The bow and arrow were fired quickly.

Because it was well prepared, it was hidden and concealed.

Not aware of this sudden bow and arrow, the ghosts patrolling and the ghosts standing guard on the sentry tower, dozens of them were shot down at once.

After dozens of shots were shot down, the ghosts in the anti-counterfeiting point became a mess.

"The ghost guard is coming to counterattack!"

"Brothers hurry up!"

While these ghosts ran around in a panic and didn't know where the bows and arrows came from, the second wave of bows and arrows shot out again, and dozens of them were swept down.

However, when the third bow and arrow were shot out, Leng Chengyu and the others discovered that when the bow and arrow were shot a few meters away from the enemy, they were blocked out of thin air, and then fell from the air to the ground.

It's as if there is a baffle blocking it, blocking the bow and arrow.

"It's a protective barrier!"

Zhao Zizhou saw it.

"It must be the ghost technique performed by the powerful evil spirits in the defensive point. A protective barrier has been built. Bows and arrows can't be shot at all. What should I do now?"

Zhao Zizhou looked at Leng Chengyu.

Leng Chengyu said decisively: "That's only an offense. Everyone rushed in, broke the protective barrier, and regained the defensive points."

Zhao Zizhou waved his hand: "Everyone released ghosts, rushed over, and broke the protective barrier."

All the ghost guards released their ghosts, and these ghosts all flew toward the protective barrier.

However, when it reached that protective barrier, no ghost could break the protective barrier and rush into the defense point.

"Jie Jie Jie..."

At this time, a oozing laughter rang from the defense point.

Then an evil spirit with a pig face and a human body flew in the air, snorting coldly: "You human ghost defenders, no one can break through the protective barrier of the leader.

I advise you to leave as soon as possible, otherwise, the leader changes his mind and kills all of you. "

As for Leng Chengyu and the others, when they saw a pig-faced evil spirit coming out to speak, they judged that this should be a little boss, and there was a boss on the little boss.

And the ghost spirit level of this leader must be very high, because the protective barrier he set up even made Leng Chengyu and the others who had reached the level of the green-headed ghost spirit unable to break through.

Leng Chengyu thought, he should do it himself.

Leng Chengyu summoned Liu Fang, the ghost girl who had also rushed out, and flew back to the protective barrier with her.

As soon as he came to the protective barrier, Leng Chengyu took out the Guan Gong Knife and displayed the third layer of the Guan Kung Knife Method to break the ground.

Leng Chengyu directly displayed the third level of the Guan Gong sword technique that can kill the red ghost of the East Ghost King, because he wants to be familiar with the third layer of the Guan Gong sword technique.

After all, it was only blessed before, and it has not been actually used.

Now, Leng Chengyu wanted to see if the power of this third-layer knife technique could cut through this barrier.

Leng Chengyu raised the head of the Guan Gong knife high, and then he thought of the energy ball in his dantian, and it circulated, along the meridians, to his arm.

Then, as soon as Leng Chengyu put his hand hard, the energy ball was poured into the Guan Gong knife from his arm.

The energy ball poured into the Guan Gong knife, making the Guan Gong knife tremble and buzzing, and the momentum of the Guan Gong knife also accumulated.

Soon enough, the sword momentum finally accumulated, and Leng Chengyu swung Guan Gong's sword and slashed forward.

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. Just listen to the sound of "boom".

The entire protective barrier shattered and dissipated like smoke.

After cutting through the protective barrier, the sword's momentum did not weaken much, and it continued to sweep forward.

This sword is not only powerful, but also has a very wide range of influence.

The head of Guan Gong was like a sun, and then the sword momentum like the sun's rays was launched like that.

It is like a mirror, reflecting a ray of light, sweeping towards the very wide area in front.

This sword is too powerful and too broad. All the ghosts in the defense point and all the buildings in the defense point that were affected by it suddenly smashed, and they all shattered into fragments.


Leng Chengyu's eyes widened.

"How can the third layer of the Guan Gong Sword Technique be so powerful? This defense point also has a width of over 100 square meters?"

With this knife going down, not only those ghosts who had all been chopped up were shattered and dissipated, but even the buildings at the defensive point were chopped to pieces and collapsed, leaving only a pile of residue.

It's like those boulders were chopped up and turned into sand.

The third level of the Guan Gong Sword Technique is simply terrifying!

At the back, Zhao Zizhou, and the other ghost guards, saw this scene, and they were instantly shocked that they didn't know how to deal with them.

They originally thought that even if Leng Chengyu had the ability, he would only be able to cut through the protective barrier, and then wait for them to rush over, and then wipe out the ghosts in the defense point.

Decrease bxW x.cO汜. Moreover, because there are too many ghosts in the defense point, a cruel battle is needed to win.

Who knows, now Leng Chengyu is just a knife. Not only has all the ghosts disappeared, they have been broken into pieces and their souls have been scattered, and even the buildings of the entire defense point have been cut to ~ After everything is broken, the rolled up dust slowly falls to the ground like a thick fog.

Suddenly, among the dust, an evil spirit was still kneeling inside the defensive point that had become ruins.

I saw him with a hideous face, his whole body was broken up and down, and many wounds on his body were bleeding with black blood.

He moaned in pain, trying to stand up, but felt very difficult.

He looked at Leng Chengyu in horror: "You knife..."

And when the evil spirit raised his head, Leng Chengyu discovered that this evil spirit turned out to be the leader who had besieged them in the territory of the Eastern Ghost King before.

"Are you the leader of the Eastern Ghost King?"

"It turns out that the Eastern Ghost King invaded our territory."

"Did the East Ghost King ordered you, or did you make your own decision?"

Under Leng Chengyu's repeated questioning, the leader didn't say a word, and black smoke came out of him.

Obviously, he should be trying to escape.

"Want to escape?"

Leng Chengyu raised the Guan Gong knife, and then began to accumulate the sword momentum.

However, the leader's desire to escape was too determined, and all of a sudden, he spouted a mouthful of blood from his mouth.

The blood mist was permeated, confused with the black smoke coming out of his body, covering the entire body of the leader.

The leader's body can no longer be seen.

Seeing this change, Leng Chengyu's eyes widened, he wanted to see clearly what the leader was going to do.

Mi He Mi. Who knows that at this time, these mixed blood fog and black smoke slowly faded, and then disappeared.

And the leader who disappeared with the blood mist and black smoke.

The leader took the opportunity to escape.

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