However, this is also very risky.

After all, in case Gui Ying doesn't need help, and the system doesn't prompt, then he will definitely die if he goes out, unless he can escape.

However, the ghost infant is a powerful ghost of the first level of the red ghost. Leng Chengyu and the girl ghost Liu Fang who only has the fifth level of the black evil ghost can hardly escape the pursuit of the ghost.

However, even if Leng Chengyu didn't take the initiative to come out, they would always be discovered by Gui Ying, and if they were discovered by Gui Ying, each of them would have to die.

In this case, you can only give it a try.

Leng Chengyu turned around and said to Zhao Zizhou: "You can send a message back to the Xicheng District Defence Line Station. It would be best if the Xicheng District Defence Line Station can inform President Zhong. Maybe President Zhong will come to rescue us. You don’t have to hide. How long will it take to be rescued."

Zhao Zizhou was still worried: "But once you go out..."

Leng Chengyu immediately stopped and said: "Stop talking, there is no way I can go out. It's better for me to die alone than everyone else. If I really die, please find a way to avenge me."

Leng Chengyu walked out of the protective film that shielded the information, and then left the hidden strange stone.

However, he was not directly exposed to Gui Ying's field of vision, he left these strange rocks in a place where Gui Ying could not be seen.

He hoped that Gui Ying could smell his breath, and then search for him, and delay some time for Zhao Zizhou and the others.

Therefore, after Leng Chengyu left the strange rocks that he had just hidden, he let the girl ghost Liu Fang carry him to another dense grass.

Then after hiding for a while, he continued to hide in another hidden stone.

Just keep away from the ghost infant.

After smashing another strange rock, Gui Ying looked in the direction of Leng Chengyu's escape.

Because now Leng Chengyu no longer shields his breath, the breath of death on his body has been smelled by Gui Ying.

After smelling the death breath of his mother in Leng Chengyu, Gui Ying followed Leng Chengyu.

Leng Chengyu kept hiding away from Gui Ying, hoping that Gui Ying would find him later.

However, after all, Guiying is a powerful ghost of the first level of the scarlet ghost in red, and he soon discovered Leng Chengyu who was constantly escaping.

Gui Ying quickly stopped in front of Leng Chengyu, and when Leng Chengyu was about to hide from one bush to another, he suddenly appeared in front of Leng Chengyu.

Leng Chengyu still wanted to escape, but suddenly realized that Liu Fang, the ghost girl, couldn't fly.

Moreover, it became very difficult for him to move his footsteps himself, and he didn't know what ghost spirit technique Gui Ying used.

In short, they can no longer escape.

"Did you kill my mother?" Gui Ying asked coldly.

The voice of the ghost baby is very deterrent~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Leng Chengyu, who heard the voice of the ghost baby at close range, not only feels chills, but also the heart feels cold. It seems that the heart has frozen and cannot beat. He has a sense of suffocation.

Even Liu Fang, a ghost girl who was flying in the air, fell to the ground all of a sudden, and then her body was trembling.

"I ask you, did you kill my mother?" Gui Ying asked with a fierce expression on his face.

"Your mother? Who is your mother?" Leng Chengyu had to pretend that he didn't understand anything and dealt with the ghost infant.

In front of such a powerful Ghost Infant, Leng Chengyu really didn't dare to make any resistance. He could only pretend to be very scared and lower his head there, as if he didn't even dare to look at the Ghost Infant.

"You have my mother's breath before death. You said you don't know who my mother is? You are so bold!" Gui Ying's angry voice was very terrifying, and Leng Chengyu's eardrums were about to bleed.

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