Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 193: Leng Chengyu's desperate

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Just as Gui Ying's feet were about to step on Leng Chengyu's body, and Leng Chengyu couldn't dodge, a loud voice came from not far away.

Gui Ying's movements stopped for a moment, and Leng Chengyu hurriedly backed away.

Gui Ying did not continue to chase Leng Chengyu, but looked back at the place where the loud sound was made.

After avoiding the attack range of the ghost infant, Leng Chengyu also looked up and found that it was President Zhong.

President Zhong did not look at Leng Chengyu, but stared at Gui Ying closely, with a smile on his face, and said: "Ghost Ying, don’t come here without problems? Why do you have to talk to one of my subordinates? Can't you get through? Everything he did is my order. If you want to avenge your mother, you can come at me."

It turned out that after Zhao Zizhou and the others sent a message back to the Xicheng District Defense Line Station, the Xicheng District Defense Line Station reported the situation to Chairman Zhong.

On the other side of President Zhong, he was guarding the outside of the Guiying Lair and preventing the Guiying from coming out, but it was impossible to keep the Guiying from coming to where his mother lived.

After all, Guiying’s Lair is not far from where his mother lives.

Moreover, the home of the ghost infant mother is also counted within the scope of the ghost infant’s nest, which is a key protection area for the ghost infant.

Before he could surely win and launch a general offensive, President Zhong didn't want to enter these areas so quickly to get entangled with the ghost infant.

However, now I heard that Leng Chengyu accidentally broke into this dangerous area and killed the ghost infant's mother.

Moreover, Gui Ying is looking for their revenge, and Leng Chengyu is also hunted down by Gui Ying.

President Zhong had to change his plan, entered the territory of the old nest mother of the ghost infant, and finally appeared here.

After Gui Ying looked back and saw President Zhong, he ignored Leng Chengyu. The baby-like face on the tall body of Gui Ying was full of anger, and he spoke to President Zhong, “Since it’s your order, Then let you pay for your life first."

With that, the tall body of Gui Ying flew towards President Zhong.

President Zhong also summoned his ghost immediately.

Soon, President Zhong's ghosts and Gui Ying fought together.

Who knows, after a while, the ghost of President Zhong was beaten on the ground by the ghost infant.

President Zhong stood there in surprise, and he did not expect that Gui Ying was so powerful.

It is also the first level of the red ghost, and President Zhong's ghost should be in the middle of the first level of the red ghost.

However, Gui Ying had reached the pinnacle of the first level of the red ghost, and was about to step into the second level of the red ghost.

After being knocked to the ground, the ghost of President Zhong continued to stand up to fight the ghost infant, but it has always been at a disadvantage.

On Leng Chengyu's side, at this time, the system prompts that the task is complete, and it rewards Leng Chengyu with 10 million helping ghosts as a pleasure.

Leng Chengyu also didn't expect that helping the ghost infant could earn so much help to the ghost is worthwhile.

However, Leng Chengyu was also very happy.

After all, if you continue to earn at this rate and you run into ten ghosts of the same level as Guiying, then you will earn a hundred million worth of helping ghosts.

And he can redeem the strongest detoxification pill in history to detoxify all the poison on his body.

I used to practice the first level of the Guan Gong Sword Technique every day to maintain it, so I won't have to worry about it in the future.

Moreover, if you can detoxify your body all at once, your physique will definitely be greatly improved.

At that time, it will not be as weak as it is now.

After Leng Chengyu obtained these 10 million helpers as a pleasure, he went to check the system mall.

Sure enough, there was an extra item in the system mall.

It's a dagger, but this dagger is made of peach wood.

To be precise, it is a mahogany dagger with a huge amount of evil spirits.

Since the peach wood dagger appeared in the system mall after Leng Chengyu helped the ghost infant, then this peach wood dagger can definitely kill the ghost infant.

However, after Leng Chengyu looked at the introduction on the peach wood dagger, he found that the way this peach wood dagger could kill in one shot was to stabb the ghost in the heart.

This is a bit difficult. Now that the ghost infant has grown bigger, Leng Chengyu can't touch the heart of the ghost infant at all.

Moreover, even if he could meet Guiying, Guiying would not be able to stand there, let Leng Chengyu stab him in the heart with a mahogany dagger.

Leng Chengyu didn't know what to do for a while.

However, he immediately exchanged the peach wood dagger first.

And this mahogany dagger needed to help ghosts is worthy of joy. It only needs 10,000, which Leng Chengyu can certainly accept.

Here, Leng Chengyu harvested a lot of help to ghosts as a pleasure. When he wanted to exchange the peach wood dagger, the ghosts on President Zhong's side could no longer resist the ghost infant.

President Zhong’s ghost had nothing to do. In order to prevent the ghost infant from harming President Zhong, he could only carry President Zhong and fled away.

However, the ghost infant has been chasing after and constantly attacking.

As a result, President Zhong's ghost escape became irregular, and it didn't take long for him to escape to Leng Chengyu's side.

Of course, the ghost infant has been chasing after him.

Seeing this situation, Leng Chengyu was also a little surprised, otherwise, he wouldn't know how to get close to the ghost infant.

After Leng Chengyu spoke to his ghost Liu Fang, he stood there waiting for the ghost infant to chase him.

With the assistance of his ghost, President Zhong was flying in the air. Seeing that Leng Chengyu was standing there, he immediately shouted to Leng Chengyu anxiously: "Run away!"

However, President Zhong found that Leng Chengyu seemed to be frightened, still standing there, watching the ghost infant who came closer and closer.

Chairman Zhong was about to order his ghost to come and pick up Leng Chengyu and escape together.

Who knows, the ghost baby behind has already chased him, and the ghost of President Zhong had to temporarily escape to another place.

President Zhong looked back at Gui Ying and found that Gui Ying did not pay attention to Leng Chengyu, but directly chased his ghost, he was relieved.

Who knows, at this time, Leng Chengyu's ghost even mentioned that Leng Chengyu floated up and rushed towards the ghost infant.

President Zhong shouted to Leng Chengyu: "You don't want to die! Run away! You can't fight However, Leng Chengyu has flown in front of Gui Ying and stopped the ghost. Between the ghosts of Ying and President Zhong.

However, Gui Ying still didn't want to pay attention to Leng Chengyu, patted Leng Chengyu with one hand like a mosquito, but did not look at Leng Chengyu's side, and continued to chase President Zhong's ghost.

In this way, Liu Fang, who was flying with Leng Chengyu, was able to escape the slap that Gui Ying slapped and flew to Gui Ying's chest.

At this time, Leng Chengyu also quickly raised his mahogany dagger, and quickly and accurately stabbed into the heart of Gui Ying's chest.

The tall body of the ghost infant flying in the air suddenly stopped at this moment, and then suddenly fell to the ground.

Gui Ying looked at the peach wood dagger inserted into his chest in horror, then looked at Leng Chengyu in surprise, and moved his lips and said, "What kind of dagger are you?"

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