Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 213: Fire-breathing evil spirit

Leng Chengyu immediately summoned the girl ghost Liu Fang, and at the same time, took out the meteor hammer from the storage space in his hand.

As soon as Liu Fang came out, he immediately flew at these evil spirits.

Liu Fang's current level is the seventh level of the black evil spirit, and his strength is very strong, but the strength of these evil spirits is also comparable to Liu Fang.

Liu Fang was able to block one evil spirit, but several other evil spirits continued to fly towards Leng Chengyu.

These evil spirits thought that without Liu Fang, Leng Chengyu could let them decide.

Who knows, only a few rays of light flashed, they only felt a flower in front of them, and then had a splitting headache, and then they fell to the ground when they were about to pounce on Leng Chengyu.

Sacrifice such as After falling to the ground, several evil spirits looked in horror at the meteor hammer in Leng Chengyu's hand that was still dripping with black blood on their heads.

Then, a large amount of black energy emerged from these evil spirits.

After the black qi came out, the body began to be fragmented and dissipated, and then the soul flew away and turned into soul crystals.

Leng Chengyu collected these soul crystals.

At this time, Liu Fang was still fighting with the evil spirit she had stopped.

Leng Chengyu knew that it was only a matter of time before Liu Fang killed the evil spirit, so he ignored Liu Fang's side, instead turning his head to look around.

Leng Chengyu wanted to see who it was and controlled these evil spirits to harm him.

However, no one was seen.

Leng Chengyu felt very strange, so he ran out of the road and searched the neighborhood carefully.

However, it still cannot be found.

Leng Chengyu guessed that the person controlling these evil spirits was probably the one who hired the folk wardens from the Luohua Dream Club to kill him.

This person should control these evil spirits remotely.

In other words, in order to clarify the killing of Leng Chengyu, he should have ordered these evil spirits from a long distance, and then let these evil spirits kill Leng Chengyu.

He might think that a few black evil spirits of rank six and seven were more than enough to kill Leng Chengyu.

After all, the girl ghost of Leng Chengyu only has the seventh level of the black evil spirit.

If several players of the same level deal with one, it is not necessarily a win.

However, this person behind the scenes should not be an idiot, and should still have a back hand.

After all, many people in the Xicheng District Line of Defense Station knew that Leng Chengyu had killed the ghost infants and giant tiger evil spirits at the first level of the scarlet ghost.

So, even if you don't know how Leng Chengyu killed them, these few evil spirits with only the sixth and seventh ranks of the black evil spirits cannot be used as the final cards, but only as the first batch of pathfinders in the vanguard.

Therefore, this makes Leng Chengyu very vigilant.

And the girl ghost Liu Fang still didn't end the battle.

Liu Fang and the evil spirit are both of the seventh level of the black evil spirit, and the two are of equal strength. When fighting together, whoever kills depends on who is lucky.

Leng Chengyu couldn't find the man behind the scenes, so he had to return to Liu Fang's battlefield first.

Then, while the evil spirit was fighting Liu Fang a little lower from the ground, he hit the evil spirit with a meteor hammer.

The evil spirit was finally blown away by the hammer.

After collecting the soul crystals, Leng Chengyu said to Liu Fang: "You can fly to a distance of 100 meters nearby and see if there is anyone hidden nearby."

Liu Fang listened to Leng Chengyu's order and immediately flew out. At this time, Leng Chengyu solemnly said: "Be vigilant and pay attention to safety."

Leng Chengyu knew that the evil spirits just now were only test stones, and the person behind the scenes must still have a counter-attack against him.

Moreover, this back hand is not necessarily the last hole card. If the last hole card comes out, then the strength is at least as strong as the level of the ghost infant in the scarlet ghost.

Leng Chengyu's guess was correct. When Liu Fang floated to the surrounding area 100 meters away to investigate, after a while, Liu Fang was chased back.

The evil spirit who chased Liu Fang looked very strange.

Skull, underneath the skull is a fleshy body, but one foot is a skeleton foot and the other is a fleshy foot.

It looks very strange, and very ugly, just like a human whose head and one foot have been burned by fire.

However, such an evil spirit is very powerful, and he can breathe fire.

And his ghost technique is fire breathing.

Liu Fang didn't pay much attention and was almost burnt.

After Leng Chengyu saw this evil spirit breathing fire, and seeing his ugly appearance, he suddenly remembered that the ghost of Hong Qingshan seemed to be able to breathe fire, and it seemed to be very ugly.

Although Leng Chengyu has never seen it before, he has heard how others have said.

Leng Chengyu couldn't help but wonder, could this evil spirit be Hong Qingsheng's ghost?

When Liu Fang fled back, she didn't flee to Leng Chengyu's side. She knew that if he fled to Leng Chengyu's side and was sprayed with fire by the evil spirit, Leng Chengyu would also find it difficult to resist.

However, after seeing Leng Chengyu, the evil spirit stopped chasing Liu Fang. Instead, it flew towards Leng Chengyu, and at the same time sprayed out a large fire, covering Xiang Leng Chengyu’s body. .

Leng Chengyu hurriedly fell to the ground, feeling a heat wave on his body, and the muscles and skin of his body were hot.

And the weeds around him are also Chengyu is about to stand up and run to other places.

However, that evil spirit would never let Leng Chengyu go. He continued to breathe fire at Leng Chengyu who had already fallen to the ground.

Leng Chengyu had to roll on the spot and escaped the fire again.

However, Leng Chengyu thought, this is not a solution, you have to get close to this evil spirit and hit him with a meteor hammer.

Otherwise, if you hide in this way, you will be burnt on your body once, and you will be in trouble.

The evil spirit opened his mouth again and spewed a hot flame toward Leng Chengyu.

Decrease bⅹшⅹ●С〇汜. However, this time Leng Chengyu rolled on the spot before the fire hit him, rolling under the body of this ugly evil spirit flying in the air.

Then suddenly he stood up, raised the meteor, and hammered at the ugly evil spirit.

Because the ugly evil spirit was about to breathe fire at Leng Chengyu, he floated very low, and Leng Chengyu's hammer hit him in the leg at once.

Moreover, what Leng Chengyu cut was a leg with only bones.

The ugly evil spirit screamed "Ah" in pain, and wanted to continue turning around, opening his mouth, and continuing to breathe fire at Leng Chengyu, only to find that there was fire in his stomach but he couldn't spray it out.

Mi He Mi. It turned out that the follow-up was weak, and the fire stuck in his throat, but he couldn't spray it out.

Then, not only that, he didn't even have the strength to fly in the air, and his body fell to the ground all at once.

When he fell to the ground, he found that his skeleton feet that had been given to him by Leng Chengyu's hammer were broken piece by piece.

Then, even other parts of his body also emitted a lot of black qi.

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