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Seeing Gui Ying getting angry, Leng Chengyu was very anxious.

Now the system hasn't prompted what help Guiying needs, and if Guiying starts a fire, he will be beaten to death all at once without asking why, that would be troublesome.

As for Gui Ying's words, Leng Chengyu didn't know how to answer.

Because Gui Ying has been determined, he has a breath of death on his body.

Gui Ying's mother has passed away, and Leng Chengyu can no longer pretend not to know Gui Ying's mother.

Fortunately, the sound of the system rang at this time.

"Ding! The system detects that the ghost infant wants to know the reason and the whole process of his mother’s death. The host can tell him truthfully. As long as the host successfully tells him and makes him feel suspicious, then the host will obtain the system. Great reward."

After hearing the system prompt, Leng Chengyu was taken aback.

It is a very dangerous thing to truthfully tell the ghost infant the reason and the whole process of his death.

Because it was Leng Chengyu who killed Guiyingniang.

If Leng Chengyu told Gui Ying, then Gui Ying would definitely kill Leng Chengyu and avenge his mother.

At that time, I am afraid that Leng Chengyu will be killed before he finishes speaking.

However, if Leng Chengyu did not follow the system's prompts, he would not be able to deal with the ghost infant alone.

Moreover, it is impossible for Leng Chengyu to escape.

And Gui Ying already knew that Leng Chengyu had his mother's death breath.

In other words, Gui Ying already suspected Leng Chengyu, and Gui Ying would not easily let Leng Chengyu go, let alone let Leng Chengyu leave.

In this case, Leng Chengyu can only try to follow the system's instructions, but he has to be tactful.

Leng Chengyu smiled at the ghost infant who was only a little higher than his knee, and said, "You should be the leader of the ghost infant. Is your mother the lady who lives in the stone house who wants to have a baby?"

"Yes, come on, how did my mother die? I don't know, I will kill you right away!" Gui Ying's anger is still so full.

Although Gui Ying was very small, Leng Chengyu felt very depressed by the terrifying aura he released from his body.

This feeling is like the depression that a poisonous snake is spitting out a letter at you, which may attack you at any time.

And the depression of the ghost infant is even more terrifying, it may be more like a bunch of poisonous snakes surrounding you and vomiting the letter, you can't escape, and you may be bitten to death by the poisonous snake at any time.

Leng Chengyu feels this way when facing Gui Ying now.

However, Leng Chengyu still had to calm down so that he could calmly talk about the whole process and reason of the death of the ghost and the infant.

"That's it." Leng Chengyu showed a sincere look and said to Gui Ying, "I can tell you clearly from beginning to end how I met your mother and then how did I meet your mother? I was killed, and then how could I have your mother's death breath, I hope you can calm down and listen to me."


Although the horror aura on Ghost Ying's body has weakened a bit, it is still very deterrent and still makes Leng Chengyu feel very depressed.

Leng Chengyu slowly said, "Is there an old lady and maid under your mother?"

"Yes, continue talking." Gui Ying's terrifying eyes stared at Leng Chengyu.

Leng Chengyu said again: "We didn't want to provoke your mother's maid, but she begged us, saying that your mother was dying and asked us to help your mother give birth to a child.

But we are not doctors, we declined.

However, the old lady and maid caught us and escorted us to your mother's room in the stone house.

After we were arrested, we learned that your mother's dystocia is different from ordinary dystocia. Your mother's dystocia was because she was not pregnant, so she couldn't give birth to a son.

I just told your mother to let her recognize reality.

However, your mother got angry and swallowed me into her stomach.

No way, I was struggling in your mother's belly, and then I came out of your mother's belly, and your mother was also gone. "

"You bullshit!" When Leng Chengyu said this, Gui Ying immediately questioned, "How do you have the ability to get out of my mother's belly? I think you have the strength of your ghost, you are not my mother at all. Opponent."

"It's true, but I have family life-saving means, and I have a meteor hammer that can break your mother's belly." Leng Chengyu is all here, but I still haven't heard the system prompt that Leng Chengyu The task has been completed.

Leng Chengyu was very anxious.

Because Leng Chengyu has now said that he killed Gui Ying’s mother. Gui Ying is now holding back his anger. He is so angry that his whole small body is violent, and he may attack at any time. Kill Leng Chengyu.

"You have such a powerful meteor hammer? Show it to me." Gui Ying still held back his anger.

Obviously, Gui Ying killed the wrong person when he didn't want to take revenge, which made him unable to successfully avenge his mother. He must ask clearly.

Leng Chengyu had to take out the meteor hammer.

And Gui Ying looked at the meteor hammer in Leng Chengyu's hand, there was nothing special, he was still very puzzled.

"You use this meteor hammer to hit me hard." Gui Ying didn't mean to be joking, he really wanted to confirm whether the meteor hammer in Leng Chengyu's hand had this strength.

And this is exactly what Leng Chengyu wanted.

Leng Chengyu also wanted to use the meteor hammer to test the strength of the ghost infant. It would be even better if the 10,000-class star hammer could kill the ghost infant with one hammer.

Now Guiying’s request is perfect.

Leng Chengyu raised the meteor hammer and walked over, hitting Gui Ying **** the head.

Just listen to the sound of "boom".

When the meteor hammer hits the head of the ghost infant, the meteor hammer actually dented a large part, rather than the head of the ghost infant.

And Gui Ying just frowned.

"Your Meteor Hammer does have this strength. It turns out that you really killed my mother. Then you will pay for it!"

After Gui Ying confirmed that Leng Chengyu was the murderer, his anger suddenly rose~www.wuxiaspot.com~ His body released an infinitely terrifying breath, and Leng Chengyu had difficulty breathing, and the girl ghost Liu Fang was even more crushed. All lie on the ground and tremble.

Leng Chengyu was also able to resist the terrifying breath of some ghost infants because the meteor hammer in his hand still had a lot of evil aura, so that he was not forced to fall to the ground like Liu Fang.

However, Leng Chengyu also felt the terrifying power of the ghost infant.

Leng Chengyu was very anxious, because the system still did not prompt him to complete the task successfully.

At this time, the ghost infant's body suddenly swelled, and his body became very, very tall, even taller than an elephant.

After Gui Ying's body became bigger, now Leng Chengyu was no longer taller than Gui Ying's knees.

After the body grew bigger, the big feet of Gui Ying stepped towards Leng Chengyu.

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