As a squadron leader, Leng Chengyu was able to hold a meeting in a high-level conference hall where only the squadron leader and above could enter. The news spread quickly.

Many people know that Leng Chengyu has been trained by Chairman Zhong as the next squadron leader.

And a large part of these people are concerned. If Leng Chengyu becomes the captain of the squadron, then whether or not a squadron of ghost guards will be added to the defensive line of Xicheng District to lead Leng Chengyu.

Still, one of the squadron leaders must be removed and Leng Chengyu replaced.

Many people echo the latter statement.

After all, it is very difficult to cultivate ghost defenders, and suddenly adding a ghost defender to a squadron is much more difficult than removing a squadron leader.

At present, six squadrons are set up here in the defense line station of Xicheng District in Fuyang City. It is already very large, and it is already very reluctant, and no more squadrons can be expanded.

So, which squadron leader is to be removed?

Many people have speculated that it is Hong Qingsheng who may be removed.

Because Hong Qingsheng's performance in the mission of encircling the ghost infant was too poor, and he was penalized once, and now his prestige has dropped to a freezing point.

Not only are they talking about Hong Qingsheng's dismissal, but some people even make fun of Hong Qingsheng secretly. People who are promoted are getting higher and higher, but they are about to be dismissed.

Such a voice reached Hong Qingsheng's ears, making Hong Qingsheng feel depressed even more.


During this time, Leng Chengyu's task was relatively easy, so he had some free time.

Because a lot of soul crystals were collected during the mission, and a lot of contribution points were also obtained at the same time, the money exchanged was also very large.

Therefore, he wanted to go to the ghost weapon market to see what he could buy, and at the same time to see if he could sell his excess soul crystals.

Hearing Leng Chengyu said he was going to the ghost market, Wu Siwei and Ximen Yiyi also went with them.

Because they also want to buy some ghost weapons, fortunately, they have more life-saving methods when performing tasks, and they can even use such ghost weapons to kill some low-level ghosts and obtain soul crystals.

Wu Siwei and Ximen Yiyi had bought a gold box for collecting soul crystals before, so they had been to the ghost weapon market.

There are many ghost market in Fuyang, but the largest one near Xicheng District is the one that Wu Siwei and the others have visited before.

Under the leadership of Wu Siwei and Ximen Yiyi, Leng Chengyu quickly came to the ghost market near the Xicheng District Defense Line station.

It's very lively here.

This ghost market is like an antique market. There are many stalls on both sides of the street, and there are also rows of shops.

The stuff on the street stall is cheap, but it's hard to tell whether it's true or false.

The things in the shop are expensive, but the reputation is guaranteed.

So, when you come to the ghost market to buy things, it depends on your own choice.

If you think you have vision, you can also buy it at street stalls, or you may get very affordable things at very cheap prices.

However, it is also possible to buy fake products, thinking that they have taken advantage of it, but in fact suffer a big loss.

When I walked in here, Leng Chengyu did not expect that Ximen Yiyi would be very happy while shopping here. She asked every stall, just like other girls shopping for clothes and snacks, full of interest. .

Ximen Yiyi bought a lot of gadgets, no matter whether they were genuine or not, as long as they were good-looking and cheap, she bought them.

Wu Siwei helped Ximen Yiyi with things, and Leng Chengyu also walked around with them.

After all, they came together.

The purpose of Leng Chengyu's visit this time, although he wanted to sell extra soul crystals, and wanted to pick some useful ghost weapons.

However, I mainly want to take a look. It doesn't really matter whether I buy or not.

The main reason is that you are familiar with what is here, and you can buy it in time when you need it in the future.

Decrease bX W*X .C*o汜. This is also the reason why Leng Chengyu is willing to go shopping with Ximen Yiyi and Wu Siwei.

At this moment, a strange stall appeared in front of the stall. The ones sold on the stall turned out to be **** eyeballs, severed hands with bruised bones, hair attached to the scalp, and so on, all of which looked impressive. Something creepy.

The stall owner shouted there, saying, these are things that contain evil spirits, and ordinary people can also use these things to resist evil spirits.

When Simon Yiyi saw these things look sick, he didn't go over.

Who knew that when the three of them just wanted to go around, the stall owner actually walked up and stopped in front of the three of them.

Especially when I walked to Leng Chengyu's face, he said, "This gentleman, don't miss it when you pass by. I think the things on my booth are related to you. Why don't you come down as you choose."

Leng Chengyu looked back at the things on the booth, frowned and said, "I'm sorry, I'm not interested in these things."

Then, Leng Chengyu left without hesitation.

Simon Yiyi was even more disgusted and far away.

When she walked to other stalls, Ximen Yiyicai became interested again, went to the stalls to pick and choose from the items on the stalls, and bought some things that she thought were good-looking and fun.

These gadgets are cheap anyway, and during her time as a ghost defender in the Xicheng District Defense Line, she made a lot of money on missions, and these little money is nothing to her.

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. I just bought a happy Just as Ximen Yiyi was picking things, while Leng Chengyu and Wu Siwei were watching by the side, suddenly, the previous stall owner who sold things like eyeballs and broken hands unexpectedly stopped. In front of Leng Chengyu and the others.

Angrily said: "You didn't buy what I asked you to buy. You didn't expect you to steal it. You can't see it. You dress decently, like a rich man, but you want to be a thief!"

Wu Siwei immediately replied angrily: "If we don't buy your things, you will frame us for stealing your things. To tell you the truth, the disgusting things on your stall are not worth our attention."

Ximen Yiyi even disgusted and said: "Don't say you let us buy the things in your booth, just give it to us, and we don't want it either."

Leng Chengyu said: "The stall owner, you need to have evidence for your words. We didn't even approach your stall. How could it be possible to steal your things?"

The stall owner stared at Leng Chengyu and said, "There is no broken hand in my booth. I think your pocket is so bulging. Did you put my broken hand?"

Leng Chengyu looked down at the pockets of his clothes and found that his pockets were indeed bulging. He didn't know how his pockets were bulging because he didn't put anything in the pockets.

So I couldn't help reaching out to touch my pocket.

Mi He Mi. It doesn't matter if you don't touch it, just feel it.

Leng Chengyu even touched a severed hand.

As soon as he took out the severed hand, the stall owner immediately shouted: "Everyone, come and see, someone has stolen something, and he stole a severed hand from my stall. What do you guys say?"

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