Leng Chengyu waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter, it's just a matter of effort."

Then Leng Chengyu raised his eyes to look at the battle ahead and saw that the hedgehog ghost had the upper hand when dealing with the skeleton ghost and the hair ghost. Leng Chengyu immediately ordered the girl ghost Liu Fang to join the battle.

With Liu Fang's participation, the victorious scale finally tilted towards Leng Chengyu and the others.

Liu Fang's ghost level is black evil spirit level 7, and the level of skeleton ghost and hair ghost is also black evil spirit level 7, and the level of hedgehog ghost is only the peak of black evil spirit level 7.

Therefore, under the combined force of these three ghosts, the hedgehog ghost finally gradually became weak.

Finally was captured. Subtract bxW*x

After the hedgehog ghost was captured, Fang Zhi and Song Fei immediately went to interrogate the hedgehog ghost about the East Ghost King.

However, the hedgehog ghost was very stiff and didn't say a word.

Fang Zhi and Song Fei decided to bring the hedgehog ghost back to the headquarters of the Ghost Guardian Alliance, and let the special interrogators come to interrogate the hedgehog ghost.

When parting with Leng Chengyu, Fang Zhirou felt very humble in her heart: "I'm sorry, your paper man was broken for me."

Leng Chengyu is now obsolete.

In order to relieve Fang Zhirou’s psychological burden, Leng Chengyu said: “Actually, I just learned paper man art and I am not very familiar with paper man art. The discarded one is just a test product of mine.”

Fang Zhirou said: "Regarding the paper man technique, there are full-time staff specializing in paper makers at the headquarters of the Yuguizhe League. Why don't I take you paper man back for them to repair?"

"Repair? Can it still be repaired?" Leng Chengyu asked.

Song Fei curled her lips and said: "It's all destroyed like this. It's better to repair it than to rebuild one. If you want to repair it, I am afraid that the cost of repairing will be more than that of rebuilding one.

And I don’t think he is a very good paper man. He can only control it at close range but not long distance. I am afraid he is a very rough paper man.

Zhirou, don't feel guilty for his paper man, we are the commissioner of the headquarters of the Alliance of Ghosts, and he is the ghost of the local base city, so it is reasonable to save us. "

"Can it still be controlled from a long distance?" Leng Chengyu asked in surprise.

The paper man skills that Leng Chengyu learned in the system were only basic paper man skills, and the advanced paper man skills had not been displayed by the system.

It turns out that the paper man can be controlled not only at close range, but also at long range.

If this is the case, then it would be much more convenient to control the paper man to go to the former villa to detect the manipulator behind the villa paper man.

Seeing Leng Chengyu lowered her head in deep thought, Fang Zhirou said, "It's okay, but I heard from those full-time personnel that it is more troublesome. What kind of soul-separation Dafa should be used.

This soul-dividing Dafa has to kill an evil spirit, and seal his soul when the evil spirit is about to die.

Then, you inject your consciousness into this sealed soul.

Then divide the soul that already has your consciousness into several parts and inject them into the paper man.

In this way, the paper people can be controlled from a long distance.

But the distance depends on the level of the evil spirit and the strength of the soul. "

"It turned out to be like this." Leng Chengyu turned his head to look at the girl ghost Liu Fang.

Liu Fang said: "If there is a sealed soul, I can divide it into several parts and inject it into the paper man. However, if the soul of a powerful evil spirit is required, the master must kill it."

After parting with Fang Zhirou and the others, Leng Chengyu returned to the apartment in the Xicheng District Defense Line Station.

When Leng Chengyu checked the system mall, he did not find any new advanced paper man skills.

However, according to Fang Zhirou's method of separating souls, Leng Chengyu and Liu Fang can still do it if they cooperate with each other.

At present, the most important thing is to find a powerful evil spirit to kill, and seal his soul when he is about to die.

And Liu Fang immediately worried: "I can only seal the souls of evil spirits below my level. I can't seal the souls of evil spirits stronger than me, and they may be backfired."

Leng Chengyu frowned: "Then what should we do?"

Liu Fang shook her head, she didn't know what to do.

At this time, the system "ding" sounded.

Leng Chengyu checked the system mall again.

It was discovered that an item had suddenly been added to the system mall, which turned out to be a magic wand for soul sealing. Xieru kanzaongyi.cc xieru

This soul-sealing magic wand is very magical, as long as the evil spirit is killed, his soul can be sealed before he is dead, no matter how powerful it is.

And the value of helping ghosts needed for this soul-separating magic wand was only 2,000, and Leng Chengyu immediately exchanged it.

The next step is to go to the task hall to choose a suitable task, and then to do this task.

After arriving at the mission hall, through checking, Leng Chengyu decided to choose one of the evil spirits of the red-robed ghost first-level to do the mission.

The territory of this scarlet ghost is adjacent to the territory of the East Ghost King, and is an evil spirit with a monkey head.

This evil spirit is very cruel, eating the heads of humans passing through his territory as fruit.

He does not eat human limbs, but only eats human heads.

Moreover, he eats his head instead of his skull, but only eats the soft things inside his head.

This monkey-headed human evil spirit relied on that he was a red-robed ghost and was not controlled by the East Ghost King ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ he was a free body.

However, he has no subordinates, just his own evil spirit, occupying a hill over a kilometer.

There are many fruit trees on the top of the hill, most of which are peach trees.

When many tourists come here, they will go in and admire the peach blossoms full of mountains.

Who knows, it has become a delicacy in the mouth of the evil spirit of this monkey head.

This monkey-headed human evil spirit has just grown up. Before, he was only a green-headed ghost of level seven or eight.

Once he accidentally ate a person's head, his soul ability greatly increased, and he suddenly broke through to the first level of the scarlet ghost.

Therefore, he thought that eating human heads would help him grow his cultivation base, so no one who passed through his territory was spared.

The Ghost Guardian Alliance has listed this monkey-headed human evil spirit as one of the most dangerous evil spirits.

After Leng Chengyu accepted the task, he soon came to this mountain full of peach trees and peach blossoms.

The mountain is full of peach blossoms of all kinds.

There are red, yellow, white, and so on.

But they are all in the shape of peach blossoms. I don't know if it has been mutated or what is going on, or it is only because of the influence of ghost spirit.

In short, it makes the top of this mountain very beautiful, very beautiful.

If you are a traveler who walks here, you can't help but want to go up the mountain to watch the shooting.

However, when Leng Chengyu came here, he did not appreciate the mood of peach blossoms.

He knew that there was a first-level evil spirit hidden in this large peach forest, and he could lose his life at any time.

Therefore, he had already taken out the mahogany dagger. Mi He Mi

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