Chairman Zhong did not personally show up on this matter.

After all, President Zhong is the president of the Fuyang City Branch of the Union of Ghosts, and the Luohua Dream Club does not have this qualification yet, so let him come out in person.

It was Chen Fei, the captain of the First Squadron, and Hong Qing, the captain of the Third Squadron, who often contacted the senior management of the Luohua Dreaming Club.

After the two of them contacted the senior management of the Luohua Dream Club, it was clear that this was what President Zhong meant.

These senior executives quickly accepted the proposal.

Because the evil spirit is a starving ghost, after a traveler who went on an adventure travel died in the hands of the starved ghost, the relatives of this traveler paid for the Luohua Youmeng Club.

Luohua Youmeng Club dispatched folk wardens to kill this starving ghost.

Who knows, this starving ghost is not only powerful, but also very cunning, and all the folk wardens who go to fall into his trap.

A total of three people went, two of them fled back, and one was swallowed by a starving ghost.

After that, Luohua Youmeng Club wanted to take revenge many times.

However, before reaching the depths of the starving ghosts territory, those who were killed fled back, only to retrieve the broken hands or eyeballs and other stumps of the people who had eaten them.

These residual limbs have a certain spirituality because they have a deep grievance when they are eaten by starving ghosts.

However, I didn't know whether it was the stump of the passenger or the previous folk guardian of ghosts.

However, these are not important, the important thing is that they failed to kill the starving ghosts and failed to take revenge.

This made the senior management of the Luohua Dream Club very angry, but there was no way.

Folk ghost guardians who retrieve the stumps will sell the stumps on the ghost market.

Then there was a conflict with Leng Chengyu.

Originally, these residual limbs were not allowed to be sold by the Dream Club.

However, I don't know why, but got some high-level acquiescence, and then used this to frame Leng Chengyu.

This is probably the case.

Now after Chen Fei and Hong Qingsheng go to communicate with the senior management of the Luohua Dream Club, the senior management of the Luohua Dream Club also wants to take Leng Chengyu's hands to avenge the dead folk ghosts in their club.

Therefore, they agreed that as long as Leng Chengyu can kill the evil spirit, everything can be forgotten, and the hand can also be saved for Leng Chengyu as a memorial without taking it back.

In this way, Leng Chengyu took up the task and went to kill the starving ghost.

The territory of the starving ghost is not very far from the territory of the ghost infant, just outside the territory of the ghost infant.

In other words, it is not far from the newly built defense point in the Xicheng District Defense Line Station, which is about a few kilometers away.

This time, Leng Chengyu went there alone, and he did not call the other team members.

Because Leng Chengyu felt that this was his own business and should be resolved by himself.

However, just not far from the defensive point, Zhao Zizhou was driving a car, carrying Wu Siwei and Ximen Yiyi, and caught up.

They asked to go with Leng Chengyu.

However, this time, according to intelligence, there seems to be only one ghost.

And if Zhao Zizhou, Wu Siwei, and Ximen Yiyi go together, they may not be able to obtain soul crystals.

However, Leng Chengyu couldn't persuade them back. They all said that one more person would give more attention.

Unable to shirk, Leng Chengyu had to let them go together.

Several people soon came to the outskirts of the land of the starving ghosts.

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. It was originally daytime, but the realm of the Starved Ghost was dim and gloomy and terrifying.

The land of the starving ghost is a mountain.

This mountain is very big, and there are many trees on the mountain, and it is also very tall, blocking the sun.

When a few people walked up, the wind blew over and the trees were blowing loudly. This sound sounded very permeating.

Thinking that there was a hungry ghost in this mountain who could eat people, everyone walked forward cautiously, and at the same time summoned their ghosts.

After all, there have been folk wardens who came here before to eliminate the starving ghost, but they fell into a trap.

However, the ghost guards of the Falling Flower Dream Club did not provide what trap they were. They only said that they entered a group of darkness. They seemed to encounter attacks everywhere, and finally broke through. After escaping, they never dared. Go in.

Before a few people reached halfway up the mountain, Simon Yiyi suddenly exclaimed: "Look, there is a dark place in front."

Everyone looked in the direction of Ximen Yiyi's finger, and saw a large group of jet-black objects seven or eight meters away on the left, like a cloud of black fog resting there, with a range of several meters.

Zhao Zizhou raised his eyebrows and said, "Could this be the trap mentioned by the folks who guard against ghosts."

Leng Chengyu said: "Whether it is a trap or not, just avoid him, and we will continue to walk up the mountain."

Several people continued to walk up the mountain.

"Ah! Didn't you find out, that black thing seems to be able to move, and it moved here like ours, closer to us."

Everyone turned their heads and looked over, and found that this mass of black mist was still stagnant there, but suddenly it seemed to be a little closer to them.

However, it seems to be an illusion.

Leng Chengyu said: "Let's go, ignore him, continue walking up the mountain, find the hungry ghost's lair, kill the hungry ghost, and leave after completing the mission."

Not far away Suddenly, even Zhao Zizhou said in amazement: "Look, there is another black misty thing ahead."

Leng Chengyu looked up and found that there was indeed a mass of things a dozen meters away.

Decrease bXW X.C o汜. Just like the previous group, it stopped there, shaped like a house, but it was not a house, with no doors or windows, just a simple shape.

Leng Chengyu looked back again. The black misty thing in the back still existed. The front group did not move to the front because the back group had moved to the front, but two groups of dark things really appeared.

And the group behind seemed to be a little closer to them, as Wu Siwei said, this group seemed to be able to move.

However, when he looked over, he was motionless again.

Leng Chengyu frowned.

Then he said to everyone, "Everyone, be vigilant, watch out for something escaping from this dark mass."

Simon Yiyi said in horror: "You said, would the starving ghosts be in this dark thing?"

Zhao Zizhou nodded and agreed: "This idea of ​​yours is not impossible. Even if there is no starving ghost in it, there are other things that can hurt us."

Mi He Mi. Wu Siwei said: "Could it be that the starving ghosts control these things and want to attack us?"

Leng Chengyu also had this idea, and he had long thought of taking a look at the dark thing.

However, according to the information provided by the folk guardians of the Luohua Dream Club, I know that this black misty thing is a trap, and I don't know what the specific trap is.

Therefore, Leng Chengyu did not recklessly investigate.

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