The territory of the East Ghost King, which is relatively close to the Xicheng District Line of Defense, was listed as a forbidden area. Although the ghost defenders at the Xicheng District Line of Defense were very depressed.

However, in front of the terrifying strength and influence of the East Ghost King, he could only bow his head temporarily.

Without the permission of the headquarters of the Alliance of Ghosts, any ghosts in the defensive line of the Xicheng District did not dare to enter the territory of the East Ghost King without authorization.

If you enter the territory of the East Ghost King, you will be killed in vain if you are killed by the East Ghost King.

The Xicheng District Defense Line Station will not list this as a task, and let the ghost guard kill the East Ghost King to avenge him.

Don't say that the East Ghost King can't be killed, even if it can be killed, it will have to pay a very high price.

I am afraid that all the ghost guards in the defense line station of the entire Xicheng District can't fight the East Ghost King.

And now, Leng Chengyu's task, the evil spirit to be solved, is on the edge of the territory of the East Ghost King.

However, Leng Chengyu never thought of entering the territory of the Eastern Ghost King.

Leng Chengyu only wanted to get more soul crystals by solving this evil spirit, as well as earning more ghosts for pleasure.

This time, Leng Chengyu also came alone to the territory of the evil spirit he was going to perform the task to solve.

And Zhao Zizhou, Wu Siwei and Ximen Yiyi, because of their increased strength, they also went to take some independent tasks.

Besides, the evil spirit that Leng Chengyu's current task is to solve is at the first level of the scarlet ghost. They come to no avail, but are a burden.

Leng Chengyu soon came under the hill of this evil spirit.

This evil spirit is a toad-headed human evil spirit. The hills he lives on are all stones, which are more than 10 meters high and several hundred meters in radius.

It is introduced in this task introduction that the lair of the toad head human evil spirit is in a very large cave on the mountain.

This toad head human body evil spirit body is as tall as a human body, and its head is as big as a human head.

And because this toad head human evil spirit grows cultivation base by gnawing on the same kind, so on his hill, there are very few toads appearing, and he has no subordinates, only him is an evil spirit, which is based on the entire hill.

However, even so, no evil spirit dared to approach this mountain.

After all, this toad-head human evil spirit, but a powerful evil spirit of the red-robed ghost, who would dare to come here to find it.

Unless it is the Eastern Ghost King, otherwise the other nearby evil spirits are not enough to see in front of the toad head human evil spirit.

After Leng Chengyu came to the foot of this mountain, he was also very vigilant. While he took out the peach wood dagger, he also summoned the girl ghost Liu Fang.

Only then slowly walked up the mountain.

And when Leng Chengyu just walked into the range of this mountain, there was a loud cry from the horse on the mountain.

The sound made Leng Chengyu and the girl ghost Liu Fang's bodies tremble.

Hearing this sound, it should be the toad head human evil spirit roaring on the mountain.

He was warning Leng Chengyu not to enter his territory.

However, Leng Chengyu continued to walk up the mountain.

Then, after another distance, another gust of wind blew on the mountain.

Leng Chengyu and Liu Fang hid behind the big stone, so they wouldn't be blown back.

There was a strong wind blowing for no reason. This should be another warning from the evil spirits of the toad head.

However, after the strong wind passed, Leng Chengyu and the others continued to walk up the mountain.

And it didn't take long to walk, and many rocks rolled down from the top of the mountain.

After Leng Chengyu let the girl ghost Liu Fang float in the air, he would not be hit by the dense rock.

This time it should also be the toad head human evil spirit above that warned Leng Chengyu.

However, after these three warnings, Leng Chengyu was puzzled.

This toad head has such a high level of human evil spirit and such a powerful strength, why is it given such a warning? Why not just go out and destroy Leng Chengyu who invaded the territory?

This makes Leng Chengyu a little confused.

And from the direction of the sound, the direction the wind blows, and the direction the stone rolls down, the toad-head human evil spirit should have been in his cave all the time.

Leng Chengyu’s female ghost, Liu Fang, is now only a green-headed ghost, and can always be a full level different from the red-robed ghost who is a toad-headed human evil spirit.

Why would the toad head human evil spirit be willing to be a tortoise with a shrunken head, shrink in his cave, and let Leng Chengyu go up the mountain and invade his territory?

Could it be that this toad head human evil spirit was injured and it was inconvenient to get out of the cave?

If this is the case, that would be great.

Leng Chengyu continued to walk to the top of the mountain. Minus

During this journey, the toad head human evil spirit did not warn again.

Leng Chengyu and the others quickly walked to the big entrance on the mountainside. Sacrifice as Sacrifice as

Leng Chengyu stretched his head outside and looked into the hole. The inside of the hole was dark, and water dripped from the top of the dark hole.

Such a damp and dark environment is just right for the toad head human evil spirit to survive.

Leng Chengyu was about to walk into the cave. Suddenly, there was a "ding" in his mind.

"Ding! The system has detected that there is a toad head human evil spirit in the cave who is needs medical treatment, and this medicine is outside the cave, it is the black grass, as long as the host dials this Give it to toad head human evil spirits to eat, and you can get rewards from the system."

That's great, it's really right to be here, this toad-headed human evil spirit is actually sick and needs help.

If you help him and then kill him, then you can not only get help from ghosts, but you can also get soul crystals.

It's not that this toad head human evil spirit is sick, so he should sympathize with him.

Being able to enter the mission of the Alliance of Ghosts as an example of evil spirits would definitely cost a lot of human lives.

This evil spirit has killed so many lives, no matter what he is, he is not worthy of being pitiful. When he gets better, he will still kill people.

Therefore, Leng Chengyu will not show pity.

After Leng Chengyu pulled out the black grass outside the cave, he said to Liu Fang: "Wait a little more vigilant. After I give him the herbs, you can lift me to fly over to him while he is not paying attention. In front of him, I can kill him with a peach wood dagger."

Leng Chengyu and Liu Fang walked into the cave slowly.

This cave is not only wide but also very deep.

After walking a long way, I finally heard the gasp of the toad head human evil spirit inside.

At this time, the toad head human evil spirit screamed again, and then said weakly, "What are you doing here? Believe it or not, I will kill you now!"

Leng Chengyu followed the voice and looked forward, and found that there was a black ice coffin in front of him.

The ice coffin opened, and there was a lot of white air-conditioning coming out of it. Mi He Mi

And the toad head human evil spirit is lying in it.

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