Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 196: Mission designated by President Zhong

After the ghost infant was destroyed, some finishing work was done, and it was already more than ten days later.

In this award, Leng Chengyu was not only promoted to the team leader, but also received the treatment of a single-family villa in terms of accommodation.

Leng Chengyu, who was promoted to the team leader, also included Zhao Zizhou, Wu Siwei, and Ximen Yiyi in his team.

They asked to be transferred to Leng Chengyu's team, and Chairman Zhong agreed unconditionally.

In the process of finishing work in the territory of Ghost Infant, Leng Chengyu gradually adapted to the position of team leader.

Although he was promoted to the team leader, Leng Chengyu still had to go out to do the task himself.

When going out to do tasks, they will also bring their own team members.

It is good for everyone to share together to form cohesion.

This kind of cohesion will play a big role when it comes to solving some ghost incidents that cannot be solved by individuals.

As for President Zhong, after handling the Ghost Infant Incident, the expanded territory has also established a protection point on the periphery.

However, they are often harassed by another group of evil spirits.

There are probably as many as a dozen of these evil spirits. They are black all over. Although they look like humans, they have wings and their mouths are sharp like beaks.

It is roughly shaped like a giant bat and is called a bat evil spirit.

When they came to harass the protection point, they flew in at night.

They usually send a few evil spirits to harass the ghost guards at the defense point, and then other evil spirits take the opportunity to enter the defense point to harm the newly moved villagers or workers.

Because after the territories are expanded, the resources in these territories are very rich.

In order to develop these resources, factories must be established and some workers must be recruited.

And because of the fertile land here, some villagers will move here to make a living and gradually become a new village.

Although not many villagers and workers come here, if it is safe, there will be more and more people willing to come here, and this place can make a certain contribution to the prosperity of Fuyang City.

However, the emergence of these evil spirits has made the villagers and workers who have just arrived here panic.

Not only were they stolen, but others were injured, and there were even several deaths.

Those who died were sucked out of Yang Qi and turned into corpses to die.

The emergence of these evil spirits is a very bad ghost event, and President Zhong attaches great importance to it, and he wants to send the most powerful ghost guard to solve it.

Chairman Zhong immediately thought of Leng Chengyu.

Chairman Zhong proposed at the meeting that when Leng Chengyu was going to solve this evil spirit incident, the other squadron leaders did not object, and Hong Qingsheng was sullen and silent, looking depressed.

In this way, the team of Leng Chengyu was assigned to go to the defensive point that was often harassed by these bat evil spirits, and at the same time took the opportunity to eliminate these bat evil spirits.

After Leng Chengyu received the task, he began to arrange for his team to set off together.

Since the defensive points were separated by a few and some distance from each other, Leng Chengyu came to the defensive point that was most frequently harassed.

And with Leng Chengyu, there are Zhao Zizhou, Wu Siwei and Ximen Yiyi.

After arriving at this defensive point, Leng Chengyu and the others did not show up. Instead, they lurked in various corners that were often attacked by bat evil spirits, waiting for those bat evil spirits to sneak attack, and then they could give a fatal blow.

At 00:10 in the evening, those bat evil spirits finally arrived.

There are five in total.

And Leng Chengyu arranged to ambush the bat evil spirits here only six ghost guards.汜减B xW*x.co汜

They have summoned their respective ghosts, staying quietly in every corner, waiting for these bats to attack.

The first thing the bat evil spirits attacked was the highest point of the observation deck, and Leng Chengyu was lurking here. Sacrifice as

Leng Chengyu has summoned the girl ghost Liu Fang.

After Liu Fang absorbed some of the soul crystals again, his level had been raised to the 7th level of the black evil ghost.

When attacking the observatory, the other four bat evil spirits hovered in the air, and one of the bat evil spirits flew over quickly, using his sharp beak to peck at the guard on the observation deck. Ghost guard.

Who knows, at this moment, Liu Fang who was hiding in the corner suddenly rushed out, then quickly raised his slap and slapped the bat evil spirit.

Suddenly, the evil spirit of the bat couldn't escape, and it was shot with wings broken, and then it was frightened and lost.

The other bat evil spirits were stunned when they saw this. They didn't expect that such a powerful ghost would suddenly appear.

The highest level of the ghost guards who used to guard at this defensive point was only the first level of the black evil ghost.

However, the bat evil spirit now has the third level of the black evil spirit, but it was slapped by the ghost of the human ghost defender who suddenly appeared.

The four bat evil spirits in shock did not escape because of this.

One of the leading bat evil spirits flew over, flapping its wings and flapping its wings towards the girl ghost Liu Fang who had not had time to return to the observation deck.

Liu Fang also raised his slap and fanned the bat evil spirit.

Who knows, Liu Fang was slapped and fell on the observation deck.

In other words,, the leading bat evil spirit is higher than the female ghost Liu Fang.

However, because he just slapped Liu Fang to the ground, he didn't suffer any injuries.

Therefore, Leng Chengyu also concluded that the level of the leading bat evil spirit should be only the seventh level of the black evil spirit.

However, Liu Fang is in the early stage of the 7th level of the black evil spirit, and this bat evil spirit may be in the middle or late stage, or the peak stage.

However, it is more likely to be in the mid-term.

Since this is the case, then, the meteor hammer in Leng Chengyu's hands should be able to deal with the leading bat evil spirit.

Therefore, Leng Chengyu communicated with Liu Fang, the girl ghost, and asked Liu Fang to fly up with him, so that he could use a meteor hammer to attack the leading bat evil spirit.

Liu Fang also suffocated a sigh of anger, and she immediately flew over and lifted Leng Chengyu up.

And Leng Chengyu held the meteor hammer in his hand.

The bat evil spirit saw that the girl ghost Liu Fang was slapped by him and fell onto the observation deck, but he flew up again and attacked him, and he also carried a human ghost in his hand. By.

He was a little surprised.

At the same time, because these bat evil spirits can see things in the dark, he also saw Leng Chengyu holding a meteor hammer in his hand.

And Leng Chengyu only relied on the stars at night to see these bat evil spirits.

The bat evil spirit saw that Leng Chengyu had a meteor hammer in his hand, but he did not avoid it, just a little wary. Mi He Mi

He actually stopped in the air, waiting for Liu Fang to fly over.

At the same time, the wings were already sideways, making a posture to slap Liu Fang.

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