However, the incident in which the Toki King sent his hands down to violate the defense point could not end in this way.

On the second day, because of this incident, President Zhong had to convene a high-level meeting again.

Leng Chengyu, as the squadron captain of the third squadron, naturally joined.

As soon as President Zhong came to the conference hall and saw that all the squadron leaders had arrived, he immediately said solemnly.

"Now how many of your squadrons' defense points have been invaded by the East Ghost King's men, let's talk about it."

In less than a day, even though Leng Chengyu's defense point had been taken back, even the leader who invaded Leng Chengyu's defense point was injured and defeated.

However, the East Ghost King did not give up at all.

The East Ghost King seems to have made a comprehensive plan, and he will not give up this plan because of one failure.

He seems to have made up his mind now to tear his face with the Alliance of Ghosts.

He began to expand his territory again.

The target may not only be the newly expanded defensive points of the Xicheng District Line of Defense Station, but the entire Xicheng District Line of Defense Station, or even the entire Fuyang City.

The East Ghost King had already sent invisible ghosts to the headquarters of the Alliance of Ghosts to inquire about the secrets of the Alliance of Ghosts and stole documents.

The East Ghost King is so impatient to invade the human base city, there must be a reason for him to do so urgently in the past.

As for the reason, only the East Ghost King knew.

However, the evil spirits that have violated the base city where humans gather have nothing more than two major purposes. Minus

One purpose is to **** human resources.

The second purpose is to collect human grievances and improve their skills.

Some evil spirits practice many techniques that rely on grievances to raise their level.

This is also the reason why evil spirits always harm humans.

As for the East Ghost King, what is the reason? I don't know at all at present.

And in the high-level conference hall of the Xicheng District Defense Line resident, when President Zhong looked solemnly inquiring about each squadron leader, the situation of the East Ghost King's infringement of the defense point.

Captain Chen Fei immediately stood up and said bitterly: "I have lost three defense points so far. I have 6 defense points in total, and half of them have been lost. This is only in the past two or three days. That's all, if this continues, I'm afraid all my defense points may be gone."

The squadron leader who had lost a defensive point before also said: "I have also lost three defensive points now. The evil spirits that have invaded the defensive points are too powerful, and the ghost defenders on our defense can't resist them.

There are still many people injured. If it were not for the rapid retreat, some people would have lost their lives. "

At this moment, a squadron leader suddenly stood up angrily and said, "You just lost the defense point, and there is nothing wrong with you. However, I retreat because there is a defensive guard who wants to defend the defense point hard. Slow down a bit, two ghost guards have already died."

"What? Some ghost defenders have died?" Chairman Zhong was shocked.

I originally thought that those evil spirits who came to invade the defense point were just driving away the ghost guards of the Union of Guardians of Ghosts, and did not dare to hurt them, but who knew that they were killed now.

Chairman Zhong became angry: "How dare they be so arrogant!"

The squadron leader of the dead ghost defender said immediately: "Those evil spirits said that the reason for killing these two ghost defenders was not due to a miss, but deliberately. Before they had all the guards at the defensive point. The evil spirits are all dead, they are for revenge.

They also said that only two of our ghost guards died, which was considered cheap for us. They said that if we didn't run fast enough, they all wanted to kill us all. "

Then, the squadron leader turned his head to look at Leng Chengyu, with grievances in his eyes, and said: "It should be the leader of Leng Squadron who made his attack too hard before that caused them to retaliate."

At this time, Chen Fei teased: "Although some squadron leaders have a lot of hole cards, in order to regain their own defense points, they have sacrificed the ghost guards of others' defense points. I think this is a bit selfish."

Originally, Leng Chengyu didn't want to say anything. Originally, he felt a little apologetic for the squadron leader who died just now. However, when Chen Fei said this, he had to stand up and say something.

Leng Chengyu said: "Your defense point has the death of a ghost defender. How do you push it on me? However, is this really the case? I am afraid it is not that simple.

The reason why the evil spirits had not been able to kill the ghost guards at other defense points before was because they retreated in time.

And now, if you have to defend yourself, of course there will be casualties.

As for the evil spirits who infringed on the defense points, they only wanted to provoke discord if they wanted revenge. "Xi Ru

Chen Fei immediately snorted: "Are you trying to shirk responsibility?"

The other squadron leaders also all looked at Leng Chengyu.

However, Leng Chengyu still confidently said: "What responsibility is shirk? Originally, when the ghost defender fights against the evil spirits, there will be death.

I think you are going to shirk responsibility. This is originally a battle to compete for strength. If you fail to fight, there will be Isn't this a natural thing? "

The squadron leader of the dead ghost defender still said unconvinced: "But if you didn't kill it too hard, maybe my ghost defender wouldn't die."

At this time, President Zhong finally came out to speak.

"Stop talking, it's just that two ghost guards died. What is the number on the annual death report of your ghost guards, don't you know? Leng Chengyu is right, we guard Ghosts fight against evil spirits, and there will definitely be casualties. Don’t shirk responsibility as soon as casualties occur.”

The other squadron captains asked: "Then what should we do if such a severe situation arises now? Do you watch the East Ghost King's subordinates invade all our defense points for nothing?"

Leng Chengyu suddenly said loudly: "I will solve this matter. Since those evil spirits say they are here to avenge me, then I will meet them. They killed our ghost guard, and I want them ten times. A hundredfold return.

Then, Leng Chengyu looked at the previous squadron leader and said: "Your defense point is lost, isn't the defensive point where the ghost guard is dead? Then start from your defense point, and I will fight one by one. Kill all the evil spirits that violated our defense point. I see how many of them are enough for me to kill."

When Chen Fei and the other squadron leaders saw Leng Chengyu's domineering appearance, they did not dare to say anything.

And President Zhong trusts Leng Chengyu very much: "You want to kill one by one defense point, I support you, what kind of weapon support you need, you only need to apply for a report, and I will give it." Mi He Mi

Leng Chengyu said loudly, "No."

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