Leng Chengyu looked at the Eastern Ghost King who had disappeared into the distant horizon.

Although the third level of the Guan Gong Sword Technique can kill the East Ghost King, but now that the East Ghost King has left, Leng Chengyu can't chase the East Ghost King's palace, right?

The East Ghost King has many powerful subordinates.

Leng Chengyu only has a knife, I'm afraid he can't deal with it, right?

Moreover, the Alliance of Ghost Defenders has not formally turned against the East Ghost King, and has not listed the East Ghost King as a target of encirclement and suppression.

Leng Chengyu, as a ghost defender of the Ghost Guardian Alliance, did not want to make his own claim and violate the rules of the Ghost Guardian Alliance.

Unless it was, when Leng Chengyu was on the mission, the East Ghost King happened to show up to stop him or a dispute occurred. If the East Ghost King was killed at that time, there would be no problem. Bxwx.co

However, now the East Ghost King has returned to his palace, and his subordinates have also withdrawn, it is not suitable to do it now.

Therefore, although the third layer of the Guan Gong Sword Technique is added to the system mall.

However, Leng Chengyu did not choose to bless immediately. He also wanted to wait until he returned to the Xicheng District Defense Line station before blessing.

After checking the system, Leng Chengyu turned his head to look at Fang Zhirou and the others.

They found Fang Zhirou all staring at him.

Leng Chengyu couldn't help asking: "What's wrong with you? Why are you looking at me?"

Fang Zhirou smiled and said, "You have done a great job."

The Special Envoy of the Great Elder also said: "You have saved a lot of supplies for the Alliance of Ghosts. I will definitely declare the credit to the headquarters of the Alliance of Ghosts.

Just now, I told Chairman Zhong. Regarding the promotion of you as the resident squadron leader of the Xicheng District Defense Line, I will bring it up again to the Headquarters of the Ghost Guardian Alliance, and at the same time I will report on your abilities and merits that I have seen with my own eyes. "

Chairman Zhong also smiled and said: "There is a special envoy of the Great Elder who is mediating among them. I believe that your promotion to squadron captain will soon be approved."


After everyone returned to the defensive station in Xicheng District, Fang Zhirou, Song Fei and the special envoy of the Great Elder returned to the headquarters of the Union of Ghosts.

And Leng Chengyu also returned to his apartment. Sacrifice as miaoshuyuan.com

Leng Chengyu first exchanged the strongest detoxification pill with one hundred million worth of ghost assistance as a pleasure.

Leng Chengyu was very excited when he looked at the golden-yellow pill that was bigger than grapes and full of energy with a dazzling light.

Thinking about it for so long, the poison on his body has not been solved yet, and it is maintained by practicing the Guan Gong sword technique once a day.

Now it is finally possible to take this pill to completely relieve the chronic poison on the body.

It is false to say that you are not excited.

Leng Chengyu took a few deep breaths and calmed down.

Then, finally stretched out his hand slowly, picked up the pill and put it in his mouth.

As soon as the pill was put in the mouth, it slowly melted away.

A burst of heat also slowly flowed into the stomach as the medicine melted, making the whole stomach feel warm.

This heat is getting bigger and bigger, and this warm feeling spreads from the stomach to other parts of the body.

First, it warms from the stomach to the other organs of the body, and then from other organs to the bone marrow, then the muscles, blood vessels, tendons, and then the skin.

It didn't stop until every minute part of the whole body was warm.

This warm feeling continued to rise, rising to warmth, and there was a trace of sweat coming out of his body.

The sweat was black at first.

Then slowly as the black sweat evaporates and dissipates in the air, the sweat that continues to emerge from the body slowly turns into a turbid yellow, and even a fishy smell comes out.

And this yellow sweat slowly evaporates with the increase of sweat.

The color of the yellow sweat slowly began to lighten and become clear.

In the end, the sweat that came out of the body finally turned into a shiny white.

The white sweat evaporates quickly, and the sweat that continues to come out is no different from normal people.

The heat from all over the body also slowly dropped.

As the last wave of sweat evaporates, the body temperature is normal, and the body no longer sweats.

At this time, Leng Chengyu felt that his whole body was extremely relaxed and comfortable.

It was like carrying a heavy object and finally putting it down at this moment, the body was extremely brisk and full of strength.

It is more comfortable than hot springs.

Leng Chengyu knew that the chronic poison that had been entangled in his body for many years was finally completely relieved.

Because the clothes on the body have been soaked with sweat, they are already full of sweat stains.

Therefore, Leng Chengyu simply took off his clothes, took a shower, and changed into clean clothes.

However, Leng Chengyu did not rest, but continued to bless the third layer of the Guan Gong Sword Technique.

The value of helping ghosts for the third level of the Guan Gong Sword Technique is 20,000, which is nothing to Leng Chengyu.

Leng Chengyu immediately exchanged it, and then immediately chose to bless it immediately.

Leng Chengyu only felt that there seemed to be a red sun above his head, shining on his body.

However, a beam of light with a fierce but extremely warm jet from the sun directly shot into the Baihui Cave on Leng Chengyu's head.

Then, from the Baihui point, continue to infuse until the abdomen at the Dantian ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the beam of light slowly converges into the Dantian, forming a spherical energy body, which makes Leng Chengyu feel the strength of his body extremely comfortable.

At this moment, there was a burst of emptiness in his mind, and then a situation quickly turned out.

When this scene appeared, Leng Chengyu's eyes went dark, his body seemed to be in a dark box.

He also held the golden Guan Gong knife in his hand, shining with a trace of light, allowing Leng Chengyu to see some of the surrounding scenery faintly.

At the same time, a shadow was dancing with a Guan Gong knife in it.

And when this shadow danced the Guan Gong knife, it was not far from Leng Chengyu, just like a master.

Leng Chengyu couldn't help but dance the Guan Gong sword with him.

However, the Guan Gong sword technique at this moment is just a form, and no energy is poured into it.

Therefore, the dance made Leng Chengyu feel soft.

After dancing three times, Leng Chengyu felt that he was already familiar with this move.

This move is actually very simple, it is to raise the Guan Gong knife back, and then slash forward forcefully.

Don't say it three times, Leng Chengyu learned such a simple move once.

However, the shadow danced impatiently three times, letting Leng Chengyu learn it three times before stopping. Mi He Mi

Suddenly, Leng Chengyu saw a red sphere in the Dantian of the figure.

When the figure danced the Guan Gong knife, the red sphere slowly flowed to the arm along the meridian, and injected into the Guan Gong knife.

This time, when the Guan Gong knife smashed forward, the energy ball rushed forward along the Guan Gong knife.

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