Liu Fang saw that the bat evil spirit leader had already put his wings on his side. Waiting for her to pass, she hesitated for a while, and asked Leng Chengyu using the method of spiritual communication: "Master, what should I do? He has already put his wings on his side, and I flew over. He slapped me with his wings. I can't resist his wings."

Leng Chengyu also communicated with Liu Fang in his heart: "Fly to a high place and dive down from a high place, so that I can use my meteor hammer to hit his head from top to bottom, and his wings can't help it. Slap you."

Liu Fang took Leng Chengyu and flew away.

Who knows, this bat evil spirit leader is good at flying. He saw Liu Fang flying to a high place, and he also flew to a high place, and he flew higher and faster than Liu Fang.

Liu Fang couldn't help but communicated with Leng Chengyu using the method of soul communication: "Master, what should I do? I can't fly him."

Leng Chengyu communicated with certainty: "If you fly over, you have to get close to him, don't worry, you just have to get close to him."

So Liu Fang continued to fly high, and no longer avoided the approach of the bat evil spirit leader.

However, when Liu Fang approached the bat evil spirit leader, Liu Fang was still inferior in flying skills after all.

The bat evil spirit leader is always half of his body taller than Liu Fang, just suitable to use his wings to fan Liu Fang.

And Leng Chengyu, whom Liu Fang was holding, couldn't use a meteor hammer to hit the head of the bat evil spirit from top to bottom.

Liu Fang was a little anxious. While staying away from the wings of the bat evil spirit leader, she continued to work hard to fly upward.

However, the leader of the bat evil spirit no longer gave Liu Fang a chance, and his wings quickly slammed towards Liu Fang.

Liu Fang felt the wings flap over, and she wanted to back up, but the speed of the wings flapped over was so fast that she couldn't back up at all.

Just listen to the sound of "sew".

The wings slapped Liu Fang's body all at once.

The strange thing is that this time Liu Fang didn't fall to the ground by the wings, but the wing of the bat evil spirit leader that was fanned on Liu Fang's body was broken.

Liu Fang didn't know what was going on.

Because it doesn’t make sense at all. When she was fanned by this bat evil spirit for the first time, her wings were very hard, even harder than her body like a copper wall and iron wall. When the wings were fanned on her body, she would have a powerful force. It came, and then made her unable to even fly in the air, so she was forced to fall onto the observatory.

However, this time when the wings of the bat evil spirit head flapped on her body, there was no strength at all, like an illusory bubble, it swept across her body, and even the strength of itching was not felt. It seemed like a gust of wind came, and it didn't hurt her at all.

Liu Fang was really surprised. She was so surprised that her open mouth became O-shaped.

However, Liu Fang was still very worried about Leng Chengyu.

After all, he was not fanned by the bat evil spirit leader, but Leng Chengyu's body is a mortal body, and it is impossible to have her ghost body like a copper wall and iron wall.

When the wings of the bat evil spirit leader flapped over, he would definitely accidentally injure Leng Chengyu.

She worried that Leng Chengyu would be injured by the fan.

Liu Fang couldn't help asking Leng Chengyu using the method of spiritual communication: "Master, are you okay?"

But at this time, Liu Fang heard Leng Chengyu's full voice reply, and he didn't use the method of spiritual communication, so he said it directly, and was not afraid that the bat evil spirit leader would hear it.

Leng Chengyu said loudly: "How could something happen to me, I have already killed the bat evil spirit leader."

"You killed the leader of the bat evil spirit?"

Liu Fang was even more surprised. Just now she was holding Leng Chengyu and saw that the bat evil spirit leader's vision was obscured.

Therefore, she was only shocked that the wings of the bat evil spirit leader suddenly shattered when they flapped towards her, but she did not look at the bat evil spirit leader in front.

Now, after listening to Leng Chengyu's words, she turned her head around Leng Chengyu's body and looked forward.

It was discovered that at this moment, the body of the bat evil spirit leader was slowly shattering, and finally dissipated completely, and his soul was scattered.

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. After the body of the head of the bat evil spirit was scattered, a wisp of white air rose from it. Leng Chengyu had already taken out the golden box and collected the soul crystal.

At the same time, Leng Chengyu also put the meteor hammer back into the storage space.

While Leng Chengyu was collecting this soul crystal, Liu Fang finally couldn't help but ask: "Master, how did you kill this bat evil spirit leader?"

While collecting soul crystals, Leng Chengyu said: "When I approached the leader of the bat evil spirit just now, I found that I could not hit his head with a meteor hammer from top to bottom, so I drew towards him from bottom to top. chin.

At that time, the leader of the bat evil spirit wanted to slap you with his wings, so he got very close, and your speed was not as fast as him. So when my meteor hammer was about to draw at him, he finally got close after he got close. Hit him in the chest, and just like that, he was beaten to death with one hammer. "

"It turned out to be so."

Liu Fang finally understood why Leng Chengyu was able to kill the leader of the bat evil spirit. No wonder he didn't see Leng Chengyu lifting the meteor hammer. It turned out to be pulled up from bottom to top, instead of knocking down again~ However, no matter what, now that the leader of the bat evil spirit is finally killed, Liu Fang is also relieved.

After all, with her strength, she would not be able to defeat the leader of the bat evil spirit.

汜豜汜. As for the remaining three bat evil spirits, they were astonished when they saw that their leader had disappeared.

Without the command of the leader, they didn't know whether they should stay and avenge the leader or run away immediately.

At this time, Leng Chengyu made a strange gesture.

This gesture was a gesture that had been discussed with Zhao Zizhou and the others before they besiege.

Now that this gesture was made, Zhao Zizhou and the others quickly released their ghosts to besiege the three bat evil spirits.

While the three bat evil spirits were still hesitating whether to advance or retreat, they had already discovered three ghosts around their bodies.

One ghost is Wu Siwei's old lady ghost, one is Zhao Zizhou's bullhead ghost, and the other is just Ximen Yiyi's long-tongued ghost.

Each of these three ghosts is responsible for attacking one of the bat evil spirits.

Because of the soul crystals, the ghosts of the three have absorbed a certain amount of soul crystals, and their levels have all been improved.

Wu Siwei's old lady ghost has reached the first level of the black evil spirit, Ximen Yiyi's is also, and Zhao Zizhou's has reached the fifth level of the black evil spirit.

Mi He Mi. The level of these three bat evil spirits is obviously not as high as that of Wu Siwei, Zhao Zizhou, and Ximen Yiyi.

So, he was attacked very quickly, and then he was gone.

The three of them finally took out their respective golden boxes, and then let their ghosts come down and lift them up to pack their soul crystals.

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