Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 205: I'm going to investigate

Chapter 206

Leng Chengyu looked at the two dark objects before and after, and it seemed that the one at the back had moved closer to them.

However, there was still a certain distance, not so close that something could rush out of it immediately to hurt them.

They can completely bypass these two groups of things and go up the mountain.

Leng Chengyu said to the others: "Ignore these two things for now, let's continue walking up the mountain and find the lair of the hungry ghost first.

According to the folk ward of ghosts, the lair of the starving ghosts should be on the top of the mountain.

Now that we have reached halfway up the mountain, if nothing happens, we will reach the top of the mountain soon.

However, everyone is still a bit vigilant.

I guard the front, Zhao Zizhou, guard the back, Wu Siwei and Ximen Yiyi also looked at both sides. "

The four formed a square formation, bypassing the two groups of things, and continued to walk up the mountain.

Who knows, before he has gone far, Leng Chengyu discovered that another black mass appeared in front of him, which was very similar to the two groups in front, and they were just duplicates.

Leng Chengyu wondered: "How come there are so many black things? According to the information provided by the folk guardians, this group of black things is a trap. Does this starving ghost set up so many traps?"

When other people saw Leng Chengyu saying this, they all looked to the front, and they all found another dark object more than ten meters away.

At the same time, Zhao Zizhou also paid attention to the back, and he noticed that the black fog behind had moved a little further.

Although there is not much movement, a rough estimate is only a distance of one or two meters.

However, after all, it is to move with them.

And Wu Siwei also discovered that the black fog that was in front of him and now turned to the left has moved a little distance to them, only a distance of half a meter to one meter.

Seeing this situation, Zhao Zizhou and Wu Siwei said almost at the same time: "The mass behind (left) moved towards us again."

Then, as soon as Zhao Zizhou and Wu Siwei spoke, Simon Yiyi yelled: "Ah! Look at the right side there is also a group of dark things."

Everyone turned their heads and looked over, and there really was a dark cloud seven or eight meters away on the right. In addition, the one in front that Leng Chengyu saw first was like a dark mist developed by seven or eight meters. Something dark.

Now, there have been four groups of dark things in total.

Zhao Zizhou immediately asked Leng Chengyu: "What should we do? Should we continue to walk up the mountain? Or should we stop and deal with these four groups of things first?"

Wu Siwei and Ximen Yiyi also looked at Leng Chengyu.

Leng Chengyu frowned.

"It seems that if we don't solve these four groups of things first, I am afraid that we will continue to walk up the mountain, and more things will appear, and even if they don't appear, it is dangerous to be surrounded by these four groups of things.

Then you just stand here and don't move. I will explore the black thing in front to see what the trap is. If there is an evil spirit in it, I will take care of it. "

Leng Chengyu didn't have a big head. In addition to letting the girl ghost Liu Fang lead the way, he also took out the meteor hammer.

The meteor hammer with spikes on its head can be said to be Leng Chengyu's second greatest support.

That peach wood dagger is Leng Chengyu's first support.

However, the mahogany dagger had to pierce the enemy's heart to be effective, so it was not suitable to explore this group of black dong dong things.

Leng Chengyu took the meteor hammer to the black object in front, and Zhao Zizhou and the others stood there to guard against the other three black objects.

Leng Chengyu quickly walked in front of the dark foggy thing in front of him.

He didn't care about three or seven twenty-one, and when he approached, he took a meteor hammer and hammered into the dark thing.


When Leng Chengyu lifted the meteor hammer into it, the mass moved, and it moved quickly, covering Leng Chengyu.

Zhao Zicong was surprised when he saw it: "Ah! No! That thing can move so fast."

Originally, the black objects moved slowly, but now Leng Chengyu attacked it, and immediately enveloped Leng Chengyu inside.

The three people behind can no longer see Leng Chengyu.

"Leng Chengyu is okay?" Ximen Yiyi worried.

Wu Siwei also looked at the dark thing on his left with a vigilant face, fearing that he would move over.

At the same time, from time to time, he turned his head and looked towards Leng Chengyu, hoping that Leng Chengyu could solve it quickly and get out of the dark thing.

However, what everyone was waiting for was silence, and there was no sound at all.

Leng Chengyu didn't come out either, everyone only saw the mass of things moving left and right.

There was no sound of fighting inside.

Suddenly, a scream like a bird's song came.

Everyone followed the prestige, and it came from the dark mist of Leng Chengyu.

Suddenly, everyone saw a huge bat flying out of the black mist.

"Ah! It's the bat evil spirit!" Simon Yiyi couldn't help shouting loudly.

"Leng Chengyu is okay in it?" Wu Siwei also worried.

Zhao Zizhou was about to say, I'll take a look.

Who knows, at this moment, everyone saw the huge bat evil spirit flying out again, before it flew out of the black mist two or three meters away, it fell from the sky to the ground.

After falling to the ground, he couldn't move after a few flutters.

At this time, everyone discovered that the head of the bat evil spirit had been shattered, and a large amount of black blood flowed out of the head.

"What's the matter? Did he hit the sharp rock on the ground and hurt his head?"

But when everyone looked around, they found that the place where the bat evil spirit fell to the ground was not stone, but grass.

"Wouldn't his head be broken by Leng Chengyu?" Zhao Zizhou guessed boldly. U U Reading www.uukanshu. com

And Zhao Zizhou's voice hadn't fallen yet. Suddenly, there was another scream like a bird, coming out of the black fog where Leng Chengyu was trapped.

Then, another huge bat flew out of the black fog, and then fell to the ground just like the one in front.

And this bat evil spirit that fell on the ground, although the head was not broken, but there was a very big wound on the body, and a large part of the body was already broken.

When you see this situation, you don't have to think about it.

It seems that these two bat evil spirits were badly injured and killed by Leng Chengyu with a meteor hammer inside.

At this time, another scream of the evil spirit of the third bat came, and then it flew out and fell to the ground again.

At this point, when the bat evil spirit fell to the ground, the black fog-like thing dispersed, and then exposed Leng Chengyu inside.

(End of this chapter)

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