Leng Chengyu was shocked.

He wasn't shocked because he touched the broken hand, but because the broken hand was placed in his pocket, he didn't even feel it at all.

This made him feel very incredible.

After all, the severed hand is not cotton, and it is not without a little weight. How could he not feel the severed hand with the palm of his hand in his pocket at all.

Unless the severed hand can float in the air and move with his pocket, so that he can't feel the weight.

Leng Chengyu can find you, the more he thinks about it, the more sure he is. It must be that the severed hand can float and move with his pocket, which makes him unable to feel the existence of the severed hand.

At this time, due to the shout of the stall owner, many nearby people gathered around, all talking.

But Wu Siwei looked at Leng Chengyu in confusion, and said, "Leng Chengyu, how come the severed hand is in your pocket? You really took it, right?"

Ximen Yiyi immediately denied: "Leng Chengyu didn't even approach the booth just now, how could he go and get the severed hand."

At this time, the stall owner sneered: "He didn't take off his hand, did he run into his pocket by himself? A joke!"

The stall owner’s words were actually what Leng Chengyu wanted to say just now, but the stall owner said it first.

However, what the stall owner said was ironic, but Leng Chengyu really believed that the severed hand really ran into his pocket by himself.

When the stall owner came to stop them for the first time, he didn't approach them.

In other words, it is impossible for the stall owner to put his severed hand into his pocket.

Decrease bⅹшⅹ●С〇汜. That should be when the stall owner ordered the severed hand to fly into Leng Chengyu’s pocket. It should be during the time when the stall owner stopped Leng Chengyu from speaking. When Leng Chengyu was not paying attention, he flew into Leng Chengyu’s hand off. Inside the pocket.

This severed hand should be considered a ghost.

Although he does not have a complete body, he is formed by condensed evil spirits, has the consciousness of ghosts, can understand people's language, and has certain methods of ghosts, so I don't know what the level of ghosts is.

However, it must be possible to fly into Leng Chengyu's pocket, and then hover in the pocket to move with the pocket.

In other words, Leng Chengyu was framed by the stall owner.

However, Leng Chengyu didn't understand, what exactly did this stall owner plant for? Is he trying to misuse his money?

Leng Chengyu waited quietly for the stall owner to continue his performance, and the stall owner would definitely say what his purpose was.

Who knows, among the crowd of onlookers, I don't know who shouted: "Oh! Isn't this the ghost guard at the Xicheng District Line of Defense? Why did you become a thief?"

The onlookers were in an uproar when they heard this shout.

Leng Chengyu followed the voice and turned his head to look, but he didn't see who was calling this sentence.

"I heard he is still a team leader!"

The other side of the crowd did not know who shouted again.

Leng Chengyu turned his head and looked, but still didn't see the person who revealed his identity.

At this time, the discussion in the crowd became even louder.

"Not only the squad leader, I heard that it has also been favored by the guild leader, and I am ready to be promoted to the squadron leader."

Leng Chengyu quickly turned his head again to look at the place where the sound was coming from, but he only saw the people in the crowd opening their mouths and bowing their heads and talking, and he didn't know who said the sentence just now.


When the crowd heard that Leng Chengyu was still favored by the chairman and was about to become the squadron leader, it was even more uproar.

Sacrifice such as tianlaixsw.com sacrifice such as. The discussion suddenly rose and fell.

However, there were also onlookers who wondered: "I heard that the squad captains in the Alliance of Ghosts are treated very well. They should be rich, and they are going to be promoted to the captain. With such a promising future, how can they become a thief?"

"Some people are like this. It must be a problem that they got when they didn't become a team leader before. They love small things."

I don't know who said it again.

Leng Chengyu quickly turned his head and looked around, but still didn't see the man who took the opportunity to corrupt his reputation and made him right and wrong.

It seems that these people have come prepared, and they must be in the same group with the stall owner.

At this moment, the people in the crowd looked at Leng Chengyu's eyes and they all regarded Leng Chengyu as a thief, and he was also a thief in the League of Ghosts.

Even Simon Yiyi turned his head to look at Wu Siwei, both of them showed doubts.

Ximen Yiyi also asked: "Leng Chengyu, your family's conditions are pretty good, don't you really love this bargain?"

Leng Chengyu looked at Ximen Yiyi, then turned to look at the stall owner, and found that the stall owner was smiling there. He was no longer anxious to speak, nor was he anxious to let Leng Chengyu return his severed hand, and did not mention stealing. Lose money for things like that.

Leng Chengyu frowned, it seemed that the stall owner wanted to ruin his reputation.

However, he carefully looked at the stall owner, but he didn't remember where he had met him, and it was even more unlikely that he had had any hatred with him before.

"Who are you? Who instructed you to do this?" Leng Chengyu immediately asked the stall owner.

The stall owner’s face changed slightly, but soon the corners of his mouth curled up, and he coldly snorted: "You ask who I am? I want to ask you, so you are a ghost defender or a defensive station in Xicheng District. Captain of the Ghost Defender, what is your name? Dare to say it in public?"

This stall owner can be considered cunning~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and threw the problem back to Leng Chengyu.

Leng Chengyu really wanted to release the ghost of the girl, and grabbed the stall owner to ask questions.

However, in full view, and there is no basis for doing so, it will be misunderstood by others and think that he really stole something.

Seeing Leng Chengyu not speaking, the stall owner sneered again: "A squad leader of the dignified Ghost Guards League, doesn't even dare to say his name? How can a person who has no responsibility be qualified to be promoted to the squadron leader? Is the president of's mischievous?"

"He must be disguised too well, showing one set in front of the chairman, and another set in front of others."

At this time, someone in the crowd shouted again.

Leng Chengyu was already very vigilant at this time. As soon as he heard a very loud voice, he immediately turned his head and finally saw the person who slandered him in the crowd.

Leng Chengyu was trying to get into the crowd to get him out, but found that the person had already squeezed out of the crowd and disappeared.

The other crowd seemed to be crowded deliberately, squeezing over to prevent Leng Chengyu from getting out of the crowd to chase that person.

Therefore, Leng Chengyu couldn't catch the people who lived in the crowd and slandered him.

Mi He Mi. Leng Chengyu turned to look at the stall owner again.

The stall owner still looked at Leng Chengyu with a sneer, and then actually said: "Someone told me just now, your last name is Leng, your name is Leng Chengyu, you are a student who has just graduated, but soon you were promoted to the team leader. , And also preparing to be promoted to squadron leader.

I'm really curious, how can a poor quality person like you pretend to be so good? After teaching me, I also think of the gangsters in the Union of Ghosts. "

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