Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 232: Defects of the East Ghost King

"Of course it is true." Leng Chengyu said very confidently.

The East Ghost King immediately showed expectant gaze: "Then tell me something."

Seeing that the East Ghost King had taken the bait, Leng Chengyu immediately started bargaining.

"Before speaking, I would like to ask the East Ghost King, if my words are helpful to you, what about compensation?"

The East Ghost King immediately said: "If you can make my Rainbow Bridge have yellow color, then I don't want you to compensate, just let you go."

"What? No compensation?" The kneeling leader was surprised.

You know, let the ghost guards alliance compensate a huge amount of soul crystals to be able to let go of the few ghost guards underground, but the East Ghost King has already planned it.

The East Ghost King wanted this compensation, also to enhance his strength.

Because the East Ghost King wants to lay a solid foundation for further expansion of the territory in the future.

However, the Eastern Ghost King would not compensate for Leng Chengyu's words now, which is incredible.

However, what this leader didn't know was that the reason why the East Ghost King's Rainbow Bridge lacked yellow was because his techniques had been flawed, and he could no longer take a step forward after reaching the seventh level of the Red Ghost.

He has been looking for a breakthrough.

But it has not been found.

And Leng Chengyu now said that he could fill his Rainbow Bridge with yellow, so the East Ghost King would definitely not let this opportunity pass.

The East Ghost King gave this sentence to exempt compensation, also to encourage Leng Chengyu to know everything, and then to allow him to find inspiration and find a breakthrough.

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. Not only the chief was surprised, even the Special Envoy of the Great Elder, Chairman Zhong, and Fang Zhirou were very surprised.

They feel that the Rainbow Bridge of the East Ghost King is like a red carpet, just to show off, and it doesn’t have much effect.

In order to be able to fill it with yellow, it is hard to believe that such a large amount of compensation is not required.

And Leng Chengyu was also very surprised. Leng Chengyu didn't know why the East Ghost King gave this Chengruo.

The reason why Leng Chengyu was able to say that the lack of yellow in the Rainbow Bridge of the East Ghost King was because of the prompt from the system just now.

After the East Ghost King came, the system prompts the East Ghost King to need help.

Leng Chengyu just followed the instructions of the system to talk to the East Ghost King.

And Leng Chengyu's main purpose is to earn money for helping ghosts.

After all, the Eastern Ghost King is a powerful evil spirit of the 7th rank of the Red Ghost. If you successfully help the Eastern Ghost King, then how many help the ghost can get is worth tens of millions.

With the addition of these tens of millions of ghost assistance as a pleasure value, plus what is already in the system, then Leng Chengyu can save up to 100 million ghost assistance as a pleasure value, and he can exchange for the strongest detoxification pill. All solved.

As for the exemption of the compensation from the Eastern Ghost King, it was just a gimmick.

Just to make the East Ghost King be able to believe what he said.

Now that the East Ghost King actually said that the compensation could be exempted, Leng Chengyu was also very surprised.

However, in order to earn the value of helping the ghost, he continued to speak according to the system prompts.

Leng Chengyu looked at the East Ghost King who was full of expectations, and slowly said, "The reason why your Rainbow Bridge lacks yellow is because there is a lack of element in the exercises you are practicing."

"Lack of an element?" The East Ghost King's eyes widened in an instant. "You are right. This is probably the reason. What element is missing?"

Leng Chengyu waited for a while, but the system hadn't given any hint that it had successfully helped the East Ghost King.

Leng Chengyu had no choice but to continue.

"The earth element is missing."

"Earth element?" Yes, yes, you are too right! "East Ghost King instantly understood it.

He seems to have seen his breakthrough, but he continued to ask Leng Chengyu: "So, how can I solve this defect?"

Leng Chengyu felt that he seemed to be teaching the Eastern Ghost King to fill in the gaps in the practice, which made Leng Chengyu reluctant to continue.

However, at this time, the system still did not prompt that it had successfully helped the East Ghost King.

Leng Chengyu had to continue to follow the information that the system had displayed before and talk to the East Ghost King.

"There are two methods. One method is to eat foods that contain earth elements to absorb energy. But this method is very slow.

If you want to be faster, there is a second method, which is to find those exercises that specialize in cultivating the unearthed elements and blend them with your own exercises. But this second method is a bit dangerous. "

"Is it a fusion technique?" The Eastern Ghost King began to ponder.

After pondering for a while, the East Ghost King suddenly slapped his head and said loudly: "Very good! Very good!"

Then, he immediately said to the leader who was kneeling in front of him: "Remove all your subordinates, and don't want them to compensate."

After speaking, the East Ghost King turned around and stepped on the Rainbow Bridge, and soon disappeared.

"Just left?"

Seeing that over ten thousand ghosts had been evacuated, all the ghost guards present were stunned.

The special envoy of the Great Elder immediately flew down with his ghost, came to Fang Zhirou's face, and asked softly: "Miss, are you okay, I'm late and startled you."

Fang Zhirou shook her hand and said, "I'm fine."

Then he turned his head to look at Leng Chengyu's side, and said, "Thanks to him this time, we have lost a lot of supplies."

The Special Envoy of the Great Elder said to Chairman Zhong who was flying down in the same way: "You are a good ghost defender in Fuyang ~ Chairman Zhong said: "He is the one I want to promote him to the squadron leader. The ghost defender who has repeatedly made extraordinary achievements, but has not yet been approved. "

Decrease Bxw 汜. "Really?" The Special Envoy of the Great Elder looked at Leng Chengyu and said, "He seems to be too young, and his level of Ghost Defender is not enough. However, now that he has done a great job, I will talk to the Ghost Defender Alliance Headquarters. Now, try to make this happen."

Chairman Zhong said happily: "That would be great."

However, just as President Zhong and the others were discussing about Leng Chengyu, Leng Chengyu lowered his head in a daze, wondering what he was thinking.

In fact, Leng Chengyu is now checking the rewards given by the system.

As soon as the East Ghost King left, the system prompt sound appeared.

The system rewarded 50 million Leng Chengyu for helping ghosts.

Leng Chengyu knew that he now had more than 100 million ghosts as a pleasure, enough to exchange for the strongest detox pill.

But he was not in a hurry at this moment, he wanted to wait until he went back to exchange it for consumption.

And what he cares about is that since he has helped a high-level evil spirit of the East Ghost King, whether there will be an item that can restrain the East Ghost King in the system mall.

Leng Chengyu checked, and sure enough, there was an additional item in the system.

It's just a skill, it's the third layer of the Guan Gong Sword Art.

Leng Chengyu took a look at the profile.

Mi He Mi. This groundbreaking, can be used to kill the evil spirits above level 7 of the scarlet ghost.

In other words, the current Eastern Ghost King, Leng Chengyu can produce results with just one shot.

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