Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 226: Guan Gong Knife Method Level 2

The deafening sound buzzed in Leng Chengyu's ears.

Even Liu Fang couldn't help frowning, releasing the spirit of the spirit to resist the sudden roar of the toad head human evil spirit.

The human evil spirit of the toad head who has recovered from the disease has recovered his original strength and his original vicious nature at this moment.

Seeing Leng Chengyu and the others flying backwards, trying to escape from the cave, the toad head human evil spirit slowly opened his toad mouth.

Although his toad mouth is only about three or four times larger than a human's mouth, when opened, it is bigger than a large water tank.

A stream of air from the toad's mouth stirred like a tornado, whirling out in the mouth.

Leng Chengyu allowed Liu Fang to fly outside the cave while checking the system mall.

I have just helped the toad head human evil spirit. If the toad head human evil spirit is not a red-robed ghost, then according to the previous rules of the system, there should be another kind of evil spirit that can defeat the toad head human evil spirit in the system mall. Spiritual items.

After checking, Leng Chengyu finally found that there was one more product in the system mall, but it was not an item, but a skill-the second level of the Guan Gong Sword Technique.

Before, Leng Chengyu blessed the first level of the Guan Gong Sword Technique, and his strength was not very strong, and he could not deal with the red ghost at all.

Can the second level of the Guan Gong Sword Technique appearing now be able to deal with the evil spirits above the first level of the scarlet ghost?

Leng Chengyu took a look at the profile.

汜 minus bxwx.*co汜. Sure enough, the second level of the Guan Gong Sword Art can really deal with the evil spirits of the red ghosts from level one to level three.

In other words, the level of this toad head human evil spirit should be between level 2 and level 3 of the scarlet ghost.

However, no matter how much, you have to first see how much help you need for a good value before you can exchange it.

Leng Chengyu looked down and found that the second level of the Guan Gong Sword Technique needed to help ghosts is not worth much, that is, 10,000 ghosts are worthy of happiness. It is a pleasure to have tens of millions of ghosts now. For the value of Leng Chengyu, it's nothing at all.

Leng Chengyu exchanged it immediately.

As soon as the exchange was made, Leng Chengyu immediately chose to bless him immediately.

Leng Chengyu felt a surge of power, poured into his body from the top of his head, and penetrated his whole body.

Then, there was a figure dancing Guan Gong's sword in his mind.

I saw a wide sea in front of the figure, and a tall mountain stood in the middle of the sea.

The figure yelled: "Overwhelming!"

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. Seeing Guan Gong knife slash forward, the surging power rushed to the sea.

The sea water boiled, and then the whole mountain broke apart and turned into ruins, slowly sinking into the sea, and then dissolved in the sea and disappeared.

The mountain just turned into powder and disappeared.

At this moment, the sea is still tumbling, like a tsunami, it can't be calm for a long time.

This power is too strong!

Leng Chengyu felt the overwhelming force on the second level of the Guan Gong Sword Technique that was displayed by this figure, and it was extremely powerful.

At this moment, after Leng Chengyu, who was already full of power, watched the performance of this figure, he also felt it. He himself seems to have practiced this row of mountains for hundreds of years. He is already familiar with it. He can also use Guan Gong. The knife came to cleave such power and momentum.

And at this time, the whirlwind spitting out from the big mouth of the toad head human evil spirit became bigger and bigger, and it rolled towards Leng Chengyu.

Then, it turned into a huge suction force, attracting both Leng Chengyu and Liu Fang.

Liu Fang couldn't resist this suction at all, and she was no longer able to carry Leng Chengyu and continue flying away outside the cave.

Instead, it was slowly sucked to the big mouth of the toad head human evil spirit.

Leng Chengyu was feeling the sword technique in his mind and the surging power on his body. At this moment, the suction force of the toad head human body evil spirit awakened him, making him return from the situation of blessing the Guan Gong sword technique. Excited.

After Leng Chengyu came back to his senses, he found that he was about to be sucked to the mouth of the toad head human evil spirit, less than three meters away from the toad head human evil spirit's mouth.

Without further ado, Leng Chengyu immediately took out his Guan Gong knife from the storage space, and then displayed it overwhelmingly, and draped it over the toad head human evil spirit's wide mouth and body.


The overwhelming force released by Guan Gong's knife hit the suction force of the toad head human evil spirit.

Toad's body and evil spirits were so shocked that they couldn't keep moving back, and at the same time, his suction force was rushed back into his mouth abruptly.

It was like a fish bone that had already vomited out of the throat, and it was stuffed back into the throat.

Let the toad head's personal evil inspiration to be very uncomfortable.

The toad head human evil spirit looked at the Guan Gong knife in Leng Chengyu's hand in surprise.

However, the toad head human evil spirit is after all the second and third level evil spirits of the scarlet ghost, and his combat experience is very rich.

He was only surprised, and immediately began to use his second ghost technique to fight against Leng Chengyu’s Guan Gong sword against the overwhelming force The toad head human evil spirit is worthy of it. The evil spirit of the second and third level of the scarlet ghost, in order to be able to display his second trick of ghost spirit, he quickly backed away.

Although the overwhelming force continued to rush towards him, it also gave him time to finally display his second move.

"Toad jump!"

His whole body began to become bulging, like a big water tank, and the color became shiny and shiny, as if it were an antique bronze cauldron.

Soon, the strength was accumulated, and at first glance, I knew that it was extremely hard.

Carrying this indestructible force, the hands and feet of the toad head human evil spirit slammed on the ground, and then his body sprinted forward, even directly towards the surging sword force.

He wants to carry it hard!

Worthy of being a toad head human evil spirit.

He can become the fame skill of the toad head human body evil spirit, and the most basic technique that allows him to become a powerful evil spirit of the second and third rank of the red ghost ghost is the toad jump that he has made now.

This is also his strongest ghost technique.

Mi He Mi. He believed that his toad jump would surely defeat Leng Chengyu's golden sword.

Just listen to the sound of "rumble".

The body of the toad head human evil spirit, which was like a hard bronze cauldron, finally collided with the overwhelming sword force that Leng Chengyu showed.

When the body hit the sword, the toad head human evil spirit laughed.

However, the toad head human body evil spirit hadn't laughed for a second, but he had already seen that the sword's power hadn't weakened much at all, just like that, it directly smashed his hard copper cauldron-like body.

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