Just listen to the sound of "swipe".

After this sword force smashed the toad-head human body evil spirit on the copper cauldron-like body, it actually split the toad-head human evil spirit’s copper cauldron as big as a water tank, and even the inside of the copper cauldron was already broken. The original body was split in half, and even the toad head was split in half.

"how can that be?"

Toad's head human body evil spirit is extremely surprised, the whole expression freezes there.

However, this is not over yet.

At the cross section of the toad-head human evil spirit's body that was split in half, a large amount of black air immediately emerged.

This large amount of black qi came out, pulling away the strong aura of the red-robed ghost of the toad head human body evil spirit, making the toad head human body evil spirit's powerful aura gradually declined, and it began to become weaker and sicker than the previous ones. We will weaken all the time.

Immediately afterwards, even the whole body began to be fragmented.

Then, the toad head human evil spirit that was standing there forcibly supported, finally couldn't hold it, and crashed to the ground.

And the fragmented body, along with this falling to the ground, drifted around and turned into fragments.

Then, it began to slowly disappear into the air.

At this moment, a large plume of white gas emerged between the body that had melted and dissipated like powder.

Leng Chengyu knew that the toad head human evil spirit had disappeared, and this was his soul crystal.

Therefore, Leng Chengyu immediately took out the golden box and went to collect the soul crystals.

Because the toad head human evil spirit level is too high, this soul crystal is also very big, it has never been big before.

After Leng Chengyu collected the soul crystals, he was naturally very happy.

He came here today, it can be said that he has gained a lot.

汜豜汜. Not only has he earned 20 million worth of helping ghosts, but his worth of helping ghosts has reached more than 90 million.

Sacrifice such as wanbar.net sacrifice such as. As long as you earn another 10 million, you can reach a hundred million worth of helping ghosts, and you can exchange for the strongest detoxification pill in the system to remove all the poison on your body.

And if you want to earn these 10 million helping ghosts, if you are lucky, you just need to continue to take another mission at the level of the scarlet ghost.

Now that the toad head human evil spirit had been killed and the task was completed, Leng Chengyu and Liu Fang left the rocky mountain together.

When I came to the foot of the mountain, I suddenly found that several ghosts were flying on the road ahead.

However, these ghosts seem to be very strange, their expressions are very sluggish.

Moreover, Piaofei's movements are not like other ghosts, capable of other small movements.

These ghosts flew there, just like a wooden sculpture, and flew in the air.

"They are not ghosts." Liu Fang immediately concluded, "I didn't sense the aura of ghosts in them, but they have the power of ghosts."

"You don't mean to say that they are similar to those paper people?" Leng Chengyu also saw some problems.

Just like the two face men driven by Hong Qingsheng before, they were very human-like and very lifelike.

And now, these ghosts flying in the air should make them look like ghosts, but they are actually paper people.

They just don't know what materials they are made of. They are very lifelike, just like the kind of vicious ghosts. At first glance, people think of them as ghosts.

But in fact they are not, they are just puppets controlled by people, just like paper people.

Leng Chengyu turned his head and looked at him for 4 weeks, but did not see anyone around him.

These paper people flying in the air should be controllable from a long distance.

Because the paper man blocked the way, Leng Chengyu wanted to go around.

Currently Leng Chengyu does not want to cause trouble.

He wasn't sure why these paper people were flying in the air.

However, before Leng Chengyu went around, these paper men floated over and surrounded Leng Chengyu. A siege was launched.

Leng Chengyu quickly took out Guan Gong's knife.

He resorted to overwhelming, and immediately shook these paper people back.

However, it has not been able to kill these paper men.

This makes Leng Chengyu feel very strange.

This time, the paper men are so powerful. With this platoon of mountains and seas, even the toad-headed human body evil spirits of the second and third grade red-clothed ghosts can be chopped to pieces, and the souls are scattered, and these paper men are just retreated. No cracks appeared.

"How is this possible? How come these paper men are so powerful?"

Leng Chengyu felt very confused.

And the one who has been flying in front of Leng Chengyu said: "It may not be that the paper is too strong this time, of course they are also very strong. However, your golden knife may be designed to overcome ghosts, but it cannot overcome paper people. So it can't exert its due power."

Leng Chengyu nodded: "I think it should be the same."

However, since it was able to retreat, Leng Chengyu continued to use the overwhelming tactics, and continued to shake back the paper people who had surrounded him again.

However, these paper men quickly dispersed and besieged Leng Chengyu from all directions.

Leng Chengyu's Guan Gong knife can only cut in one direction, and at most it can only allow the power to take into account the front and the left and right, but not the back.

In other words, being able to repel the paper people in front and left and right ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can not produce much power on the paper people in the back.

The paper man behind took the opportunity to fly towards Leng Chengyu, then raised his hand and patted Leng Chengyu's head.

Liu Fang has been escorting Leng Chengyu by her side. Seeing the paper man flying over, she immediately picked up Leng Chengyu and flew to avoid the paper man’s attack.

Although the paper man didn't slap his head with a slap, the power of the paper man's slap was so powerful that Leng Chengyu fell to the ground by the shock, and even Liu Fang fell to the ground by the shock.

At this time, the other paper people were only shaken back, and they soon besieged.

Leng Chengyu had to stand up quickly, and then continued to resort to overwhelming moves, forcing the paper man close to him back.

However, after several rounds, Leng Chengyu had fallen down several times.

Had it not been for Liu Fang's assistance, I'm afraid he would have been killed by these paper men a long time ago.

Now Leng Chengyu doesn't know what to do.

He couldn't see the controlling person behind him. He didn't even know who was going to kill him. All he could think of was Hong Qingsheng and Hong Baichuan, but there was no evidence.

"Are you going to die here today?"

Leng Chengyu, who was attacked again and fell to the ground, began to despair at this moment.

Even after a few rounds, those paper men were not without loss at all.

Mi He Mi. After the paper men were attacked several times by Leng Chengyu's overwhelming swordsmanship, cracks would appear in their bodies.

However, this rift had no effect on the paperman. The combat effectiveness of the paperman remained unchanged, and the attack was still so fierce and fast.

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