Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 212: President Zhong's decision

Sure enough, just as Leng Chengyu thought, when the giant tiger evil spirit chased him, as soon as he approached Leng Chengyu and the others, he immediately flew over.

Leng Chengyu seized this opportunity and immediately signaled to Liu Fang.

Liu Fang quickly turned around and flew towards the giant tiger evil spirit that was flying over.

The giant tiger evil spirit was a little startled when he saw Liu Fang flying over with Leng Chengyu in the air. He instinctively raised a sharp claw to grab Leng Chengyu and the others.

However, Liu Fang fluttered sideways, avoiding the sharp claw of the evil spirit of the giant tiger.

Then he flew to the chest and abdomen of the giant tiger evil spirit, Leng Chengyu seized the opportunity, raised the mahogany dagger, and stabbed the tiger's heart.

The tiger's body still flew forward, but when he fell on the ground, his eyes had become gloomy, and then he couldn't stand still, and fell to the ground as soon as his legs were weak.

Then wisps of black air came out of his body, and the expression on his face was very painful.

He turned his head weakly to look at Leng Chengyu and the others behind him, and asked in surprise, "What did you do to me?"

However, the evil spirit of the giant tiger was exhausted at this time, and after saying this, the body soon fell apart and turned into black energy and dissipated.

Then, a wisp of white gas emerged from the black gas, and Leng Chengyu took out the gold box, collected the soul crystal, and retrieved the mahogany dagger at the same time.

After killing this giant tiger evil spirit, the taboo-like dense fog surrounding the giant tiger evil spirit's territory also dissipated, and Leng Chengyu and the others were able to leave the giant tiger evil spirit's territory.

However, after going outside, Leng Chengyu could no longer find the man behind the scenes and the masked man, so he had to return to the Xicheng District Defense Line station first.

However, before going back, he also cut off the head of the giant tiger evil spirit and brought it back to the Xicheng District Defense Line Station.

After all, if you kill this giant tiger evil spirit, you will definitely get contribution points.

When Leng Chengyu returned to the Xicheng District Defense Line with the head of the giant tiger evil spirit, President Zhong was very surprised, and at the same time, very happy.

Leng Chengyu only said that when he returned from a mission, he strayed into the territory of the giant tiger evil spirit and was trapped, so he had to kill the giant tiger evil spirit.

Leng Chengyu did not say that he was chasing the black hand and the masked talent who broke into the territory of the giant tiger evil spirit by mistake.

President Zhong didn't go into the details, he saw that the evil spirit of the giant tiger had been killed, he was very happy.

Because this giant tiger evil spirit is a powerful evil spirit at the first level of the scarlet ghost like the ghost infant.

Even if he himself was not sure that he could kill this giant tiger evil spirit, he had already sent a letter of request for help to the headquarters of the Union of Ghosts.

Want to let the headquarters of the Union of Ghosts send a strong man to help him kill this giant tiger evil spirit together.

But now it’s no longer needed, which saves a lot of trouble.

Leng Chengyu can be said to be his hero, his lucky star, and he has given him a lot of accidents.

After this incident, Chairman Zhong became more fond of Leng Chengyu.

Two days later, Chairman Zhong called all squadron leaders for a high-level meeting.

He proposed at the meeting that the promotion of Leng Chengyu to squadron leader should be put on the agenda.

At the same time, submit an application to the Headquarters of the Union of Ghosts.

Let everyone discuss this matter.

The squadron leaders in the meeting supported and opposed.

Chen Fei, the squadron leader of the first squadron, asked.

"If we add a squadron leader, should we immediately add a squadron to the Xicheng District Defense Line? Otherwise, there are so many ghost guards in the Xicheng District Defense Line. It is very reluctant to form six squadrons. "

Chairman Zhong just said: "What I consider is that it is difficult to recruit as many ghost guards as a squadron. Therefore, if a squadron leader is added, the survival of the fittest will be adopted to remove the incompetent squadron leader. "

The other squadron leaders frowned when Chairman Zhong said this. Sacrifice like sacrifice like

A squadron leader said: "Is this too hasty?"

And Hong Qingsheng couldn’t help saying: “I remember that Leng Chengyu’s level of ghost defender does not seem to reach the level of Tsing Yi ghost defender. According to regulations, every squadron leader must reach the level of Tsing Yi ghost defender. Able to be a squadron leader."

Chairman Zhong said indifferently: "It depends on the ability. Even if he doesn't have the first level of Tsing Yi ghost defender, he has the first level of Qingyi ghost defender."

Hong Qingshan was not convinced: "I think you are breaking the rules set by the Ghost Guardian Alliance."

When President Zhong heard Hong Qingsheng's words, he said coldly: "The rules? You tell me the rules? There are also special rules in the League of Ghosts.

If you were a squadron leader, you only have the level of Tsing Yi Yugui, but you don't have the ability to be a squadron leader. So what's the use of such a squadron leader?

If you use Tsing Yi Yuguizhe level 1 as the criterion for becoming a squadron leader, are all those who reach this level a squadron leader? "

When President Zhong said this, the other squadron leaders looked different.

And Hong Qingsheng's face changed drastically, and he felt very depressed in his heart. He felt that the incompetent squadron leader who Chairman Zhong said was talking about him.

He was once recorded and punished once during the encirclement and suppression of Ghost Infant, but now his prestige has not been mentioned because of that incident, and has been in decline.

However, although he was depressed, he did not speak any and President Zhong continued: "I don’t want to decide this matter arbitrarily. Listen to your opinions.

At the same time, when I apply to the headquarters of the Alliance of Ghosts, I will also write your opinions in the application form. You can rest assured that I will not be partial, I only look at my ability. "

The meeting ended in a dull atmosphere.

And Leng Chengyu didn't say a word during the entire meeting. It didn't matter whether he was the leader or not, but he had to find out who wanted to kill him.

Leng Chengyu continued to take on some important tasks, and the locations of the tasks were all around the place where the last masked man might appear.

Who knows, two days later, when Leng Chengyu was hiding in the grass beside the road and waiting for the masked man, a few evil spirits slowly flew towards him behind him.

Both eyes are full of fierce light.

Obviously, they wanted Leng Chengyu's life.

The place that Leng Chengyu was waiting for was not the territory of any evil spirit at all. People who entered and exited here would be safe and would not be easily attacked by evil spirits.

Therefore, Leng Chengyu didn't pay attention either, and there was an evil spirit behind him touching him.

At this time, Leng Chengyu's mind appeared in the voice of the girl ghost Liu Fang: "Master, I feel a dangerous breath."

Leng Chengyu did not summon Liu Fang to squat together, but also to prevent the masked man from noticing his presence.

Hearing Liu Fang's words, feeling a dangerous aura, Leng Chengyu immediately turned his head and looked around. Mi He Mi

Suddenly, his peripheral light caught a glimpse of the evil spirits behind him, very close to him.

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