Listening to the vendor's words, Leng Chengyu was already quite sure that someone deliberately planted and framed him and corrupted his reputation.

And this stall owner is the person on the bright side, and there are many people behind him who help him, just don't know who the master is behind the scenes.

But no matter who it is, Leng Chengyu will fight back.

Now the crowds onlookers know that Leng Chengyu is the leader of the Ghost Squadron in the Xicheng District Defense Line and is about to be promoted to the squadron leader. Now the stall owner has said his name again, which makes Leng Chengyu irresistible. No longer, you can't leave quietly.

Leng Chengyu stared at the stall owner and said, "Why do you say that I stole your severed hand?"

The stall owner almost laughed: "This severed hand was obviously something from my stall, and then it went into your pocket for no reason. You said it wasn't you who stole it. There were all witnesses and evidence, and I was arrested. , Don't admit it yet, why are you so cheeky?"

Leng Chengyu smiled and said, "Why do you say that the severed hand in my pocket belongs to you? The severed hand in my pocket obviously belongs to me."

Hearing what Leng Chengyu said, the stall owner was stunned for a moment: "What nonsense are you talking about, this severed hand is obviously the thing on my stall."

Leng Chengyu sneered: "Is there a broken hand in your booth? Even if you have a broken hand in your booth, even if the broken hand in your booth is gone, what's the matter with me? Anyway, the broken hand in my pocket is myself. of.

It's like saying that you have 100 yuan, but you lose it, and then I take out 100 yuan from my pocket. Do you have to say that my 100 yuan belongs to you, because you also have 100 yuan in your pocket. The reason is simply nonsense, and it is simply a rogue. "

The stall owner became more surprised as he listened. He didn't expect Leng Chengyu to say something like this: "What? I'm playing a rascal, it's you who is a rascal."

And even Wu Siwei and Ximen Yiyi looked at Leng Chengyu in surprise.

However, many of the onlookers agreed with Leng Chengyu's statement.

"Yes, the stall owner, the severed hand is clearly in his pocket, and you haven't seen him reach out to take your severed hand from your stall.

"You didn't just grab a hand when he severed your hand. People took out the severed hand in their pocket. You must say that it was your severed hand. It seems that the evidence is insufficient."

"Yeah, you have 100 yuan in your pocket. You can't say that other people's 100 yuan belongs to you, right? What he said is too right."

At this time, among the people in the crowd who secretly helped the stall owner to fuel the flames, someone finally stood up.

He also walked to the face and argued for the stall owner: "Everyone listens to me, this severed hand is like a ghost, it is conscious, he will know the owner, and he will do what the owner tells him to do.

To judge whether he is the owner of the stall, just ask the stall owner to call him, and if the call can be moved, you can prove that the hand is the stall owner. "

Many people in the crowd nodded: "Oh, if this is the case, then it can indeed show that the stall owner is the owner of the sever."

Decrease After the stall owner heard this, he immediately looked at Leng Chengyu with a sneer and said, "Dare you let me try it?"

Leng Chengyu also sneered: "So you still drive ghosts. However, even if you can drive ghosts, but I am used to this severed hand, he must listen to me instead of you. ."

"Nonsense." The stall owner snorted coldly. "He has always been driven by me, and he has always listened to me."

"Okay, let's give it a try and see who can move him."

With that, Leng Chengyu took out a long whip from the storage space, waved it to the severed hand, and said, "You always listen to me. If you dare to listen to others, believe it or not, I will take the whip. Smoke you."

This long whip containing evil spirits can work on ghosts below the first level of black evil spirits.

And Leng Chengyu guessed that this severed hand could not reach the first level of the black evil ghost, at most it was more than the fifth level of the white ordinary ghost, which was just a little offensive.

Therefore, Leng Chengyu took out this long whip, which was enough to deter this severed hand.

Under Leng Chengyu's swing of the long whip, the fierce aura of the long whip that contained evil aura rushed towards that severed hand. The severed hand was trembling with fright.

The stall owner noticed that Leng Chengyu suddenly took out a long whip to intimidate him and cut off his hand, so he raised his eyebrows.

However, after a closer look, there is nothing special about it.

The stall owner settled down and sneered: "It's useless for you to pretend to be a long whip. I don't use anything at all. As long as I give an order, he will listen to me."

Leng Chengyu smiled slightly and said: "Then you give an order to see what you have the best skills, let my severed hand listen to you."

"Right, you are the one who listens to me the most, you don't listen to others." Leng Chengyu looked down at the severed hand again, and at the same time used a long whip to scrub the severed hand.

The evil spirit contained in the long whip rubbed against the severed hand, and the severed hand shivered even more.

At this time, Leng Chengyu took the severed hand out of his pocket and let the severed hand levitate in front of the pocket.

The stall owner took a step forward and sternly shouted at the severed hand that had been suspended in front of Leng Chengyu's pocket: "Go back to the stall."

The other onlookers heard that the stall owner started to order to cut their hands, and they all looked at it with expectation.

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. And those who are lurking in the crowd with the stall owner ~ are yelling: "Quickly let the road open so that I can go back to the stall with Broken Hand."

As a result, a passage was exposed from the crowd of onlookers, leading from Leng Chengyu to the stall owner's stall.

Who knows, under the gaze of everyone's expectations, this severed hand was still floating in front of Leng Chengyu's pocket, and he didn't dare to make any movements at all.

Leng Chengyu smiled and said: "The stall owner, you see that he doesn't listen to you at all. Don't say that he is your severed hand in the future."

The stall owner was very anxious when he saw this, and immediately shouted at the severed hand: "Quick! Go back to my stall."

Hearing the loud shout of the stall owner, his body trembled, and he tentatively moved an inch or two in the direction of the stall.

However, after Leng Chengyu lightly moved the long whip in his hand, the severed hand did not dare to move.

Seeing that the severed hand was no longer moving, Leng Chengyu smiled and said to the stall owner: "Don't be so loud, the owner, look, you are terrified of my severed hand. He has always been very timid."


The stall owner was very surprised at this time. He couldn't call the severed hand anymore. Before, he let the severed hand get into Leng Chengyu's pocket, and he could call the severed hand every time before, but now But he couldn't move.

He doesn't know what to do now.

Mi He Mi. The helpers of the stall owners in the crowd were also very surprised. Someone responded quickly and retorted Leng Chengyu: "The stall owner can’t make the call to sever his hand. It may be that the ghost’s power of the severing hand is consumed too much. Say that this severed hand belongs to you, so can you make him move?"

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