Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 235: Go to the defensive point

Captain Chen seemed to have grasped the life-saving straw, and said excitedly: "President Zhong, you see, not only our first squadron has lost defensive points, but even the third squadron has lost defensive points.

So I think it's not the negligence of the captains of us, but the ghosts that violated our defense points are too powerful. "

"What do you mean?" President Zhong glared at Captain Chen with an angry face.

Captain Chen was right now, and he could already dare to look at each other face to face with President Zhong.

Captain Chen raised his eyes to Chairman Zhong, and said: "Chairman Zhong has just said that the ghost infant has been killed, so his subordinates can't make any big storms anymore, but can make such a big storm. , I think it should be the East Ghost King."

President Zhong's face changed slightly: "East Ghost King? Do you have any evidence?"

Captain Chen said: "At present, I don't have any evidence yet, but near our Xicheng defense line station, only the East Ghost King has such strength and such courage to dare to invade our defense line."

President Zhong was silent at this time.

Sacrifice is like President Zhong is also speculating at this time that it is very likely that it will be the East Ghost King, but the East Ghost King has always maintained a non-aggressive relationship with the Ghost King Alliance. Why would he suddenly violate the defense of the Ghost King Alliance at this time? Point?

Could it be that the East Ghost King has not cared about the League of Ghosts at all?

To be honest, it’s not that President Zhong had never thought that the East Ghost King was the one who violated the defense point, but he didn't know the reason and confidence of the East Ghost King infringing the defense point.

You know, during this period of time, the defense line station in Xicheng District and even the other defense line stations in Fuyang City did not make any major moves, and they did not continue to have any entanglements with the East Ghost King.

Even the two female commissioners at the headquarters of the Union of Ghosts did not continue to explore the East Ghost King's territory during this period of time.

Therefore, the East Ghost King had no reason to invade the newly expanded defense point of the Xicheng District Defense Line Station at this time.

If you want to infringe, if you don't want to expand the territory of the Xicheng District Defense Line Station.

Then, the East Ghost King should join forces with the Ghost Infant to stop the Ghost Guards Alliance when the Ghost Infant is conquered.

Wasn't it easier in that situation at that time?

Why must it be this time?

This is something that President Zhong couldn't understand.

After listening to Captain Chen's words, the other squadron leaders felt that the only one who violated the defense point was indeed the East Ghost King.

President Zhong couldn't figure it out on his own, so he looked up at the other squadron leaders and asked, "What do you say about this?"

Although the other squadron leaders felt that they were the East Ghost King, it was a great responsibility to ask them to speak out.

Therefore, they did not dare to draw conclusions casually.

These squadron captains, you and I say a word, just slapped sideways, but didn't directly point to the East Ghost King.

Some said: "In terms of strength, it is true that only the Eastern Ghost King has this strength, but it is also possible that powerful ghosts in other territories have suddenly become hotheaded and want to obtain something, so they invaded our territory."

Some said: "If it is the East Ghost King, I think it is possible that it is just the East Ghost King's subordinates who are advocating, and the East Ghost King does not know."

Some suggested that President Zhong find an opportunity to find a suitable place to meet with the Eastern Ghost King, and ask him in person.

After listening to the speeches of the squadron leaders, Chairman Zhong concluded: "In other words, the situation is still unclear. Whoever violated our defense points must be investigated first."

Then, Chairman Zhong turned his head to look at Leng Chengyu and Chen Fei, and said: "You two try your best to regain the defense point. If it doesn't work, then you must investigate to find out who violated the defense point.

Is it the subordinate of the Toki King? If it is under the command of the East Ghost King, whether it is the order of the East Ghost King, these must be investigated clearly. "

Both Leng Chengyu and Chen Fei said, "Yes, we must do our best to do well."

At the end of the meeting, Leng Chengyu and Zhao Zizhou returned to the office of the squadron captain of his third squadron.

As soon as he arrived at the office, before sitting down, Leng Chengyu asked anxiously, "What the **** is going on? Why did you lose a defensive point?"

After Leng Chengyu was promoted to the squadron leader, he also promoted Zhao Zizhou to the squadron leader, responsible for managing the defense points of their squadron.

Zhao Zizhou explained the specific situation.

汜豜汜. It turned out that there were a lot of these ghosts that invaded the defense point, there were more than 1,000, almost 2,000, and they were very powerful.

And it's very arrogant, they even attacked in broad daylight.

The ghost guards who guarded the defensive points could not resist at all, so they had to retreat.

After listening to Zhao Zizhou's report, Leng Chengyu said, "If this is the case, then I will meet these ghosts."

Leng Chengyu has now blessed the third level of the Guan Gong knife technique. He hasn't used it on the spot yet, so he can use them to test the knife.

Even if there are powerful ghosts in these ghosts, Leng Chengyu believes that he can cope.

To tell the truth, the third level of this Guan Gong sword technique can kill the seventh-level red-robed ghost of the East Ghost King.

These invading ghosts, is there any better than the East Ghost King?

Even if they are the subordinates of the East Ghost King even if the East Ghost King is dispatched in person, after Leng Chengyu has the third level of this Guan Gong Sword Art, if he fights alone, he can still be captured.

The reason why Leng Chengyu didn't dare to go to the East Ghost King's territory to meet the East Ghost King himself was because the East Ghost King had too many men.

Otherwise, after Leng Chengyu blessed the third level of the Guan Gong Sword Technique, he would have gone straight to the East Ghost King’s palace to kill the East Ghost King.

And now, Leng Chengyu was going to meet the ghosts that violated their third squadron's defense point for a while.

Leng Chengyu also asked Zhao Zizhou about the number of ghosts.

Got it, that group of ghosts is counted as the maximum number, which is only 2000 at most.

Leng Chengyu took 1,000 ghost guards from his third squadron.

It can be said that it is a mighty desire to go and take back the defensive points that have been invaded.

Coming 100 meters away from this defensive point, he secretly observed it, and Leng Chengyu discovered that the ghosts who had seized their defensive point over there were able to stand guard and guard like a ghost guard.

Moreover, their number is very large, and the patrol team is dozens of them.

A patrol team will pass by in a while.

It is difficult if you don't want to be caught in a sneak attack.

Fortunately, Leng Chengyu tuned in a batch of bows and arrows containing evil spirits.

Although there are only a thousand bows and arrows, they are enough.

Pulling a bow and shooting arrows at a distance of a hundred meters away can also make some ghosts that invade the defense point lose their combat ability, and then launch a general attack, then there is a chance of winning back the defense point.

Mi He Mi. Leng Chengyu signaled to Zhao Zizhou, Zhao Zizhou waved his hand, and the archer aimed at the target and fired a bow and arrow.

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