Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 238: Leng Chengyu's impulse

After getting the reply, Chairman Zhong had to summon all the squadron captains of the Xicheng District Line of Defense station to come to the high-level conference room for a meeting.

Chairman Zhong bowed his head and said in frustration: "The Alliance Headquarters has not approved it. The above statement is that the time is not yet ripe."

Chen Fei complained: "When will the time be right? Will it be time to wait until all our expanded defense points have been invaded?"

In addition, the squadron leader who was invaded by the defense point also said: "Yes, if this continues, let the East Ghost King send his men to invade our defense points, I am afraid that not only the newly built defense points will be lost, even our previous defense points will be lost. I am afraid that the line of defense will be tightened.

The factories and arable land between the defensive points have become ruins. The most important thing is the workers and farmers.

They will definitely have to find another new job because of this, or even lose their jobs.

This is a major event that affects at least hundreds of families. How could the Headquarters of the Union of Ghosts not approve it? "

The other squadron leaders were also sighing, and they didn't know what the Ghost Guardian League headquarters actually thought.

Leng Chengyu couldn't figure it out either.

It stands to reason that when the two female commissioners at the headquarters of the Union of Ghosts investigated the invisible ghosts, they had already investigated the body of the East Ghost King, and they all knew that the East Ghost King had acted illegally against the Ghost King League.

Why is the evidence now conclusive, and the East Ghost King has directly attacked the defense points of the Alliance of Ghosts, but the headquarters of the Alliance of Ghosts is still hesitating?

Chairman Zhong also saw everyone's doubts.

He explained.

"You don't see the overall situation, what you see at the headquarters of the Ghost Guardian League is the whole world.

There are five great ghost kings in the whole world, and if we declare war on one of the five great ghost kings, the East ghost king, in case we are not fully prepared, we cannot succeed in encircling and suppressing them all at once.

As time drags on, the headquarters of the Alliance of Ghosts will transfer their power here, and other ghost kings will be ready to move, and may take the opportunity to invade the defense lines of other base cities. "

After listening to Chairman Zhong's explanation, everyone also understood the decision of the Ghost Guards Alliance headquarters.

However, Chen Fei still said angrily: "Will we have to wait until our defensive points have been invaded before the headquarters of the Alliance of Ghosts will agree to take action against the Eastern Ghost King?"

The squadron leader who also lost the defense point also said: "If we continue at this speed, it will not take a few days before the East Ghost King has already invaded our newly expanded defense point. If we hesitate, the time will drag on, and those who have been invaded will also be invaded. The more, we will be passive."

Other squadron leaders also said: "That's no way. The East Ghost King is the power of the five ghost kings in this world, and his power is too great.

The area he occupies is probably bigger than our Fuyang city, and his subordinates are even more of a feather.

If only relying on the power of the ghost guards in Fuyang City, it is impossible to destroy the Eastern Ghost King, and we must rely on the power of the Alliance Headquarters. "

At this time, Leng Chengyu suggested: "Capture the thieves first, capture the king. If we kill the East Ghost King, will the other East Ghost King’s subordinates split into many leaders? No one accepts anyone.

In that way, we don't have to worry about these divided leaders having the ability to invade our defense points. "

"Kill the Eastern Ghost King? Are you kidding?" Chen Fei immediately sniffed, "Do you know how strong the Eastern Ghost King is? The red ghost is level 7!

Even President Zhong couldn't fight it, so he had to send a stronger ghost defender down from the headquarters of the Alliance of Ghost Defenders. "

At this moment, President Zhong looked at Leng Chengyu with his eyebrows, and asked very seriously: "Are you sure to kill the Eastern Ghost King?"

Leng Chengyu said: "I do have the trump card to kill the East Ghost King, but I have to be close to the East Ghost King to succeed."

"If this is the case, I can apply for an assassination plan from above. Send a few powerful assassins who are good at assassinations to go with you to the East Ghost King’s palace and kill the East Ghost King. In this way, the East Ghost King’s power will become It’s not enough to be afraid if it’s loose sand."

With this decision, Chairman Zhong immediately left the meeting room to apply.

Chairman Zhong didn't ask what Leng Chengyu's trump card was, he just trusted Leng Chengyu unconditionally.

Leng Chengyu also felt that the responsibility was a bit heavy.

He regretted that he said such a thing.

However, he has now blessed the third level of the Guan Gong Sword Art, and he has tried it. The power of the third level of the Guan Gong Sword Art can wipe out thousands of evil spirits, even the third-level leader of the red ghost. Just being affected by the knife, they were all injured and escaped.

If Leng Chengyu could get close to the East Ghost King and directly attack the East Ghost King, he would definitely succeed in one fell swoop.

After all, this is the item that Leng Chengyu helped the Queen of East Ghost. The item that appeared in the system mall was specifically used to kill the King of East Ghost.

But when President Zhong declared the assassination to the headquarters of the Alliance of Ghosts, the headquarters of the Alliance of Ghosts quickly rejected it.汜减B xwx.co汜

The reason for the headquarters of the Yuguizhe League is that this assassination plan is too risky, and it will alarm the East Ghost King.

At present, the East Ghost King still sent a small group of his men to harass the defensive points of the Xicheng District defensive line station. Even if it is occupied, it will only occupy one or two defensive points. Sacrifice as Sacrifice as

But in case the assassination plan fails, tear your face with the East Ghost King.

Then, when the time comes, the East Ghost King may aggressively attack the defensive station in Xicheng District.

However, the Fuyang City Branch of the Guiguizhe League simply did not have enough power to contend with the Northeast King.

At the headquarters of the Union of Ghosts, there was not enough power deployed to help the Xicheng District Defense Line resident.

The end result will be heavy losses.

The Headquarters of the Union of Ghosts are considering all-fang guards.

However, Leng Chengyu considered that as long as he could get close to the East Ghost King, he could use the third layer of the Guan Gong Sword Technique to kill the East Ghost King.

However, this plan must be able to get close to the East Ghost King. In case it is impossible to get to the East Ghost King, or something goes wrong in the process, it is indeed very risky.

Now, the Soul Guardian Alliance headquarters denied this plan, and Leng Chengyu had no choice but to assassinate.

He just said something that could kill the East Ghost King because of impulse.

Because of the third level of the Guan Gong Sword Technique, the power exerted at the defensive point made him feel confident.

Now after being splashed with cold water by the headquarters of the Yuguizhe League, Leng Chengyu finally woke up.

Indeed, if you really go deep into the territory of the East Ghost King, whatever situation may happen at that time, if you are not careful, your life may be lost in it.

And Leng Chengyu has now exchanged the strongest detoxification pill, and he has solved the chronic poison on his body. He is now no longer toxic in his body. Mi He Mi

His body is already very strong now, and it is no longer the body of the sickly predecessor.

He really didn't need to take such a risk.

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