Leng Chengyu smiled and said to the toad head human evil spirit: "Are you sick?"

Toad's human body evil spirit is still dying to save face and refuses to admit: "You are sick, and your whole family is sick!"

Leng Chengyu still smiled and said, "I think you can't get up anymore. You should be very sick. You shouldn't avoid taking medicine."

Toad's head human evil spirit still refused to admit it, and even said angrily: "You can't get up, and your whole family can't get up!"

Leng Chengyu smiled angrily. He couldn't imagine that this toad-headed human evil spirit, who was as strong as a red-robed ghost, had such a child-like temper.

However, in order to complete the task of the system and earn the value of helping ghosts, Leng Chengyu still resisted not laughing out loud, still showing a very sincere smile, and said: "My family has ancestral herbs to treat your disease. , I am here to deliver you medicine."

Toad’s human body was stunned for a moment, and then he looked up at Leng Chengyu, and finally found that the black grass he was holding in Leng Chengyu’s hand, and immediately dismissed: "You don’t mean to say, the one in your hand. Black grass is your ancestral herb, right?"

Leng Chengyu still smiled sincerely and said, "Yes, it's this black grass."

The human evil spirit of the toad head immediately turned from disdain to anger and said: "Are you trying to lie to the children? The black grass in your hand is everywhere outside my cave. Use this weed as your ancestral herb. Who do you want to fool? Do you think I am foolish?"

Toad's human evil spirit was so angry that he was about to get up and want to kill Leng Chengyu. If it weren't for the fact that he was unwell and needed to lie in the ice coffin to rest, he would have flown out.汜 minus bⅹшⅹ●С〇汜

And Leng Chengyu looked at the angry toad head human evil spirit, still smiling and said: "I didn't fool you, this is really my ancestral herbal medicine, and it is indeed pulled from outside your cave. .

However, you are not a doctor, so if you don't recognize the efficacy of this black herb, you will treat it as a bunch of useless weeds.

In fact, this black grass cures the diseases in your body. As long as you eat it, you will be able to heal immediately. There is no need to lie in the ice coffin for seven to forty-nine days like you.

Toad head human evil spirit looked at Leng Chengyu suspiciously.

Leng Chengyu was right. He was born with this kind of fever and needed to lie in this ice coffin, and he had to lie down for seven to forty-nine days before he could heal.

Since this human being can be right, is the black grass in his hand really an ancestral herb?

Toad's body evil spirit is a bit uncertain, but he wants to try.

Leng Chengyu saw that the toad head human evil spirit had a longing for the black grass in his hand, but he was still hesitant.

Leng Chengyu said again: "This black grass is not poisonous. This kind of grass is everywhere outside your cave. You should have eaten it before, or the mountain spring water that has been soaked by grass. You know it’s not toxic, so you can give it a try."

Then, Leng Chengyu took the black grass and walked to the toad head human evil spirit: "Or, I will show you a taste?"

Toad's human evil spirit shouted vigilantly: "Stop, you can just throw the grass over, don't come over."

Leng Chengyu knew that this toad-head human evil spirit could not easily let him approach, he had already expected it.

So he didn't force it to go over, so he threw the black grass over it, just inside the black ice coffin.

The toad head human evil spirit picked it up and smelled it.

Leng Chengyu said: "You can chew it and swallow it. Although it is a bit bitter, the good medicine is bitter. As long as you eat it, the fever in your body will heal."

Seeing that Leng Chengyu was right again, his physical illness was fever.

The toad head human evil spirit did not continue to hesitate, but immediately picked up the black grass and put it in his mouth to chew, and then swallowed it in his stomach.

The reason why Leng Chengyu is right is because the system has already prompted.

The big mouth of the toad head human evil spirit chewed on black grass.

Soon, the black grass was crushed by his mouth, which was several times larger than a human mouth, and swallowed it all into his stomach.

After swallowing it into the stomach, the toad head human evil spirit felt a cold air in the body radiate from the abdomen, dissipating the heat in the body.

The heat on his body turned into golden particles like the color of sunlight, and then turned into bright light and evaporated.

At this time, Leng Chengyu's mind finally sounded the system prompt.

"Congratulations to the host, for successfully helping the toad head human evil spirits, and obtaining 20 million worth of assistance to ghosts."

Leng Chengyu did not check the system, nor did he think too much about why it is worth 20 million to help ghosts instead of 10 million.

He took advantage of the toad head human body evil spirit's disease just healed, and when he was still in a weakened state, he immediately reminded Liu Fang who was flying beside him.

Liu Fangyi met, and immediately flew over with Leng Chengyu, and flew to the black coffin.

Leng Chengyu raised the peach wood dagger in his hand and pierced it into the chest and heart of the toad head human evil spirit.

Just listen to the "chuckle".

When the mahogany dagger stabbed on the chest of the toad head human evil spirit, it couldn't get in.

The mahogany dagger was like stabbing on a copper wall and iron wall that would produce a reaction force, shaking the capital of Leng Chengyu's mahogany dagger to pieces.

In other words, this mahogany dagger, when it pierced the heart of the human evil spirit with the toad head, not only couldn't penetrate it, but it was also scrapped.

how can that be?

Leng Chengyu was stunned. U U Reading www.uukanshu.cóm

In the past, even the ghost infant and other red-robed ghost first-level evil spirits, without exception, when the mahogany dagger stabbed in the heart, they were deeply touched and did not find the hilt.

However, this situation is unexpectedly happening now.

Unless this toad head human body evil spirit is more than a scarlet ghost at first level.

The human evil spirit of the toad head was originally in the joy of just recovering from the disease, and he was ready to thank Leng Chengyu for some time. Who knows, Leng Chengyu suddenly flew over and lifted his dagger and stabbed him.

After the toad head human evil spirit was stunned, he quickly reacted: "Are you trying to kill me? You cure my illness and then kill me?"

It’s hard for the toad head human evil spirit to believe Leng Chengyu’s strange behavior, but the fact is that Leng Chengyu has just pierced his heart with a mahogany dagger. If not for his strength, he would have long been Already dead. Sacrifice as suyingwang.net

The toad head human evil spirit suddenly sat up from the black ice coffin, and then angrily scolded Leng Chengyu: "You are looking for death!" Mi He Mi

The powerful aura of the toad head human evil spirit exudes, forcing Leng Chengyu to retreat in bursts.

And Liu Fang behind Leng Chengyu, without saying anything, immediately mentioned Leng Chengyu and flew back.

"Since you want to kill me, then you go to die!" Toad head human evil spirit shouted.

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