Leng Chengyu wanted Fang Zhirou to get rid of the entanglement of other ghosts, and then broke through the gap he made.

After Leng Chengyu asked Liu Fang to carry him and fly towards Fang Zhirou and the others, he immediately raised the Guan Gong knife and used it overwhelmingly, slashing at the ghosts that besieged Fang Zhirou and the others.

Under the impact of the overwhelming knives, these ghosts quickly fell dozens of them.

Fang Zhirou and Song Fei were very surprised.

They didn't expect that they used the paper men applied from the headquarters of the Union of Ghosts to fight against the ghosts that besieged them with difficulty, but Leng Chengyu stabs them and knocks down dozens of them at once.

Regardless of Fang Zhirou's surprise, Leng Chengyu continued to chop and chop a few more times, and immediately the other Zhirou and the others shouted: "Hurry! There is already a breakthrough here. Let's break through here."

However, just as Leng Chengyu and the others were about to turn around and go back to break through, they heard a sharp whistle.

Then, all of a sudden, there were only a few hundred ghosts, but suddenly a few thousand more came, and they were surrounded to death.

After surrounding Leng Chengyu and the others, the leader said fiercely: "I didn't expect you to be so powerful, but no matter how powerful you are, don't even want to escape from the territory of the Eastern Ghost King."

It was this chief who whistled just now to attract more ghosts.

In the struggle with almost 10,000 ghosts, Leng Chengyu and the others fought into darkness.

Leng Chengyu didn't care about three or seven and twenty-one, and he used his Guan Gong knife to cut out the mountains and the sea.

And Fang Zhirou controlled her paper men from constantly attacking the ghosts that approached them, and at the same time, kept the skeleton ghosts and hair ghosts guarding them to prevent accidents.

So, although it was besieged by almost 10,000 ghosts.

However, it has been around for almost half an hour, and none of them has been injured yet.

However, as the encirclement became smaller and smaller, Leng Chengyu's power was gradually consumed.

Although Fang Zhirou and the others were very powerful, they were also damaged a lot under the siege of so many ghosts.

After all, there are also higher-level ghosts among the besieging ghosts.

Although there must be very few or no red ghosts, there are too many ghosts.

There is a saying that even ants can kill an elephant, as long as there are enough ants.

Although an elephant can trample ants to death, if there are too many ants, the elephant's life can be endangered.

Under this circumstance, Leng Chengyu and the others also felt perilous. They knew that they could no longer break through.

Fang Zhirou looked at the paper men who had become smaller one by one, and had to shout at the chief of the air command at the rear at this time.

"We surrendered, but, after all, we are the ghost defenders of the ghost defenders alliance. We don't want to be **** as criminals to see the East Ghost King.

If we want us to meet the East Ghost King, we must meet as a guest, not as a prisoner. Otherwise, even if we are dead, we will not go to see the East Ghost King. "

The leader commanded from the rear flew high in the air. Judging by his released aura, I am afraid that he has reached the second and third level of the strength of the red ghost, but he has not come down to participate in the battle.

Because he was ordered by the East Ghost King, he could not hurt these ghost defenders, but he must let them go to see the East Ghost King.

If he comes down to participate in the battle, he is somewhat worried that these ghost guards may be seriously injured and killed by him.

In order to fulfill the order of the East Ghost King, he can only win with the number of ghosts.

He has always used the strategy of besieging but not killing to deal with Leng Chengyu and the others.

Now he finally achieved his goal.

He said to Fang Zhirou from high in the air: "Okay, then you walk in the middle, we will lead the way in front."

In this way, Leng Chengyu and the others have been surrounded by almost 10,000 ghosts and led to the palace of the East Ghost King.

While being escorted, Leng Chengyu vaguely heard those ghosts talking in a low voice.

"These two chicks are good, do you think the King of Ghosts is attracted to them? Don't let us hurt them, but we must take them to see him."

"What do you think? They are the ghosts of the Alliance of Ghosts. The reason why the Ghost King wants to see them is because he suspects that they are spies sent by the Alliance of Ghosts. The reason why the Ghost King must catch them is because he wants Give the Alliance of Ghosts a disarm, so that the Alliance of Ghosts will not dare to send spies to the territory of the Ghost King in the future."

"Since the ghost king is boring to them, can we..."

"Well, it's a bit maneuverable..." Min minus bⅹшⅹ●С〇汜

When Leng Chengyu heard those ghosts' comments, he looked down at Zhi Rou worriedly.

Fang Zhirou comforted Leng Chengyu and said, "Don't worry, the Eastern Ghost King dare not do anything to us."

"But Donggui Wang's men..." Leng Chengyu was still very worried.

Song Fei said angrily, "If the subordinates of the Eastern Ghost King dare to act on us, they will kill them."

What Leng Chengyu thought was that if they were imprisoned by the East Ghost King and the ghosts were confiscated by then, how could their two weak women resist those of the East Ghost King?

Just looking at Fang Zhirou's confidence, Leng Chengyu didn't continue to speak.

He continued to be escorted and did not take long distance~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Suddenly, a group of ghost guards and their ghosts floated in the sky.

One of the ghosts yelled: "I am the special envoy of the head elder of the ghosts alliance headquarters. I have to send a message to the king of east ghosts for me, so please come out and meet him. These are the ghosts of our ghosts alliance. , Tell your East Ghost King, I will save them."

When Leng Chengyu looked up, he found that the special envoy of the great elder was still following Chairman Zhong.

It turned out that Fang Zhirou was so confident because she had always rescued soldiers. Sacrifice like yuebiqu.com sacrifice like

Fang Zhirou's rescuer should be the special envoy of the great elder, and the special envoy of the great elder unexpectedly called Chairman Zhong, and many squadron leaders from the Xicheng District Defense Line station also came along.

The ghost leaders of the Eastern Ghost King also flew into the air, looked at the Special Envoy of the Great Elder, and finally said: "Since I am the Special Envoy of the Great Elder, I will pass it on for you."

The team finally stopped going to the palace of the East Ghost King, but stopped here, waiting for the result after the communication. Mi He Mi

Soon, a long rainbow-like bridge appeared thousands of miles ahead. On the bridge was a white-faced middle-aged man who was walking towards it.

Every step he took, he shortened the rainbow by a large amount.

A rough estimate is that this large section may be all kilometers long.

In other words, this middle-aged man can walk a kilometer away in one step.

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