In two days, Liu Fang has produced dozens of paper figures, all of whom are at level 5 of the black evil spirit.

Leng Chengyu felt that the preparations were sufficient now, and he decided to spy in the former villa tonight.

Leng Chengyu rented a truck first and loaded the paper people into the truck.

At midnight, Leng Chengyu drove the truck to the inner city of Fuyang.

In a place less than a thousand miles away from the former villa, he found a hidden corner and stopped the truck.

Leng Chengyu did not rush to control the paper man to fly to the former villa, but first squinted his eyes to sleep in the truck.

Until three or four o'clock in the morning, Leng Chengyu controlled the paper people in the truck, divided them into three groups, and flew towards the former villa.

And Leng Chengyu did not follow the paper man to the villa, but controlled it remotely here.

In this way, if he fails, he will not be implicated.

At this time, Guan Hong Baichuan, the housekeeper, should already be asleep. Leng Chengyu took advantage of this time to get rid of the paper people in the villa.汜减B*xwx.*Co汜

At the same time, I also want to see what the strength of the paper man without the control of the housekeeper is, whether it is just a pile of waste paper.

If by then, those paper men are not under the control of the housekeeper, and if they have no strength at all, they can be defeated soon, Leng Chengyu will leave one or two villa paper men behind.

Then, send a group of his paper men to deliberately wake up the housekeeper.

At that time, the butler is likely to control the paper people in the villa to attack those paper people in Leng Chengyu.

In this way, Leng Chengyu was able to prove that the butler was the one who manipulated the paper man to poison him.

Although Leng Chengyu did not go to the villa with the paper men, it was because the paper men he made had his consciousness.

Therefore, Leng Chengyu can also see wherever the paperman's line of sight is.

Since it is not very far from the villa, the paper man quickly floated into the villa.

When the paper men entered the villa from different places in three groups, a group of paper men were attacked.

It was the paper men in the villa who were in charge of defense, attacking the group of paper men in Leng Chengyu.

Leng Chengyu controlled this group of paper men and attacked with all his strength.

Because there were only two paper men in charge of defending the villa, and the number of paper men sent by Leng Chengyu were as many as dozens, divided into three batches, each with a dozen or so.

Moreover, the paper men in the villa were attacked by the originally set program, which was not flexible enough. As long as Leng Chengyu's paper men were a little farther away from them, they would not know how to attack.

The paper men of Leng Chengyu are controlled by Leng Chengyu behind their backs, so they are more flexible than the paper men in the villa.

Although the strength of the paper men in the villa is stronger than those of Leng Chengyu, they do not know how to attack actively and only know how to defend passively when no one controls them.

In this case, the outcome seems to be predictable.

Who knows, at this time, the abdomen of the paper man in one of the villas actually made a sharp whistle sound.

He was sending out an alert of intrusion from outsiders.

Leng Chengyu's predecessor had lived in the villa for so long before, and had never heard such a sound.

It seems that no one dared to invade the villa before.

And now the two paper men responsible for the defense of the villa were besieged, and the established procedures determined that they had been invaded by outsiders on a large scale, so the alarm was issued.

When the alarm sounded, many paper men from the villa came out to attack those paper men sent by Leng Chengyu.

At the same time, the housekeeper Hong Baichuan was also woken up. After he got up, he frowned when he saw such a paper man invading the villa.

However, Hong Baichuan did not see the person controlling the paper man.

However, Hong Baichuan didn't seem to want to care about the person controlling the paper man, he summoned his ghost all at once.

Hong Baichuan's ghosts are very powerful, and I am afraid that their level is not limited to the first level of the scarlet ghost.

Soon, all the paper figures sent by Leng Chengyu were smashed.

Leng Chengyu only felt that his vision was black, he knew that all his paper people had been destroyed.

Leng Chengyu did not expect that the housekeeper Hong Baichuan would not control the paper men in those villas at all, but would use his own ghost to deal with the paper men sent by Leng Chengyu.

This made it impossible for Leng Chengyu to find out if the paper man in the villa was controlled by the housekeeper.

After Hong Baichuan smashed all the paper figures sent by Leng Chengyu, he went back to sleep, and he didn't take it seriously.

And the paper men in the villa continued to take their place, doing their previous work.

Leng Chengyu had no choice but to return.

Unexpectedly, after spending so much effort and sacrificing the soul of the evil spirit of the Hericium, it was impossible to find out whether the steward Hong Baichuan was the one who controlled the poisoning of the paper man.

Leng Chengyu felt that the butler Hong Baichuan was unpredictable.

It seems that he is still too small to look after the butler Hong Baichuan.

Hong Baichuan is not only a ghost defender, but also the number one master of Fuyang City.

How could such a person be simple.

Leng Chengyu couldn't detect it, and he didn't have the strength to fight Hong Baichuan, so he could only let this matter come to an end for a while.

Next, Leng Chengyu decided that he mainly had to do two things.

The first thing is to improve the strength, and the second thing is to earn a hundred million ghosts as a pleasure as soon as possible to get rid of the poison in one go.

To accomplish these two things, you need to do tasks.

The first thing is to get more soul crystals for Liu Fang to absorb, thereby increasing the level of ghost guard.

The second thing is to earn the value of helping the ghosts, and 100 million of the value of helping the ghosts, then you must help the evil spirits of very high After the previous few times, it’s cold. Cheng Yu already knew that if he could help an evil spirit at the first level of a red-robed ghost, he would be able to obtain 10 million ghosts as a bonus. Sacrifice like sacrifice like

Therefore, Leng Chengyu went to the mission hall and chose a mission.

This task has been there for a long time, and no one is going to pick it up.

Mainly because the level of the evil spirit to be dealt with is too high, it is the first level of the scarlet ghost.

Moreover, the place where this evil spirit is located is also very sensitive, just outside the territory of the East Ghost King.

As one of the five greatest ghost kings in this world, the East Ghost King is very powerful, and even the Ghost Defender Alliance has to treat it with caution.

As for the defense line station in Xicheng District, we have been reminding all ghost defenders that they are not allowed to enter the territory of the East Ghost King, so as not to annoy the East Ghost King and cause unnecessary trouble.

The East Ghost King not only has a large territory and strong strength, but also has many subordinates.

The East Ghost King is not like the Gui Ying. The Gui Ying’s subordinates are counted in ten, while the East Ghost King's subordinates are counted in ten thousand. Mi He Mi

In other words, the East Ghost King has tens of thousands of subordinates, and the territory is very large.

The East Ghost King is definitely a very ugly bone. If it is not a last resort, the Alliance of Ghost Defenders will not be an enemy of the East Ghost King. As long as the East Ghost King does not invade the human base city, everyone can be in peace.

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