Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 194: President Zhong's shock

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President Zhong, who was running away and worried that Leng Chengyu would be killed by Gui Ying, turned his head to look at Gui Ying at this time.

Because the sound of Gui Ying's huge body falling from the air was too loud, President Zhong and his ghost had to subconsciously turn their heads to look here.

And when he saw that the ghost infant had fallen to the ground, the ghost of President Zhong stopped flying forward, holding President Zhong in a daze and stopped in mid-air.

And President Zhong was also in shock.

Anyone would be surprised that such a powerful ghost infant fell from the air to the ground.

President Zhong's eyes widened. He didn't understand why Gui Ying suddenly fell to the ground.

Although Gui Ying had a mahogany dagger inserted into his chest, Gui Ying's body was too big, and the small mahogany dagger inserted in the heart was inconspicuous.

And President Zhong didn't see that part for the first time, naturally he wouldn't immediately know why the ghost infant suddenly fell to the ground.

After taking a look at the ghost infant, he looked back left and right, he wondered if a powerful ghost guard rushed to rescue them.

However, President Zhong did not see anyone.

He turned his head back to look at the ghost infant.

At this time, the ghost infant who fell on the ground just uttered that sentence, which was to ask Leng Chengyu what kind of dagger was this peach wood dagger.

However, what the ghost baby said from his mouth was already very quiet, perhaps only a little louder than the buzzing of a mosquito.

Being inserted into his chest by this mahogany dagger, a strong sense of suffocation made him breathless, let alone speaking loudly, let alone making that terrifying sound like before, It makes people scared to hear it.

Now, his voice was weak and very small. After all, Leng Chengyu who was near could hear him, but President Zhong, who had escaped almost 10 meters away, did not hear him at all.

President Zhong only saw Gui Ying staring with anger and moving his mouth. He didn't know what he was talking about.

President Zhong listened carefully, but found that he only saw the ghost infant wriggling his mouth, but could not hear the sound.

President Zhong felt very strange.

After all, he still didn't know why the ghost infant suddenly fell to the ground. He looked around, and there was no powerful ghost defender around him.

Then who is it, who knocked the ghost infant to the ground, who has such a powerful strength?

Here, President Zhong saw only Leng Chengyu who was still flying in the air, and Leng Chengyu's ghost girl Liu Fang.

After Leng Chengyu successfully inserted the peach wood dagger into Gui Ying's heart, he did not dare to make any further moves.

Because he saw Gui Ying trembling all over, and his facial expression was very angry, there was a high possibility that he would be killed if he got close to him.

It is impossible for Leng Chengyu to touch this mold at this time, and he was able to successfully stab the peach wood dagger into the heart of Gui Ying, because Gui Ying despised him too much, so he was able to have this opportunity.

He didn't know what effect this dagger could have after being pierced into the heart of the ghost infant.

After the ghost infant fell to the ground, he groaned in pain, and at the same time the peach wood dagger stuck in the heart, also bursting with black air.

The black air is getting more and more.

At this time, President Zhong finally saw what looked like a dagger inserted into Gui Ying's chest, which looked like a wooden stick.

The thing inserted in the chest of Gui Ying looked very ordinary, just like a short wooden stick, but it was shaped like a dagger.

President Zhong is very strange, who has such a great power to break through the powerful strength of the ghost infant, and then stabbed a wooden thing into the chest of the ghost infant.

You know, the strength of the ghost infant is the first level of the red ghost. His body is harder than the copper wall and iron wall. How can a wooden dagger be able to penetrate into the body of the ghost, unless the strength of this person is better than the strength of the ghost infant. Be strong.

President Zhong looked around again, and there was really no one around here, which made President Zhong very surprised.

He motioned for his ghost to fly over with him and get closer to the ghost infant.

However, he did not dare to fly too close, and he was also afraid that Gui Ying would suddenly stand up and fight back.

And the strong man who was able to stab the wooden dagger into the chest of Gui Ying didn't know what his identity was.

Is it a ghost or a ghost defender? Are you friends or foes with him?

He doesn't understand.

He was only out of curiosity, so he flew over to see clearly.

At the same time, he also wanted to hear clearly what Gui Ying's moving mouth was saying.

At this time, Gui Ying not only had a lot of black air coming out of his chest, but also black air all over his body.

Then his tall body suddenly reduced back to a baby-like body.

In the end, this small body was not spared, it was so fragmented and dissipated, and the soul was scattered.

"Dead? The Ghost Infant is dead? Killed the Ghost Infant with a wooden dagger?" President Zhong was incomparably surprised, "Who is this master?"

President Zhong turned his head and looked around. Suddenly, President Zhong saw a shadow shaking in the secret grass.

Chairman Zhong immediately shouted to the other side: "The friend on the other side, can you come out and meet?"

However, there was still no movement on the other side.

President Zhong is very eager to know who the master of killing ghost babies is.

So he revealed his identity. He said, "The friend opposite, I am the chairman of the Fuyang Branch of the Union of Ghosts, I don't know how your Excellency is called?"

At this time, two people walked out of the secret grass.

One was a woman in white, and the other was a woman in black. It was the two female commissioners sent from the headquarters of the Union of Ghosts.

They passed by here at the moment because of who is behind the investigation of the invisible ghost. They just heard the sound of fighting here, so they thought about taking a look.

Who knows, when they first came, they saw the powerful ghost infant suddenly fell to the ground, and then soon disappeared. They were also very shocked.

They also saw Leng but they didn't know that Leng Chengyu used a mahogany dagger to kill the ghost infant.

They didn't dare to come out casually, so they hid in the dark.

But now that Chairman Zhong found out, they had to come out.

After coming out, President Zhong was about to greet him, who knows, President Zhong Yu Guang caught a glimpse of Leng Chengyu actually picking up the peach wood dagger that fell from Gui Ying to the ground.

Chairman Zhong hurriedly stopped Leng Chengyu and said, "Don't pick other people's things randomly."

Chairman Zhong never thought that this dagger would belong to Leng Chengyu, and he worried that the opposing master would mind Leng Chengyu touching their things randomly.

And President Zhong had never seen the two female commissioners either. He thought it was these two female commissioners and flew out a wooden dagger to kill the ghost infant.

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