The Rainbow Bridge continued to extend to Leng Chengyu and the others, and at the same time, the middle-aged man continued to step on the Rainbow Bridge and strolled here leisurely.

In less than a minute, the middle-aged man came to the sky above Leng Chengyu and theirs 100 meters away.

As soon as the middle-aged man arrived, the nearly 10,000 ghosts on the ground knelt down, and even the leader who was flying in the air also knelt down in the air.

The ghosts yelled: "Congratulations to the East Ghost King!"

The East Ghost King slowly said, "Get up."

These ghosts dared to rise slowly.

And the leader still did not stand up, but pointed to the special envoy of the Great Elder standing next to President Zhong, and said: "Report to Lord East Ghost King, he is the special envoy of the Great Elder, and he is the one who protects the few ghost guards under him. ."

At this time, the special envoy of the Great Elder who has been flying in the air raised his head, smiled at the East Ghost King, and said, "You are the East Ghost King. On behalf of the Great Elder of the Alliance Headquarters, I would like to extend my highest respect to you.

At the same time, I would like to express my small request to you. The few ghost guards from the Union of Ghost Guards have accidentally entered your territory by mistake. I hope you don't care about them and let them leave. "

The East Ghost King laughed and said, "It's easy to say, since you are the special envoy of the Great Elder of the Headquarters of the Yuguizhe League, I still have to give you your face. But..."

"But what? You don't care if you have any conditions, as long as you can let them leave." The Special Envoy of the Great Elder immediately answered.

When the special envoy of the Great Elder came here from the East Ghost King, he was able to guess the level of the East Ghost King, and he definitely reached the seventh level of the Scarlet Ghost.

And his ghost guard level only reached the third level of the scarlet ghost.

If the East Ghost King initiates a fire, then they will not be able to leave. Even if in the end, the Ghost Guardian Alliance headquarters sends people to rescue, it will have to pay a higher price than it is now.

That's why the Special Envoy of the Great Elder spoke to the Eastern Ghost King in such a soft tone.

After all, in front of the strength and the number of ghosts, the East Ghost King has the strength to crush them.

The East Ghost King still smiled and said: "Since the envoy is so reasonable, then I am not an unreasonable person. I will see how much I lost in this battle, and you can make up for the loss and give it to me."

Then, the Eastern Ghost King looked at the leader who was still kneeling in the air, and said coldly: "You count, how many ghosts have we lost?"

The leader said in his heart: "There are not many deaths, but there are many injured. The total should add up to more than a thousand."

Leng Chengyu below heard this leader's words, frowning.

How could it hurt so much? At most hundreds of them have been injured, and how can they be asked to pay for medical expenses?

At this time, the special envoy of the great elder in the sky still smiled and said: "For the ghosts of over a thousand, I don't know how the Eastern Ghost King wants us to pay for it?"

The Eastern Ghost King waved his hand and said with great pride: "As long as it can make up for the soul crystals that they can recover.

Sacrifice such as The Special Envoy of the Grand Elder asked: "How many soul crystals do you need?"

The East Ghost King turned his head to look at the kneeling leader, and asked, "What is the lowest level of your subordinates? What is the highest level?"

The leader replied: "The black ghost with the lowest level is level 1, if the level is the highest, the red ghost is level three."

After listening to the leader’s words, the East Ghost King looked at the Special Envoy of the Great Elder again and said with a smile: “Then I’ll take a middle value. You only need to give 10,000 soul crystals with the level of the Green Head Ligui 2 or above, and I can get The following ghost guards have left."

"What? Ten thousand! And all of them are green-headed ghosts of level 2 or above!" The special envoy of the Great Elder changed his face at this moment.

And Fang Zhirou below said loudly: "Special Envoy, don't give it to him, he is starting from the point of view."

The envoy lowered his eyebrows and asked pleasingly: "East Ghost King, can you think about the quantity?"

At this time, the East Ghost King immediately changed his previous smile and spoke easily, and turned into an indifferent appearance, saying: "Since you can't be the lord, then let your elders come in person."

"This..." The envoy was a little embarrassed.

Chairman Zhong also reminded the special envoy, "I am afraid that all the inventory of the Xicheng District Defense Line will have to be moved."

"Hey!" The envoy sighed, and he whispered, "In order to save the lady, I can only ask for everything for a while. Let the Eastern Ghost King temporarily arrogant for a while.

When the conditions are sufficient, this East Ghost King will also become our target of encirclement and suppression, and all his things will also belong to the Alliance of Ghosts. "

The envoy is about to agree.

At this moment, a very loud sound suddenly rang from the ground.

"East Ghost King, I think you just have to listen to my words, regarding the number of soul crystals, you will definitely agree to consider it."

Everyone turned their heads and looked around, and found that it was Leng Chengyu who was speaking.

Fang Zhirou pursed her mouth and looked at Leng Chengyu in surprise.

Song Fei directly blamed Leng Chengyu and said: "What are you doing? What can you do at this time? Do you want us to be imprisoned by the Eastern Ghost King?

Did you not see the situation clearly? Even the great elder's special envoy is not as powerful as the Eastern Ghost King. If the Eastern Ghost King initiates a fire, all of us will have to be imprisoned. "

At this moment, the East Ghost King looked at Leng Chengyu in surprise, and asked with a smile: "I don't know what this little friend below can say for me to consider."

Leng Chengyu said, "East Ghost King, when you came here just now, you stepped on the Rainbow Bridge. It must be very exciting, right? But there seems to be a little regret!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Do you dare to slander the ghost spirit of our East Ghost King? The ghost spirit of our East Ghost King is always the most perfect. Do you want to die?" The leader kneeling in the air immediately yelled at Leng Chengyu.

汜豜汜. The East Ghost King was stunned for a moment, and then forced a smile to ask Leng Chengyu: "Then you are talking about it, what's the shortcoming?"

"Your Rainbow Bridge lacks a color, which makes people with discerning eyes look very abrupt." Leng Chengyu also said with a smile.

"What color is missing?" Donggui Wang still forced his anger to ask.

The leader of the East Ghost King said angrily: "If you can't tell what color is missing, I want you to die right away!"

Leng Chengyu ignored the leader, but faintly said, "How about eating yellow? Am I right?"

The East Ghost King condensed his eyebrows and said nothing.

Leng Chengyu continued: "If the East Ghost King can consider the amount of compensation, I can make your Rainbow Bridge have yellow color and become perfect."

"You mean it!"

Even the mighty Eastern Ghost King was somewhat unable to calm down at this moment.

Mi He Mi. You know, his rainbow bridge does look very windy under his hands, but if it is placed in front of other powerful ghosts of the same level, it will show its timidity.

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