Soon, the evil spirit of the hericium appeared. He jumped from one peach tree to another on top of the peach tree 10 meters away from Leng Chengyu and them.

He jumped very fast, and he formed a circle around Leng Chengyu and the others, and the circle was gradually shrinking.

At the same time as the encirclement was formed, the evil spirit of the monkey head also made a horrible sound that was infiltrating.

"I'm going to eat your brain!"

Because when the Hericium human body evil spirits were talking, they were still jumping from one tree to another quickly, and continued to circle Leng Chengyu and the others.

Therefore, when the voice of the evil spirit of the monkey head came out, it seemed to be coming from all directions.

Moreover, this monkey head human evil spirit also deliberately added his coercion to the voice.

Not only does this sound come from all directions, but it also sounds very depressing.

It's the kind of feeling that seems to have a strong sense of oppression, pressing into your ears from all directions.

汜豜汜. Leng Chengyu's ears buzzed.

Soon, the encirclement formed by this monkey head human evil spirit jumping around was only five or six meters away from Leng Chengyu and the others.

Suddenly, this monkey-headed human evil spirit gave up and continued to jump around, but suddenly rushed to the front of Leng Chengyu, and then touched Leng Chengyu's head with his hand.

Then he jumped back to the original circle, and then continued to jump around the tree to form the circle.

Then haha ​​laughed and said: "Hahaha, I can squeeze your head and eat your brain at any time."

This voice is like the previous voice, so full of depression.

This monkey head human evil spirit obviously wanted to scare Leng Chengyu, and then ate Leng Chengyu's head.

Sacrifice such as When Leng Chengyu was touched by the evil spirit of the monkey head human body, he was also shocked suddenly, sweating on his forehead.

When the evil spirit of the monkey head approached him and touched his head, the capital of the mahogany dagger in Leng Chengyu's hand was already raised.

However, the evil spirit of the monkey head quickly retreated.

Leng Chengyu's mahogany dagger couldn't even stab it out, let alone aiming at the heart of the evil spirit of the monkey head.

This monkey-headed human evil spirit is like a monkey, jumping very fast and agile.

If this monkey-head human evil spirit used his sharp claws to scratch Leng Chengyu's head, then Leng Chengyu would be dead.

At that time, Liu Fang behind Leng Chengyu hadn't had time to mention Leng Chengyu to avoid him, and the evil spirit of the monkey head had already retreated.

Liu Fang didn't know what to do, and the evil spirit of the monkey head didn't play cards according to the routine. At present, she just wanted to scare Leng Chengyu.

Liu Fang asked Leng Chengyu in a low voice, "What should we do? Are we going to chase him?"

Leng Chengyu asked, "Can you chase him?"

Liu Fang sighed: "I can't catch it, he is much higher than me."

Leng Chengyu said, "Then we will wait for him here quietly."

Liu Fang questioned: "What if he suddenly comes over again and kills you? Or kills me?"

Leng Chengyu said: "At that time, I can only act by chance."

Leng Chengyu already knew in the mission introduction that this monkey-headed human body evil spirit specially eats the brains of those who are still alive in fear.

He will not eat the brains of dead people.

In other words, this monkey head human evil spirit would not kill Leng Chengyu first before eating Leng Chengyu's brain.

As for whether Liu Fang will be killed first, I don't know.

However, even if you want to kill Liu Fang, you have to do something.

At that time, Leng Chengyu would have the opportunity to get close to the evil spirit of the monkey head and stab him in the heart with a mahogany dagger.

The monkey head human evil spirit continued to circle around a few meters away from Leng Chengyu and the others, and then said something to scare Leng Chengyu.

However, Leng Chengyu did not collapse to the ground like those tourists before, and even some tourists were scared to poop.

However, at this moment Leng Chengyu is still standing there firmly, which makes this monkey head personal evil inspiration very puzzled.

The evil spirit of the monkey head finally stopped spinning, he asked Leng Chengyu doubtfully: "Aren't you afraid of me? I want to eat your brain!"

Leng Chengyu calmed his mind for a while, and said lightly: "People are always mortal, there is nothing to be afraid of."

The evil spirit of the monkey head continued to threaten: "But I want to eat you raw, think about it, you are still alive but saw me crush your skull with my claws and open your head, then bit by bit. Eat your brain like you eat jam, and your ears still hear the sound of me eating your brain. Isn't it that you are not afraid?"

Leng Chengyu still said faintly: "Fear is fear, but I just don't know if you can do it."

"Can I do it? Are you underestimating me?"

The evil spirit of the monkey head was obviously a little angry. Not only did he scare Leng Chengyu, he was also underestimated by Leng Chengyu. How could he stand it?

The evil spirit of the monkey head glanced at Liu Fang behind Leng Chengyu, and continued: "I know you are a ghost defender, bolder than ordinary people.

But don’t you see it? Your ghosts are hiding behind you, and her frightened body trembles.

Her level is not a tiny bit different from I can pinch her to death.

If you don’t have your ghost to rely on, wouldn’t you be afraid of me eating your brain raw? "

Leng Chengyu smiled faintly: "Although you are a scary ghost in red, but when you have eyesight, my ghost looks weaker than you, but when you really do it, I am afraid she will be much stronger than you. Otherwise you come and try it."

"Okay, okay! She is better than me." Leng Chengyu amused the monkey head human evil spirit, "You have a limit when you joke."

"Okay, since you are so confident, then I want your self-confidence to be destroyed. I will go over and kill your ghost right now." The monkey head human evil spirit suddenly got cold eyes, and then slowed down to Leng Chengyu and the others. Approaching slowly.

The scared body of Liu Fang behind Leng Chengyu was constantly trembling.

And Leng Chengyu clenched the peach wood dagger in his hand without a trace.

The evil spirit of the hericium did not pay too much attention to the peach wood dagger in Leng Chengyu's hand.

After all, how could a dagger be a weapon that made him deadly? He didn't think about it at all.

The evil spirit of the Hericium is paying attention to Liu Fang, but when he sees that Liu Fang's body is shaking more and more severely, he smiles.

"It turns out to be pretending to be calm, I'm afraid you two are already scared in your heart and are about to pee."

Mi He Mi. The evil spirit of the monkey head quickly rushed to Leng Chengyu and the others, and then quickly stretched out his sharp claws and grabbed Liu Fang.

Liu Fang couldn't dodge at all, and was caught by the evil spirit of the monkey head.

When the evil spirit of the monkey head human body wanted to throw Liu Fang away, he suddenly felt his body stagnate, and then he couldn't help but look at his chest.

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