Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 211: Encountered a giant tiger evil spirit

Chapter 212: Encountering the Giant Tiger Evil Spirit

Leng Chengyu counted, and there was only one masked man left.

The masked man hides very secretly, and he has no relatives, he only lives in a rental house.

However, he is no longer in the rental.

I heard that he actually hid in the wilderness area.

Although the wilderness area is a place where ghosts run wild, in this case, it is his safe place.

As long as he is familiar with the environment, avoids Li Gui's territory, and hides in the gap between Li Gui's territory, then he is safe.

Leng Chengyu was able to find out that this masked man might have walked into a wilderness area within a certain range through the information network of the Alliance of Ghosts.

However, he did not know where he was hiding.

Therefore, it would be very difficult for Leng Chengyu to question the masked man.

Moreover, the most important thing is to prevent the messenger behind the scenes from killing people.

Therefore, Leng Chengyu's action this time is very secretive.

Although the last masked man was hiding in the wilderness area, he couldn't eat raw Guo Yeguo every day. He had to go back to the market where people lived to buy his food and clothing.

According to reliable sources, the masked man would go to the nearby market near the wilderness area to buy things every few days.

However, he changes places every time he buys something, and he doesn't know which city he will go to.

And he is not regular every few days.

Therefore, it is very difficult for Leng Chengyu to find this masked man.

Leng Chengyu also concluded that it would be difficult for the person behind the scenes to find this masked person.

The masked man shouldn't be silenced by the people behind the scenes.

Leng Chengyu decided to wait for the masked man to wait at the intersections that he must pass through when he returned from the wilderness area to the market to buy daily necessities.

Moreover, he also needs to know from his mouth who is behind the scenes.

At the same time, let the masked man survive and let him return to the Xicheng District Defense Line to testify.

In order to avoid the eyeliner of the master behind the scenes, Leng Chengyu went to wait for a few intersections that the masked man must pass by doing tasks.

Therefore, to do the task is just an excuse.

Because these tasks were very easy for Leng Chengyu, Leng Chengyu did not take Zhao Zizhou and the others together, so he went alone.

Several tasks have been completed in the past few days, and Leng Chengyu has also guarded those intersections for a long time.

However, he can only guard one intersection at a time.

Therefore, it takes luck to reach the masked man.

For this reason, several days have passed, but Leng Chengyu has never found the masked man.

On this day, Leng Chengyu made an excuse for another mission. Of course, he really went to the mission hall to receive the mission.

However, he quickly completed this task, and then went to the intersection to guard.

The weather was very gloomy, foggy, and the line of sight was very limited. Leng Chengyu squatted beside the grass at the intersection, waiting for the masked man.

Finally, the effort paid off. At this time, Leng Chengyu saw someone coming out of the wilderness area.

I already knew the face of this masked man from the information provided by the Yuguizhe League, so Leng Chengyu recognized that this was the masked man at a glance.

Leng Chengyu was trying to sneak behind the masked man from the grass to catch the masked man.

Who knows at this time, the masked man looked forward with horror.

Someone appeared in front of him at some unknown time.

This man was dressed in generous clothes, his whole body was tightly wrapped, he also had a hat on his head, and his face was hidden by a long collar. Only his eyes were exposed, making it difficult to see who he was.

When the masked man saw the man in black, suit-like clothes in front of him, he turned around and ran in horror.

And this man in suit-like clothes went after him immediately.

Leng Chengyu realized that this person wearing suit-like clothes might be the man behind the scenes.

Leng Chengyu also caught up.

After chasing for a long time, I don't know how many roads have been turned.

After constantly walking through this wilderness area, the masked man disappeared.

Before long, even the people in suit-like clothes disappeared.

Leng Chengyu was about to look for it carefully. Suddenly, in front of him, a roar of a tiger rang.

Leng Chengyu looked up and saw that there was a ghost in the shape of a tiger but the size of a house.

Although this ghost is in the shape of a tiger, its face has human eyes, nose, mouth, and ears.

Leng Chengyu remembered that this was the giant tiger evil spirit that Chairman Zhong had always wanted to send people to solve.

Unexpectedly, chasing these two people, they strayed into the territory of the giant tiger evil spirit.

The evil spirits in the giant tiger have a level of strength like a ghost and an infant.

However, he is not like Gui Ying, who has many subordinates, and he does not occupy a large amount of territory like Gui Ying, he just occupies his hilltop.

However, if anyone invades his mountain, he will definitely die.

When Leng Chengyu entered the mountain of the giant tiger evil spirit, he aroused the anger of the giant tiger evil spirit.

Leng Chengyu turned his head quickly, trying to run away.

Who knows, on the edge of the giant tiger evil spirit mountain site, a thick fog like a taboo has already formed.

After Leng Chengyu entered the dense fog, he fled forward.

However, when he escaped from the dense fog, he found that he was still on the territory of the giant tiger evil spirit.

I tried it several times.

Leng Chengyu couldn't escape at all, and the evil spirit of the giant tiger was getting closer.

The huge body of the giant tiger evil spirit, walking on the ground, shakes the entire mountain, its aura is very powerful.

The giant tiger evil spirit is getting closer and closer to Leng Chengyu.

Leng Chengyu looked back at this giant tiger evil spirit.

This giant tiger evil spirit had an angry expression on his face, and his mouth kept roaring with anger.

It seems that we have to fight this giant tiger evil spirit.

Originally, Leng Chengyu didn’t take this task. All he took was easy Now he can’t get out, so he can only find a way to solve this giant tiger evil spirit before he can leave here. Up.

Leng Chengyu summoned Liu Fang, the ghost girl, and told Liu Fang that as long as the evil spirit of the giant tiger approached, Liu Fang would carry him and flee away.

Then, when the giant tiger evil spirit caught up to them, he suddenly turned to the chest of the giant tiger evil spirit, so that he could use the mahogany dagger to pierce the heart of the giant tiger evil spirit.

After all, only the mahogany dagger can kill the evil spirits at the first level of the scarlet ghost.

The success of this plan depends on luck.

If you don't run away and go directly to fight the giant tiger evil spirit, you may be kicked to death by the giant tiger evil spirit before you get in front of the giant tiger evil spirit.

Only when he flees, taking advantage of the evil spirits of the giant tiger not paying attention, and then coming to a counter-kill, can he have a chance of winning.

(End of this chapter)

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