Leng Chengyu should follow the method of the figure, rotate the energy ball in his body, and chop Guan Gong's knife.

Soon, Leng Chengyu was able to move the energy ball from the dantian to the arm like a human figure, then transition to Guan Gong, and hack forward.

After this step, the blessing in my mind is completed.

When the blessing stopped, Leng Chengyu really felt that there was a big energy ball in his dantian, and his whole body was full of power.

After training in his mind, Leng Chengyu seemed to feel that he had practiced the third level of this Guan Gong sword technique. He had practiced it for several years. He was so familiar and could use it freely.

Leng Chengyu took out the Guan Gong knife from the storage space, and even just danced it, and then thought of the energy ball in the dantian, the energy ball can flow along the meridian.

And the powerful aura also exudes from him.

It can be said that the blessing this time not only allows Leng Chengyu to exert the power of the third layer of the Guan Gong knife to open up the world.

Sacrifice such as suyingwang.net. At the same time, it also caused a qualitative change in Leng Chengyu's body.

With this energy ball in his dantian, Leng Chengyu felt that the strength of his body was at least comparable to that of a green-headed ghost.

In other words, in the future, even if Leng Chengyu does not need the girl ghost Liu Fang, even if he does not need the Guan Gong broadsword, he can still have the strength of the green-headed ghost, and the ghosts below the green-headed ghost will only slap in front of him. You can shoot to death.

Unexpectedly, this blessing would be so different.

And this third level of the Guan Gong Sword Technique is also the highest level of the Guan Gong Sword Technique. The Guan Gong Sword Technique has been completed by now, and there will be no more levels of the Guan Gong Sword Technique in the future.

In other words, the Guan Gong Sword Technique is fully repaired here.

No wonder that such a big change occurred in Leng Chengyu's body.

And now, Leng Chengyu's girl ghost Liu Fang, after eating a lot of soul crystals, finally reached the first level of the green head ghost.

Moreover, Liu Fang is still asleep now.

This is after Leng Chengyu heard the words of the Special Envoy of the Great Elder and felt that he might soon be promoted to the squadron captain, so he did not hesitate to upgrade Liu Fang to the first level of the Green Head Ligui.

汜豜汜. The first level of the green-headed ghost is the most basic level to become a squadron leader.

In the past, Leng Chengyu's ghost did not reach the first level of the green-headed ghost, so he was criticized a lot.

Now, Liu Fang has upgraded, so Leng Chengyu has also upgraded to Tsing Yi Yuguizhe level, reaching the standard of a squadron leader.

Then, when he became the squadron leader, the others would not dare to criticize him.

At the same time, it can also increase Leng Chengyu's prestige in front of his hands.

In the past few days, Leng Chengyu has been resting without going out on a mission.

Because he has earned enough to help ghosts worth a hundred million, and he has solved the poison on his body.

And Liu Fang had just eaten a lot of soul crystals, and he was upgraded to the first level of the green-headed ghost, and he was in a deep sleep.

Leng Chengyu didn't want to go out on mission so quickly, so he would rest for a few days.

Two days later, Leng Chengyu suddenly received a notice that the headquarters of the Yuguizhe League had approved him to be promoted to the captain of the third squadron of the defense line resident in Xicheng District, Fuyang City.

The third squadron used to be Hong Qingsheng's squadron. After Hong Qingsheng resigned, the captain of this squadron has been vacant.

Therefore, after Leng Chengyu came up, he naturally filled this vacancy.

President Zhong also held a celebration meeting and an inauguration ceremony specially for Leng Chengyu.

After a few days of carnival.

Suddenly, an emergency high-level meeting of the squadron leader was held that day.

Leng Chengyu soon arrived at the high-level conference hall.

This is the first time Leng Chengyu has come here for a meeting as a squadron leader. He used to be observers.

The squadron leaders in the conference hall also arrived one after another.

And the last one that came was President Zhong who was anxious and angry.

Leng Chengyu did not know the specific content of this meeting, nor why President Zhong was so anxious and angry.

As soon as President Zhong entered the conference hall and came to the main seat, he slapped the conference table with a slap before sitting down.

There was a "pop".

The squadron captains who were shaking their heads couldn't help but raised their heads in horror.

But there was one squadron leader who was even more frightened. It was Chen Fei, the squadron leader of the first squadron. He didn't even dare to raise his head, so he kept his head down and didn't dare to look at President Zhong.

However, President Zhong's gaze has been swept towards Chen Fei, and he is still staring at Chen Fei coldly, the anger on his face has become even heavier.

"Captain Chen, tell me, what the **** is going on? The defensive points of the Ghost Infant Territory that we worked so hard to defeat are handed over to you to defend. Why did you lose it?"

Leng Chengyu was surprised when he heard this.

Chen Fei lost the defensive point of the ghost and infant territory? Could it be that a ghost infringed the defense point and also took the defense point?

Leng Chengyu sounded a little dazed. Since joining the Alliance of Ghosts, he has always known that the Alliance of Ghosts is expanding its territory. He has never heard that the expanded territory will be counter-invaded.

Chen Fei still lowered his head and didn't speak. He didn't dare to say anything at all, so he could only let President Zhong exasperate there.

Chairman Zhong said coldly: "Chen Fei, do you know who invaded your defense point?"

At this time, Chen Fei slowly raised his head~www.wuxiaspot.com~ However, he did not dare to look at President Zhong, but he still mustered up the courage to hesitate and said, "I guess it might be the King of Eastern Ghosts. 'S men."

Chairman Zhong immediately said angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about? Do you have any evidence? The East Ghost King has always maintained a non-aggressive relationship with our Ghost Defender Alliance. Do you know how much responsibility you have to shoulder when you say this?"

Seeing that President Zhong was so angry, Chen Fei immediately changed his words: "Perhaps it is also possible that the remaining subordinates of the Ghost Infant have not been wiped out yet. They are making a comeback."

President Zhong immediately denied: "It's impossible! The Ghost Infant has been killed, even if some of his men slipped through the net, they dare not come out and invade our territory."

Chen Fei immediately mumbled: "Then I don't know."

President Zhong was very angry.

"You lost your defense point, and you still said you don't know? How did you become the captain of the squadron? Do you want me to withdraw you?"

Chen Fei opened his mouth wide in surprise, he did not expect President Zhong to say such heavy words.

At this time, footsteps sounded outside the door of the conference hall.

Leng Chengyu looked back and found that it was Zhao Zizhou who had walked in.

Zhao Zizhou glanced at Leng Chengyu, then at Chairman Zhong.

Chairman Zhong said angrily: "What are you doing here? Is this the place you should come?"

Zhao Zizhou flushed and said, "Chairman Zhong, it is an emergency. I want to report to Captain Leng Chengyu and you immediately."

Mi He Mi. "What to report? Hurry up!" Chairman Zhong said impatiently.

Zhao Zizhou dared not look at the angry President Zhong. He lowered his head and said, "Our squadron also lost one of its defense points."

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