Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 237: Talk in Chairman Zhong's Office

Although the leader ran away, Leng Chengyu also regained the defense point. Although the defense point has become ruins, the temporary defense point was originally a very simple building, turned into ruins, and can be rebuilt. , This is not a big problem.

Leng Chengyu recognized that the leader who flees was Donggui Wang's subordinates.

In other words, Leng Chengyu has already found out who is invading the defense point.

I just don't know if it was the Eastern Ghost King who gave the order directly or the leader made his own decision.

However, from the time when the leader encircled Leng Chengyu and the others, he showed the humble appearance in front of the East Ghost King. Leng Chengyu felt that this leader was not so bold and daring to make his own claim.

Therefore, if Leng Chengyu wants to make a judgment, then 90% of it has been determined that the East Ghost King sent his hand to invade the defense point.

After leaving some ghost guards here to rebuild the defensive point and guard the defensive point, Leng Chengyu and Zhao Zizhou returned to the defensive line of Xicheng District together.

After returning to the defense line station in Xicheng District, Leng Chengyu went directly to Chairman Zhong's office.

The reason why President Zhong has an office here in the Xicheng District Defense Line is because he is also the head of the Xicheng District Defense Line while serving as the chairman of the Fuyang Branch of the Union of Ghosts.

Therefore, President Zhong will spend a lot of time at the defensive line station in Xicheng District, and the defensive line stations in other districts of Fuyang City are also under the control of President Zhong, but if there is no major event, he will generally not go there.

Coupled with the previous ghost infant incident and the current defensive point being invaded, President Zhong stayed in the Xicheng District defensive line station for even more time.

Therefore, when Leng Chengyu came to President Zhong's office, President Zhong was in the office.

Leng Chengyu immediately reported to Chairman Zhong: "My defense point has been taken back. However, the defense point has collapsed during the battle and needs to be rebuilt, and I have also found out that it was Dong who had invaded my defense point. A leader of the Ghost King, so I think the East Ghost King is very suspicious."

After listening to Leng Chengyu's report, Chairman Zhong, who was still sitting, immediately stood up: "Are you sure? Are you sure what you see is really the leader of the Eastern Ghost King?"

Leng Chengyu said: "Yes, it is the leader of the group of ghosts who surrounded me and the two female commissioners in the headquarters of the Yuguizhe League. I will not admit it, if it were not because he was injured and used the secret technique. If I escape, I might be able to catch him back.” Xiru Xiru

Chairman Zhong did not immediately arbitrarily list the Eastern Ghost King as an enemy of the Yuguizhe League. He carefully analyzed and said: "Do you think it is possible that it was not the order of the Eastern Ghost King, but the leader made his own proposal, in order to ask the Eastern Ghost King for credit , That's why we invaded our defense point privately?"

Leng Chengyu said: "This possibility is not ruled out, but this leader seems to be very afraid of the East Ghost King. You saw it when you went to rescue us before. He didn't dare to stand up in front of the East Ghost King. He kept kneeling there. How could such a leader dare to make his own claim?"

President Zhong finally said with a solemn expression: "You mean, is it really the order of the Eastern Ghost King to violate our defense point?"

Leng Chengyu also did not say anything: "I think there is a 90% possibility." Bxwx.C o汜

President Zhong walked around in the office, looking unbelievable and undecided.

"East Ghost King really has turned against our Ghost Guardian Alliance? He has always maintained a non-aggressive relationship with us before. Why is it suddenly invading our defense point? Is it deliberately provoking us? What is the reason? I want to challenge. Is our bottom line?"

Leng Chengyu stood there still, without speaking.

At this time, the voice of "Boom Boom Boom" came from outside the office.

Captain Chen Fei ran in sweating profusely.

When he saw Leng Chengyu here, he was stunned for a moment, and then he said loudly to President Zhong who was walking around in the office.

"President Zhong, I have to ask you for additional weapon support. If possible, it is better to transfer some powerful ghost guards from other squadrons to help me recover the defense point together, and the ghost who violated my defense point. Stronger, I went personally, and I couldn’t do anything with them."

President Zhong frowned when he heard Captain Chen say this: "You didn't take back your defense point?"

Captain Chen immediately said with a bitter melon look: "How to take it back? It was obviously done by the Eastern Ghost King's men. They are very powerful. Many of them are at the level above the green-headed ghosts. I suspect that there are even red-robed ghosts. How can the strength of my squadron be recovered? Unless you go personally, the president."

Hearing Captain Chen's words, Chairman Zhong immediately said angrily: "It's just to take back one defense point, do I have to go personally? Then why has Leng Chengyu's defense point been taken back?"

Captain Chen looked at Leng Chengyu in surprise: "Your defense point has been taken back?"

Leng Chengyu nodded.

Captain Chen immediately quibbleed: "It may be that the level of the ghost that violated his defense point is too low. I have a red ghost level."

Leng Chengyu said: "I also have a red-robed ghost-level guy on my side, but he was injured and ran away."

Captain Chen was stunned and couldn't say anything At this moment, there was the sound of footsteps outside the door, and it was a squadron captain from another squadron who ran in.

He saw Leng Chengyu and Chen Fei both here, and he was also taken aback, but he still reported loudly to President Zhong.

"Chairman Zhong, it's not good! My defense point is also lost!"

"What?" Chairman Zhong was shocked at this time.

And Captain Chen finally had something to say at this time.

"I said, the level of the ghosts that invaded our defense points is too strong, and it is helpless to lose the defense points. I am 100% sure that it was sent by the East Ghost King. Only the East Ghost King has this nearby. Ability and courage."

Chairman Zhong looked at the squadron leader who had just entered and asked: "Have you checked the origin of the ghosts that violated our defense points?"

The squadron leader said: "I agree with Captain Chen that only the East Ghost King has such strength and courage."

Chairman Zhong sighed: "In this case, let's hold a squadron captain-level meeting immediately. This matter is too serious. If the East Ghost King really invaded our defense point, then we have to go to the Headquarters of the Union of Ghosts. Apply for the East Ghost King as the target of encirclement and suppression."

Soon, in the high-level conference room, all squadron leaders came to the meeting.

The squadron leaders at the meeting all agreed that they should immediately apply to the Headquarters of the Union of Ghosts for the East Ghost King as the target of encirclement and suppression.

Chairman Zhong sorted out everyone's opinions, and then sent an emergency report to the headquarters of the Union of Ghosts.

Within half a day, there was a reply from the headquarters of the Union of Ghosts.

At the headquarters of the Union of Ghosts, they said that it is not time to encircle and suppress the ghost king. Mi He Mi

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