Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 202: Falling Flowers Dream Club

Leng Chengyu smiled calmly: "Of course."

Then, Leng Chengyu moved the long whip in his hand, his eyes widened, his hand was severed, and he said, "You can go back to my pocket now."

The severed hand was trembling with Leng Chengyu's stare, and finally slowly floated back into Leng Chengyu's pocket.

The person who retorted Leng Cheng you just now was stunned, and the other onlookers were also stunned, and the stall owner looked at Leng Chengyu in disbelief. Even Wu Siwei and Ximen Yiyi were surprised. appearance.

"This... how is this possible! How could he listen to you?" The stall owner was so shocked that he could not even speak.

"Of course he listens to me, because he is mine." Leng Chengyu still smiled.

The crowd of onlookers finally turned to Leng Chengyu at this time, and they all began to accuse the stall owner.

"This stall owner is too greedy. He even framed the customer and wanted to steal the customer's personal belongings."

"Other people's things are not that easy to deceive."

"Maybe it's because I saw someone else's face is young and I thought it would be a bully if I didn't see it. Who knows I've encountered a stubborn stubbornness."

"Yes, they are the squad captain of the Alliance of Ghosts. If you don't have any treasure, how can you be so rare that you have severed your hand. The severed hand is someone else's. I am afraid that the things on your booth will not be appreciated by others."

The stall owner was very depressed at this time.

Because the severed hand originally belonged to him, but he didn't listen to him for no reason, but listened to Leng Chengyu instead.

He looked at the long whip in Leng Chengyu's hand and said angrily: "The problem must lie with the long whip in your hand. You threatened my severed hand with the long whip and let him listen to you. It must be so. Well, you, the leader of the Ghost Guardian League, bully us businessmen."

At this time, the stall owner actually sold miserably.

Leng Chengyu still calmly said: "I'm afraid you want to bully the guests who come here. If you fail to bully, you can frame me. If you want to conquer ghosts, you must have some means. What is it that I use this long whip? "

At this time, some people in the crowd of onlookers said, "Yes, if you want to drive the ghost without signing a contract with him, you have to use a specific method. He can do nothing with the whip.

Anyway, if he can drive it, if you can't drive it, the severed hand is his.

Moreover, the severed hand was originally in the pocket of others, not on your booth. "

After all, Leng Chengyu was the squad leader of the Ghost Guards League, and he was favored by the president, ready to be promoted to the squadron leader. At such a young age, how could such a promising person be a thief.

Many of the onlookers felt this way.

Now that Leng Chengyu was able to drive the severed hand again, of course he thought that the severed hand was caused by Leng Chengyu.

As for the helpers of the stall owners lurking among the onlookers, there was no way at this time.

Seeing that the facts had surfaced, many people onlookers wanted to disperse.

After all, there is nothing left to see.

The stall owner looked angrily at Leng Chengyu's bulging pockets, and had no choice but to admit it and want to leave.

At this time, Leng Chengyu stopped and said: "The stall owner, don't leave, I haven't asked you yet, why are you framing me and ruining my reputation?

Also, why did your helpers lurking in the crowd reveal that I am the squad leader of the Ghost Guardian League? Tell me my name? "

Hearing Leng Chengyu's question, the stall owner's expression changed and he wanted to get into the crowd and leave.

However, Leng Chengyu quickly stepped forward and grabbed the hand of the stall owner: "Don't go, make it clear, who are you? Why do you frame me? Why do you want to disclose my information?"

Leng Chengyu had eaten Zengli Pills, and he was stronger than most people. The stall owner couldn't get rid of Leng Chengyu's hand at all, so he had to stand there.

"Who are you? I have no grievances with you, why did you frame me? Or that you were instigated by others, and who supported you?"

Leng Chengyu kept asking.

However, no matter how Leng Chengyu forced him to ask, the stall owner still said nothing.

Leng Chengyu increased his strength.

The stall owner's hand was so painful that he said, "I am a small vendor selling some ghosts."

Then he whispered: "Since you can drive my severance, I will let you go. Let me go."

However, Leng Chengyu still did not let go.

At this time, the stall owner said angrily: "Don't think I'm afraid of you, don't let go, don't force me to do it."

Leng Chengyu still did not let go.

In a stalemate, the stall owner suddenly sweated on his forehead, his face was pale, and his stomach swelled.

Sacrifice such as Then the clothes were torn, and a long slit opened in the belly, revealing half of a human head from inside.

At this time, the crowd became agitated.

Decrease bXwX.C O汜. Suddenly, a person in the crowd came out and said, "I know who he is."

Leng Chengyu looked back and found that it was Zhao Zizhou.

It turns out that Zhao Zizhou has nothing to do during this period. I heard that Leng Chengyu and the others have been to the ghost market. He also came here on a whim.

In the process of visiting the ghost market, he did not see Leng Chengyu, but he heard someone say that someone was stealing over there, and the person who stole the thing was still a small captain of the Alliance of Ghosts.

He rushed over here, just seeing the scene just now, he squeezed out of the crowd and said to Leng Chengyu: "This person is from the Luohua Dream Luohua Dream Club. What are you doing?" Leng Chengyu asked.

Zhao Zizhou said: "Luohua Dreaming Club is one of the several large non-governmental ghost guarding groups in Fuyang."

But at this time, the stall owner looked at Zhao Zizhou with a proud look, and said: "Since you know that I belong to the Luohua Dream Club, you should know the relationship between our club and the Xicheng District Defense Line. Quickly tell him to let him go. I."

Zhao Zizhou unexpectedly heard what the stall owner said, and said to Leng Chengyu: "You let him go first."

Leng Chengyu asked in surprise: "What is the relationship between the Luohua Dream Club and the Xicheng District Defense Line?"

Zhao Zizhou has not spoken yet, but the stall owner proudly said: "Tell you, the chairman of our club is familiar with many squadron captains in your station. You are a small captain, if this incident affects their relationship. , Making it difficult for our club to cooperate with the Xicheng District Defense Line in the future, I am afraid you will not be able to eat."

"Does this Luohua Dream Club still have so much energy?" Leng Chengyu frowned and looked at Zhao Zizhou.

Zhao Zizhou said: "What he said is true. The Luohua Dream Club is like an eyeliner outside our Xicheng District Defence Line. They have been cooperating with our station for a long time, and their senior executives have indeed cooperated with a few The squadron leader is very familiar. Anyway, the breaking of his hand is only a trivial matter. Let him go first."

Seeing that Zhao Zizhou had said so, Leng Chengyu had to let go of the stall owner's hand.

Mi He Mi. Who knows, the stall owner said viciously to Leng Chengyu at this time: "Tell you, this thing is not over, my things are not so easy to take, let's take a look."

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