Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 222: Get a lot of helpers for fun

The evil spirit of the hericium actually saw a mahogany dagger on his chest.

This mahogany dagger sank deeply into the heart of his chest, revealing only the hilt.

The evil spirit of the monkey head was very shocked at the moment, he didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

If I should cry, it is because Leng Chengyu, a human being able to stab his body like a copper wall and iron wall with a wooden dagger, felt that this human must be very powerful.

The reason for the laugh is that the Hericium human evil spirit feels that it is nothing more than a wooden dagger. Even if it has been able to penetrate into his body, it is impossible to cause any harm to him.

The evil spirit of the monkey head looked at Leng Chengyu coldly, and sneered: "Human, you want to use this dagger against me, are you looking down on me too much?"

But Leng Chengyu said faintly: "I didn't underestimate you. My mahogany dagger is specially designed to deal with the evil spirits of the red-robed ghost. No evil spirit was stabbed in the heart by my mahogany dagger. You are spared, and you are no exception." Xiru Xiru

"I am no exception?"

The evil spirit of the monkey head was very angry. He felt that Leng Chengyu was mocking him. He wanted to slap Leng Chengyu to death.

Even if he doesn't eat Leng Chengyu's head raw, he still has to shoot Leng Chengyu to death.

Who knows, when he raised his slap to pat Leng Chengyu's head, he found that he couldn't use his strength.

Not only did he lose his strength, but his whole body seemed to lose strength, and he couldn't even stand firmly.

All of a sudden, he fell to the ground.

At the same time, a lot of black air emerged from his body.

And the powerful aura of the Red Ghost Grade One has also declined steadily.

"how can that be?"

The monkey head human evil spirit looked at the mahogany dagger on his chest in horror, and wanted to reach out to pull it, but he had no strength to pull it out.

At this time, Leng Chengyu said coldly: "There is nothing impossible. Although you have not violated human territory, you have harmed a lot of humans, and it is extremely cruel. Now I have taken the task specifically Those who come to kill you are also avenging the humans you have hurt."

The evil spirit of the Hericium human body wanted to say something, but he was already speechless, and after wisps of black air appeared on his body, his body began to fragment.

Liu Fang immediately reminded Leng Chengyu: "Master, he is about to die, don't you want to seal his soul? Now is the time."

Leng Chengyu immediately took out the soul-sealing magic wand that he had exchanged a long time ago from the storage space, and then went down to the fragmented body of the monkey head human evil spirit.

I saw a small black figure with a shape of a monkey head and a human evil spirit running around, trying to avoid the oppressive force exerted by the soul-sealing magic wand.

However, soon, the villain could no longer move, and was bound in the soul-sealing magic wand.

After the souls of the evil spirits of the hericium were sealed up, no souls were crystallized again, because they were all in the sealed souls.

Leng Chengyu just put the sealed soul into the storage space, and at this moment, there was a ding in his mind.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully killing the evil spirits of the Hericium and getting 50 million rewards from the system for helping the ghosts."

When Leng Chengyu heard it, in other words, the system didn't count the number of people injured by the hericium body evil spirits, but the number of corpse ghosts that Leng Chengyu had promised.

Leng Chengyu had promised 5 corpse ghosts before, and a corpse ghost can get 10 million ghosts as a happy value, so a total of 50 million ghosts are a happy value.

In this way, adding up to the original value of assisting ghosts on the system interface, it will almost reach 70 million assisting ghosts.

One hundred million helping ghosts are worthy of pleasure, and I am afraid it will be just around the corner.

Leng Chengyu felt very happy.

After returning to the defense line station in Xicheng District, Leng Chengyu soon continued to cut paper people in his villa and made paper models.

Then began to use the soul of the evil spirit of the monkey head human body just obtained.

Let Liu Fang inject a little of his consciousness into the soul of the evil spirit of the monkey head human body.汜减BxW 汜

Then he separated a strand of the spirit of the Hericium human body evil spirit that already contained his consciousness, and instilled it into the body of the paper man.

Liu Fang quickly finished the whole process.

Leng Chengyu began to test how far the paper man he created could be remotely controlled.

Therefore, he began to order the paper man who had just been made to go out of the room, fly into the sky, and fly into the distance.

It was already evening, and night had fallen.

When Leng Chengyu's paper man flew in the sky, he didn't attract many people's attention.

After all, in this world where ghosts and monsters are rampant, there are many ghost defenders who will also let ghosts fly in the air, and then fly them to where they want to go.

Leng Chengyu controlled the paper man to fly in the direction of the inner city. Leng Chengyu wanted to see if he could control the paper man to fly from here to the former villa.

However, just after flying to the outer city, before entering the inner city, Leng Chengyu felt that the connection between him and the paper man had weakened.

Leng Chengyu estimated that the straight-line distance between him and the paper man should be about 3 kilometers.

In other words, Leng Chengyu’s paper man can be controlled freely within 3000 After Leng Chengyu recruited the paper man, he did not continue to be the next one, but let Liu Fang Absorb soul crystals to enhance strength.

Only by increasing Liu Fang's strength can the paperman made by Liu Fang be stronger.

After Liu Fang ate a lot of soul crystals, he soon fell asleep.

Leng Chengyu also cut out a lot of paper figure models during this time, so that Liu Fang could use it as soon as he woke up.

Three days later, Liu Fang finally woke up.

Liu Fang's strength at the moment has come to the first level of the green-headed ghost.

After Liu Fang woke up, he immediately went to work as a paper man.

And now the strength of the paperman made by Liu Fang can reach the level 5 of the black evil ghost.

Leng Chengyu didn't know, if these paper men went to the former villa to spy on the manipulators behind the paper men in the villa, what chances of success would be?

Leng Chengyu guessed that the strength of the paper men in the former villa might be level 5 higher than that of the black evil ghost.

If that's the case, you can only use night sneak attacks.

And you have to sneak attack on the paper people and the housekeeper at the same time.

This makes it easier to see if the housekeeper is controlling the paper men in these villas.

This is because the strength of Leng Chengyu's paper man may not be enough, so he can only win by number. Mi He Mi

He wanted to fight with some paper men, and then some paper men pretended to steal things inside the villa.

In this way, the butler would not guess that it was him to spy.

At that time, after a battle, the butler should show some kicks.

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