Just as Leng Chengyu was desperate, he discovered that the paper men who besieged him no longer besieged him, but flew in another direction.

"How is this going?"

Looking up, I didn't know when, another group of paper men suddenly appeared.

There were a dozen or so paper men in total, and as soon as they appeared, they immediately attacked the paper men who besieged Leng Chengyu.

Suddenly these dozen paper people appeared. They didn't have any outer packaging, so they simply drew them out of paper.

Unlike the paper men that Leng Chengyu encountered and besieged him, they used special materials to make them look like ghosts, which made people unable to distinguish.

The appearance of these paper people who suddenly appeared can be seen to be made of paper.

However, this does not affect their attack power.

Although some of them were strong and weak, they were able to crush the paper men who besieged Leng Chengyu.

It can be seen that these suddenly appearing paper people are also very powerful.

At the same time, Leng Chengyu also saw that it was the two female commissioners Fang Zhi and Song Fei from the headquarters of the Union of Ghosts who controlled these paper men to relieve him.

The paper men were fighting over there, but Fang Zhirou walked to Leng Chengyu's side and asked concerned: "Are you okay?"

Leng Chengyu stood up and patted his body without any injuries.

Leng Chengyu said, "I'm fine, thank you for saving me."

Fang Zhirou smiled and said, "No thanks, you saved me several times, and it is only natural that I saved you once."

Soon, after Fang Zhirou's paper men had lost a few paper men, they finally eliminated the paper men who had besieged Leng Chengyu.

Fang Zhirou took these paper people back into the storage space.

Leng Chengyu asked in amazement, "Can the paperman be taken back into the storage space?"

Fang Zhirou said: "I applied for this paper man from the headquarters of the Ghost Guardian Alliance, and the General Force of the Ghost Guardian Alliance has storage space for the paper figures."

"So that's the case." Leng Chengyu asked again, "Then why did you just appear here?"

Fang Zhirou said: "I only came here after investigating an incident related to the invisible ghost.

Because there is already evidence that the invisible ghost incident is related to the East Ghost King.

Therefore, for the convenience of investigation and the ability to protect myself in the event of an accident, I can apply for these papers. "

"You have entered the territory of the East Ghost King. Isn't the territory of the East Ghost King a forbidden land?" Leng Chengyu asked in surprise.

At present, the Alliance of Ghost Defenders has not formed a hostile relationship with the East Ghost King, and has been in a state of relaxation. As long as you do not offend me and I do not offend you, you will be able to live in peace.

Fang Zhirou said: "We are only exploring the periphery of the East Ghost King's territory, hoping to find some evidence that the East Ghost King may spy on our human base city.

Leng Chengyu asked, "Does the East Ghost King want to invade our human base city?"

Fang Zhirou said: "It is possible that he is now accumulating strength. When his strength is strong enough, he will begin to invade human territory. He sent invisible ghosts to the headquarters of the Union of Ghosts to steal secret documents. This purpose."

Fang Zhirou continued: "We have determined that the invisible ghost was sent by the Eastern Ghost King."

Leng Chengyu asked, "Has the evil spirit caught in the Desolate Land confessed?"

Fang Zhirou said: "Yes, that evil spirit is the middleman who connects the invisible ghost and the East Ghost King."

Leng Chengyu asked, "Since there is evidence already, are you planning to list the East Ghost King as the next target of encirclement and suppression?"

Fang Zhirou said: "It's not that simple. The Eastern Ghost King is too powerful and has a very wide sphere of influence. It is not so easy to surround him. It may require the entire Alliance Headquarters to send power."

Leng Chengyu and Fang Zhirou talked as they walked.

And another female commissioner, Song Fei, followed Fang Zhi and Leng Chengyu with an angry expression.

Behind Song Fei are the girl ghost Liu Fang, and Fang Zhi and Song Fei's two ghosts, namely the skeleton ghost and the hair ghost.

Leng Chengyu and Fang Zhirou were very engaged in the conversation.

They seem to be looking for words to talk to each other when they are speechless, wanting to show their closeness to each other.

Leng Chengyu also felt Fang Zhirou's enthusiasm, and he was a little bit urge to confess to Fang Zhirou.

However, because she only met Fang Zhirou a few times, she didn't know where to confess to each other.

Therefore, Leng Chengyu still resisted this impulse.

However, deep down, I still want to talk more with Fang Zhirou. No matter what you say, you are very happy and happy no matter what you say.

However, at this moment, Song Fei abruptly interjected behind him: "Zhirou, do you know where you are now? Why don't you take a map to check it out?"

Fang Zhirou recovered from being immersed in a happily chatting with Leng Chengyu. She immediately took out the map to check it, looked around, and then said in surprise: "It's very strange here, it seems we have crossed the boundary~www .wuxiaspot.com~ Song Fei said angrily: "You don't mean to say that we have entered the territory of the East Ghost King, right? "

Fang Zhirou nodded and said: "It's possible, let's find a way out first, and leave the territory of the East Ghost King quickly, otherwise, the consequences of being discovered by the East Ghost King are hard to imagine."

"You also know that the consequences are hard to imagine. Then you think where is the exit, look for it soon." Song Fei was very anxious.

Fang Zhirou was also very anxious, she immediately pointed at the map carefully, and walked around with her skeleton ghost.

Leng Chengyu was trying to keep up. At this moment, Song Fei stopped Leng Chengyu and said in a low voice, "I advise you not to take Zhirou's idea. You are from a small city and you are not worthy of Zhirou."

Leng Chengyu did not expect Song Fei to say such things to him at this time.

He was stunned for a moment, and then stared at Song Fei: "You shouldn't be able to call the shots for Fang Zhirou. Why are we not together yet and you have to separate us? I have no grudges with you, right?"

Song Fei coldly snorted: "I'm just warning you, don't want to eat swan meat. By that time, Zhirou refused. It will be you who are sad."

After speaking, Song Fei ran forward and followed Fang Zhirou to find a way out.

Leng Chengyu had no choice but to control the girl ghost Liu Fang and follow behind.

Because he is not familiar with the surrounding terrain, if he really strayed into the territory of the Eastern Ghost King, he still had to leave quickly.

After all, even the League of Ghosts has listed the territory of the East Ghost King as a forbidden area, and he doesn't want to be out of line.

However, before the few people walked out of this unfamiliar area, they heard a rustling sound coming from nearby, and it seemed that many people were surrounded here.

Soon, these people approached, and they turned out to be all ghosts.

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