Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 220: Surprise brought by system prompt

At the same time, Leng Chengyu also summoned the girl ghost Liu Fang, and then slowly walked into the peach forest.

Although the strength of the girl ghost Liu Fang is not strong, she is a ghost after all, and she can sense the breath of the evil spirit of the hericium who is also a ghost.

If there is danger, you can know it faster.

As soon as he walked into the peach forest, not even a few hundred meters away, Leng Chengyu saw a human corpse appearing on the ground, his head had been eaten, and it looked terrible.

Suddenly, the corpse stood up, and then rushed towards Leng Chengyu.

Leng Chengyu never thought that this corpse could stand up on its own and then attack him.

This sudden, oncoming corpse frightened Leng Chengyu in a cold sweat.

He was stunned.

He held a peach wood dagger in his hand, but didn't know if he should pierce it.

Because the mahogany dagger can only work when it pierces the heart of the ghost, and this dead corpse, although he has a heart, did he attack him through the heart with autonomous consciousness?

In other words, it was only the remaining consciousness that had been gnawed during his lifetime, which was always full of resentment, which made him aggressive towards things close to him.

During his lifetime, he definitely didn't want the evil spirits of the Hericium to eat, but he couldn't resist it.

But he still tried hard to resist, but after his death he retained this will to resist.

This led to Leng Chengyu coming over and was attacked by him.

At this time, Liu Fang quickly flew over and kicked the corpse down.

The corpse that was kicked to the ground couldn't get up anymore. After a ray of black air appeared on his body, he didn't even have a soul crystal.

In other words, he wasn't even a ghost, he just stood up and attacked people with that grievance.

Now that the corpse was no longer aggressive, Leng Chengyu continued to move forward.

After walking not far, I saw another corpse, whose head was also eaten.

This time, Leng Chengyu did not go close to the corpse to watch, but took a long detour.

However, at this time, the system rang with a "ding".

"Ding! The system has detected that there is a corpse ghost in front of him who is very angry. As long as the host successfully helps him kill the hericium human evil spirit, he will be able to get a huge reward."

That’s great, I didn’t expect to be able to earn a helping hand as a pleasure here.

It's been a long time since I have earned the value of helping ghosts.

And now Leng Chengyu was here to kill the evil spirits of the Hericium.

In this case, then you can easily make a fortune to help ghosts.

Leng Chengyu said to the corpse: "Don't worry, I will kill the evil spirit of the hericium that killed you, and take revenge on your behalf." Sacrifice as

At this time, the corpse on the ground trembled.

Leng Chengyu continued to move forward.

Not far away, another corpse appeared in front of him, and his head was also eaten. It was the same as the two before, and it was horrible.

At this time, the system in Leng Chengyu's mind rang again.

"Ding! The system has detected that there is a corpse, ghost, and enmity that is 10 meters ahead. As long as the host can successfully help him kill the evil spirit of the hericium, he will be able to get a huge reward."

Leng Chengyu asked the system: "Then the huge reward overlaps or adds to the previous corpse ghost?"

The system replied: "Add."

"Great!" Leng Chengyu almost jumped up with joy.

In other words, the meteor shower can help two corpses and ghosts to get revenge as long as they kill a hericium human evil spirit, and they can get two generous rewards. BxW x.co汜

"This is really great, I didn't expect such a good thing."

Leng Chengyu also said to the corpse in front of him: "Don't worry, I will help you kill the evil spirits of the monkey head to avenge you."

The corpse also trembled.

Leng Chengyu continued to walk forward, and soon came across a corpse again.

The system repeated the previous prompt again.

In other words, if Leng Chengyu kills the evil spirits of the Hericium, he will be able to get three generous rewards.

Then, Leng Chengyu walked up all the way and saw a total of 5 corpse ghosts, and the system would prompt Leng Chengyu that they needed help.

In other words, as long as Leng Chengyu kills a hericium human evil spirit, he can get 5 generous rewards.

Leng Chengyu still doesn't know how much he can get to help the ghosts in total, and he will know after he meets the evil spirit of the monkey head and kills him.

Keep going.

No more bodies were seen before.

However, Liu Fang became more nervous, and she felt a dangerous aura in front of her.

However, this dangerous breath came from all directions, and she was not sure where she was.

However, the dangerous breath becomes stronger as you move forward.

"Master, we have to be careful." Liu Fang, who was flying above Leng Chengyu's head, reminded cautiously.


Leng Chengyu also responded softly.

At this moment, even Leng Chengyu could feel the difference around him.

The surroundings became very silent, even if the breeze came over, the rustling sound made people felt a kind of silence.

It's very dull and very killing.

At the same time, Leng Chengyu also felt that countless eyes around him were staring coldly at them.

Holding the mahogany dagger tightly in his hand, Leng Chengyu asked Liu Fang softly, "Do you feel that he might be?"

Liu Fang also said softly: "I can't be sure but he is very likely to be in front, unless he has countless clones, but even so, his body should be in front."

"Clone? No way?"

"This is just my guess. It is also possible that he moved very fast, which caused his aura to be everywhere. In addition, he was too strong, which gave us a feeling of depression and made my judgment confused."

The breeze blew again suddenly.

"Yes! It's a breeze."

Leng Chengyu suddenly thought of something.

Looking at this situation, this breeze should have been generated by the evil spirit of the monkey head human body when it was moving fast.

In other words, the evil spirits of the Hericium do not have many clones, but because they move fast, they feel that they have his aura in all directions.

Leng Chengyu thought of introducing this monkey head human evil spirit in the mission. He had a hobby of frightening people who came here, and then eating this person's head.

And now, this monkey head human evil spirit is constantly releasing dangerous auras around, and then constantly turning around Leng Chengyu and the others, definitely wanting to scare Leng Chengyu and the others, and then eat Leng Chengyu. , Liu Fang would definitely be killed by him. Mi He Mi

Leng Chengyu immediately said to Liu Fang: "You come behind me, ready to lift me up at any time. When he appears, you must find a way to get me close to him."

Liu Fang immediately flew behind Leng Chengyu, and at the same time, watched his surroundings.

She was also afraid that the evil spirits of the monkey head suddenly came out and killed her, and then ate Leng Chengyu's head.

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