In order to make it easier for Wu Siwei and Ximen Yiyi to collect soul crystals in time when doing tasks, they both went to the Ghost Tool Market in advance to buy a gold box dedicated to collecting soul crystals.

After the three of them had collected the soul crystals, Leng Chengyu gave another order for everyone to support other defense points together.

They quickly rushed to various defense points and eliminated other bat evil spirits.

The group of bat evil spirits who wanted to harm villagers and workers were intercepted and killed before reaching the location.

It can be said that this time Leng Chengyu and the others completed the task quickly and perfectly.

In the morning of the second day, in the high-level conference hall of the Xicheng District Defense Line resident.

Chairman Zhong smiled to the squadron captains of the various squadrons who came to the meeting and said: "Next, I will introduce you a new member, and he will also come and hold meetings at the captain level of our squadron in the future."

The squadron leaders present were very surprised.

You know, the people who come here for the meeting are all senior leaders above the squadron leader level.

And if they can become their new member, does it mean that this new member may be promoted to squadron captain in the future?

They are all very curious about who this person is?

At this time, Chairman Zhong called out to the door: "Leng Chengyu, you can come in."

Leng Chengyu slowly walked into this conference hall, which was not too big, but was extremely awe-inspiring.

He also didn't expect that when the squadron leader-level high-level meeting, Chairman Zhong would ask him to attend.

Although it is only an audit, the honor is very high.

Chairman Zhong is going to make an exception and prepare to promote Leng Chengyu again.

Sure enough, after Leng Chengyu entered the conference hall, Chairman Zhong smiled and said to the other squadron leaders: "Leng Chengyu will be our observer in the future. I want to train him as a reserve for the squadron leader."

"The reserve of the squadron leader?"

All squadron leaders were very shocked.

Because it has never happened before.

It can be seen how much President Zhong loves Leng Chengyu.

In addition to shock, Hong Qingsheng among the squadron leaders was depressed.

He also did not expect that Leng Chengyu had just been promoted to the squadron leader, and he was favored by Chairman Zhong again and was about to be promoted to the squadron leader.

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. Therefore, he could not help expressing objections: "Chairman Zhong, I think that to be a squadron leader, first of all strength must be sufficient, and also a certain degree of qualifications. However, he has not met these two conditions. I don’t know why President Zhong treated him so special."

The other squadron captains actually had this idea in their hearts. Although they didn't put it forward in person like Hong Qingsheng did, they also felt that it seemed unconventional.

Chairman Zhong said: "I believe that Leng Chengyu's ability has surpassed the squadron leader, and even reached the level of the president. If I treat him specially, I am afraid I will let him directly promote to the vice president, or even take over. It’s okay to be the president of my position."


When the other squadron leaders heard Chairman Zhong say this, they immediately started talking.

And Chen Fei, the squadron leader of the first squadron, couldn't help asking: "I don't know what great credit this wizard Leng Chengyu has done to enable the president to promote him in such a short period of time?"

Chairman Zhou said: “Leng Chengyu solved the difficult bat evil spirit incident in less than an hour last night, saved the credibility of our Xicheng District Defense Line station, and let those who work outside the Xicheng District Defense Line station. Workers and farmers can feel at ease."

Hearing President Zhong said this, Hong Qingsheng immediately stood up and said: "Just to solve a difficult bat evil spirit incident, the team leader must be promoted to the squadron leader. Will it be unfair to other people? Those of us who were promoted to squadron captain were all promoted on the basis of qualifications and strength, but he did not have either."

The other squadron leaders also nodded.

"Yeah, this might make others unconvinced."

"Not convinced!" President Zhong said with a straight face, "If any of you have the ability to kill a ghost in red at the level of Gui Ying with your own power, then I will be convinced even if I give you the position of the president.

I just want to promote him to squadron captain now, and I don’t want to be promoted right now. I just ask him to listen in and get familiar with the procedures for being squadron captain. "

The other squadron leaders said this when they saw the chairman, and said nothing more.

And Leng Chengyu just sat aside, listening to other people's arguments, he didn't say not to do it or to do it.

Anyway, it is of course the best to be able to sit in the position of the squadron leader. After becoming the squadron leader, the level of ghost events will definitely be higher, and you will be able to get more help from higher-level evil spirits in the future. Ghosts are worth it.

Decrease B* Only by getting 100 million ghost aids as a pleasure value, can he completely remove the chronic poison from his body.

This is what he has always wanted to do.

After the meeting, Chairman Zhong took Leng Chengyu to visit his office.

There are many awards in President Zhong's office.

Looking at so many awards, it can also be seen that President Zhong is able to sit in the position of the President, and it is a little bit of credit that has been accumulated.


Suddenly, Leng Chengyu saw a very high evaluation of Chairman Zhong on a certificate, and he even commented that Chairman Zhong is the first person among the ghosts in Leng Chengyu staring Looking at this certificate, Chairman Zhong immediately explained with a smile: "In fact, this is a bit exaggerated. There is actually one of the ghost guards in Fuyang who is much stronger than me.

However, he retired, he was willing to be a master behind the scenes and, unlike me, running around the front desk is exhausted. "

"Fuyang City still has a red-clothed ghost defender at the level of a ghost defender?"

Leng Chengyu was also very surprised.

"Such a person, even if he is not the president of the local base city, he should be transferred to the headquarters of the alliance. How could he still stay in Fuyang City?"

Zhong Hui sighed for a long time and said, "I don't even think about it. When I was studying, he was actually my idol. Later, I didn't know why, he suddenly retired."

"You see, this is his photo." Chairman Zhong pointed to a photo hanging in his office and said, "I always use this photo to inspire myself."

Mi He Mi. Leng Chengyu looked in the direction of President Zhong’s fingers and found that there was only one person in this photo, and the background was very blurry, I don’t know where it was taken.

Moreover, this person is not facing the camera with his face, but with his back facing the camera, only half of his face is photographed, and it is impossible to tell who he is.

However, looking at his stalwart figure, he does have the aura of a strong man.

And this person can become the idol of Chairman Zhong, he should also have his own advantages.

With a person in a high position like President Zhong, telling Leng Chengyu this subordinate that he has an idol, and that he is also a ghost master in Fuyang City, this must be so proud of him if he truly admires him.

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