There were hundreds of these ghost spirits, and they formed a vaguely encircling situation against Leng Chengyu and the others.

"What to do? The ability to mobilize so many ghosts may be the method of the Eastern Ghost King."

Leng Chengyu had no choice but to walk together to discuss countermeasures.

Fang Zhirou said, "I can only confess to them."

"Frankly what? Frankly you are here to investigate the Eastern Ghost King." Leng Chengyu doubted, "So they still let us leave?"

Song Fei immediately sniffed and said, "Why are you so stupid? How can you say that we are here to investigate the Eastern Ghost King. We only said that we came to the nearby area to do a mission and we strayed into the territory of the Eastern Ghost King."

Leng Chengyu blushed for a while and stopped talking.

He didn't know the two female commissioners very well, he was only worried, so he said so, and Song Fei still stared. .

And Fang Zhirou smiled and explained: "If we just strayed into the territory of the East Ghost King, they should not dare to detain us."

"If you dare to detain, then hit it."

Leng Chengyu looked at the hundreds of ghosts that were getting closer and closer, thinking about him now that he had blessed Guan Gong to the second floor of the law, and he would be able to force dozens of ghosts back with a single blow.

After all, these ghosts are not like paper people, not restrained by Guan Gong.

Once these ghosts were struck by Leng Chengyu's overwhelming force, they would be seriously injured if they were not dead.

And these hundreds of ghosts probably lost half without cutting a few knives.

Therefore, Leng Chengyu is not afraid of these ghosts.

And when these ghosts came around, they didn't say a word, they just gradually narrowed the encirclement, and the encirclement became tighter and tighter, without leaving a way out for Leng Chengyu and the others.

After Leng Chengyu and the others had discussed it, Fang Zhirou immediately shouted at the surrounding ghosts: "We are the ghost guards of the Union of Guardians of Ghosts. Who is in charge here?

Are you a subordinate of the East Ghost King? We just got lost and got here, and don't want to fight the East Ghost King, so please go away and we will find a way to get out of here. "

At this time, one of the hundreds of ghosts that came around looked like a leader, he laughed and said: "You two chicks, I have been paying attention to you for a long time, you are sneaking around in the territory of our East Ghost King. What are you doing? Do you want to steal our Dongguiwang treasure?"

Song Fei raised her head and said, "Don't take what we said so dirty, are we like stealers? We just have tasks nearby."

The ghost with the leader-like appearance at this time he hesitated and said with a smile: "No matter how slick you are, in short, your purpose for coming here is definitely not simple. The East Ghost King has already given an order. You must be arrested and let the East Ghost King come personally. Disposal."

Then, the leader looked at several people violently and said: "Are you going to follow us obediently, or let us tie you up and leave?"

And Leng Chengyu didn't have so much patience at this time: "Then you mean that you don't believe us, you have to arrest us, do you want to do it with our Ghost Defender Alliance right?"

The chief still smiled and said, "You were the first to enter our territory. We are just defending ourselves."

Song Fei immediately said angrily: "We have already said, we just entered here by mistake, we will look for an exit now and leave here."

The leader snorted coldly: "Do you think I am a three-year-old child? You two chicks have been circling around the territory of the East Ghost King for an unknown number of days. We have noticed you a long time ago. The East Ghost King has already given an order, you guys. The two chicks must be caught back."

Leng Chengyu looked back at Fang Zhirou and whispered: "It seems that they have already seen your identity, and they can't agree, so let's fight." Xiru Xiru

With doubts on Fang Zhirou's face, she said, "But there are too many of them, and I'm afraid that after this batch is finished, there will be another batch that was found in the territory of the East Ghost King, and we can't leave at all."

"Should they be caught back like this? We are the commissioners sent from the headquarters of the Union of Ghosts, don't we have any dignity? Don't the East Ghost King want to catch it? Since these ghosts don't give any face, then I agree with him and fight out."

Song Fei rarely agrees with Leng Chengyu's opinions.

"Okay." Fang Zhirou said, "However, I have to send a distress signal. I always feel that we can't beat them."

With that said, Fang Zhirou took out the signal flare and launched it.

The brilliant light flew straight to the sky from Leng Chengyu and the others, and then exploded in the sky, forming a popcorn-like shining light, shining for a few seconds before disappearing.

Upon seeing this, the leader yelled immediately: "Brothers, they have asked for help from the Ghost Guardian Alliance. We will arrest them and go to see the East Ghost King, or the East Ghost King will blame us."

As soon as the chief's shouts stopped, these ghosts cried out and flew over to Leng Chengyu and the others, and at the same time, each performed their own ghost skills.

Waves of attacks swept towards Leng Chengyu and the others.

And Fang Zhirou quickly took out the previous paper figures to resist this wave of attacks.

At the same time, she also let her skeleton ghost guard in front of her, and Song Fei also let her hair ghost guard in front of her

And Liu Fang also stopped in front of Leng Chengyu, performing her ghost skills, and blasting against those ghosts.

And Leng Chengyu took out his Guan Gong knife, and said to Liu Fang: "You let me go, I want them to taste the power of my golden knife."

Liu Fang stood aside, and Leng Chengyu performed the second layer of the Guan Gong Sword Technique.

An overwhelming power swept over the ghosts who had besieged Xiang Leng Chengyu.

Just like the turbulent waves in the ocean, there is a sharp golden sword made of energy in the middle.

In this way, he bombarded the ghosts in front with the momentum of overwhelming.

The attacking ghosts were quickly bombarded by this row of mountains and seas, and soon fell a large area, and many ghosts fell to the ground and groaned continuously.

And there were dozens of ghosts that fell.汜减bXwX 汜

The leader saw that Leng Chengyu's golden sword was so powerful, he was stunned.

"Hehe, it seems that I still have some ability, but you just have a knife, we have hundreds of ghosts, how can you cut it over? Quick! Everyone surrounded it, and the most important thing was to **** the knife in his hand. "

Under the call of the leader, another wave of more powerful attacks began.

Leng Chengyu didn't talk nonsense, and immediately used a second time of overwhelming swordsmanship, and immediately slashed towards the ghost attacking like a bee. Mi He Mi

Dozens of ghosts fell, and Leng Chengyu's encirclement situation suddenly left a lot of vacancies.

Upon seeing this, Leng Chengyu went to support Fang Zhirou and the others.

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