Soon, this ugly evil spirit was like other evil spirits. After a large amount of black energy emerged from his body, his body slowly broke apart, and then his soul was dissipated.

Even if this ugly evil spirit is Hong Qingsheng's ghost, its level is only the first level of the green-headed wicked ghost.

And Leng Chengyu's meteor hammer can beat the evil spirits below the ninth level of the black evil spirits to death.

After Leng Chengyu collected the soul crystals, he was about to find the main messenger behind the scenes again.

Who knew that at this time, the messenger behind the scenes appeared.

The main messenger behind the scenes wore a suit-like clothes, covering the whole body tightly. He had a hat on his head and a long collar, which covered his face and showed only two eyes.

It was the one Leng Chengyu had seen before.

Leng Chengyu asked in surprise: "Are you Hong Qingsheng? That ugly ghost just now belongs to you?"

The messenger behind the scenes was very vigilant. He did not answer Leng Chengyu's words, but said in a very hoarse voice.

"Unexpectedly, you can't kill you even this way, but do you think you have a hole card, so I don't have a hole card? I know you can kill a red ghost, but I also have a hole card that can fight against a red ghost."

汜豜汜. After speaking, two people appeared behind the main messenger behind the scenes.

These two people with very dull expressions walked like robots, looking very much like the paper people in the former villa.

However, the bodies of these two people with sluggish expressions are very similar to humans. They wear human clothes, which look like they are kneaded with noodles, and they are dressed in various colors to make them look like adults.

And they have a lot of ghost energy, evil spirits, etc., so that they can have the power of ghosts.

However, there is no ghost consciousness and can only follow the master's instructions.

After the two dull-faced people came out, they walked very slowly. Although they approached Leng Chengyu step by step, they were very slow.

However, what surprised Leng Chengyu was that as they walked over, their aura exuded, so powerful that Leng Chengyu couldn't help but back off.

The ghost of the girl was even more afraid of her body trembling.

The distance between Leng Chengyu and the main messenger behind the scenes was about 10 meters.

These two dull-faced people walked over step by step, and after walking for several minutes, they had not yet reached Leng Chengyu.

Leng Chengyu couldn't wait any longer, so he decided to act first.

Therefore, he rushed over with a strong aura, raised the meteor hammer, and hit the two people with sluggish expressions.

Who knows, although these two people with sluggish expressions are clumsy, once they fight, they are very fast.

When Leng Chengyu's meteor hammer hit one of them, the person's hand rose like lightning and grabbed Leng Chengyu's meteor hammer.

This person's strength is very great, and the power of the meteor hammer can't restrain their ghost power unexpectedly.

Sacrifice such as Leng Chengyu couldn't capture the return star hammer at all, the meteor hammer was thrown aside by this person, and it was thrown on the ground.

And the other person didn't care about Leng Chengyu at all, but actually flew up.

Although they walked slowly, they fluttered very fast when they flew up. They fluttered in front of the girl ghost Liu Fang and caught Liu Fang.

In front of this powerful person, Liu Fang couldn't dodge or escape at all, and was caught by him all at once.

"Master, be careful!" Liu Fang worried immediately after being caught, "I am afraid their strength has reached the level of the scarlet ghost."

Leng Chengyu knew that Liu Fang wanted to remind him to use the peach wood dagger.

However, even if Liu Fang didn't remind him, Leng Chengyu had already taken out the peach wood dagger from the storage space.

Then, he suddenly pierced the heart of the person in front of him.

This person had just thrown away Leng Chengyu's meteor hammer, and his reaction was not very quick.

It may be because the person behind the scenes before asked him to cool Chengyu's meteor hammer.

Therefore, this person can quickly take away Leng Chengyu's meteor hammer.

But he didn't expect that a dagger suddenly appeared in Leng Chengyu's hand.

When he reacted, Leng Chengyu's dagger had already penetrated his heart.

At this moment, the person behind the scene was standing there, not panicking at all, watching Leng Chengyu stabbing the dagger in.

When the sluggish person wanted to pull out the dagger, the person behind the scenes said, "Don't pay attention to his dagger, and quickly kill him."

Leng Chengyu couldn't help but said, "Don't you know that my dagger can kill the evil spirits of the red-robed ghost? If you don't know, I can tell you now that people with sluggish expressions and movements of yours should It's kneaded with dough, isn't it possible that you, the face person, are more powerful than the evil spirit behind the scarlet ghost in the red dress?"

The person behind the scene snorted coldly: "Since you already know that he is made of noodles and is under my direct control, you should be able to guess that he has no heart at all, and as far as I know, you have no heart. The mahogany dagger must be inserted into the heart of the evil spirit to be effective."

"Without a heart?" Leng Chengyu was very surprised, "It can be so powerful without a heart!"

"As long as there is a powerful master who pays a certain price to refine it with the spirit of ghosts, what powerful evil spirits can't be created?" The messenger behind the scenes sneered and said You just wait to die, today You never have a chance to comeback again. "

Although the messenger behind the scenes deliberately pretended to be a hoarse voice when speaking, Leng Chengyu could still hear that this person was very likely to be Hong Qingshan, and from the look in his eyes, Leng Chengyu was also even more According to the conclusion, he is Hong Qingsheng.

Leng Chengyu couldn't help asking: "Why do you have to kill me?"

The messenger behind the scenes still had a hoarse voice and said coldly: "Some geniuses are too dazzling, they should be killed in the cradle, otherwise, he will hinder the future of others."

Leng Chengyu still wanted to say something, but at this time the face-made person in front of him had already raised his hand and pinched his neck.

This face man is also like a paper man, as long as he has an order in advance, his movements will be very fast.

Leng Chengyu couldn't dodge at all, so the face-faced man choked his neck.

And in a dense grass not far away, a person was squatting there quietly, and a ghost was also summoned beside him, looking like he was waiting.

When he saw Leng Chengyu's neck being pinched by the face and unable to break free, he immediately waved his hand.

His ghost quickly flew over, and then kicked at the faceless man.

The Face Man couldn't dodge, and fell to the ground in the kick of this ghost.

Mi He Mi. And the part that was kicked turned out to be sparse.

When the person behind the scenes wanted to continue ordering the faceless man to fight back, he found that the faceless man could not get up.

"How is this possible? Which master is hindering me?"

The messenger behind the scenes was both frightened and puzzled.

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