"It's really a good knife!" Zhao Zizhou couldn't help but admire.

And in front of the protective barrier, the energy ripples from the Guan Gong knife that Leng Chengyu raised high above his head became stronger and stronger.

It was like a hot flame burning, causing the surrounding heat to rise a lot.

Leng Chengyu's Guan Gong Broadsword also gradually trembled.

Then, there was a "humming" sound.

And the group of ghosts who had attacked the protective barrier and now stood aside, looked at Leng Chengyu's Guan Gong knife in shock at this moment.

The leader of the squadron behind, as well as Zhao Zizhou and the others, did not even leave the Guan Gong knife in Leng Chengyu's hands for a moment.

Even the arrogant evil spirits inside the protective barrier looked at the Guan Gong knife in Leng Chengyu's hand with a little surprise at this moment.

The heat emitted by the energy ripples of this Guan Gong knife can even penetrate through the protective barrier into the protective barrier mirror, and spread to the evil spirits that are close to the protective barrier.

It makes the evil spirits who love cold and heat feel very uncomfortable and irritable.

However, even so, these evil spirits still don't believe that Leng Chengyu's Guan Gong knife can break the huge protective barrier that protects them.

After all, their protective barrier was displayed by a powerful evil spirit at the level of a scarlet ghost.

An ordinary person, Leng Chengyu, who has a magical golden sword, can he break their protective barrier?


The scarlet ghost, do you think it's just a scary name?

What is scary is the strength!

You can know how powerful the protective barrier under the powerful red ghost cloth is when you think about it with your toes.

Therefore, the evil spirits in the protective barrier, even if they feel the heat emitted by Guan Gong's knife penetrate them through the protective barrier, they still don't worry that the protective barrier will be broken.

Even some wicked people inside still didn't ridicule the knife. Although it looked like a big deal, it was scum in front of the scarlet ghost.

At this moment, Leng Chengyu's Guan Gong knife had accumulated enough power to finally be able to slash it out.

Without any hesitation, Leng Chengyu followed the method of system blessing and hacked forward.

I saw a huge energy rushing out of Guan Gong's broad sword, rushing straight towards the protective barrier.

Then, after being hit by this powerful energy, the protective barrier turned out to be like a light bulb being hit by a stone, even worse than a light bulb being hit by a stone.

In short, it was this protective barrier that broke and dissipated at once.

However, the momentum released by Leng Chengyu's Guan Gong knife remained undiminished, and it became more magnificent, covering a very large area, so large that it covered the entire defense point.

Then, this energy frenzy swept toward the entire defensive point.


It was like a tsunami suddenly passing by, and it swept all the evil spirits in the defense point and the simple buildings in the defense point.

The evil spirits who were affected by the energy frenzy of Guan Gong Broadsword were very surprised at first and just wanted to escape.

Who knows, as soon as they ran away, their entire body was shattered and dissipated.

Even the white spirit crystals that emitted when the soul flew away were shattered.

In short, all the evil spirits in the defensive point that were affected by the energy frenzy were all shattered and dissipated.

After being swept by the energy frenzy of Guan Gong’s broadsword, it was as if there were no evil spirits in the protective points covered by the previous protective barrier. All the evil spirits inside turned into powder or black gas in the blink of an eye, unwillingly waving in the air. But it has completely lost its vitality.

The soul is gone, nothing is gone, and it just disappears in this world.

The buildings inside the defense point also shattered and turned into powder.

The ghosts flying not far from Leng Chengyu were also shaken back several meters, and they all looked at the incredible scene in front of them in surprise.

As for the squadron leader behind, he opened his mouth wide in surprise and couldn't close it for a long time.

"How is this possible, is this an illusion?"

Although Zhao Zizhou was still very surprised, he had seen it once after all. He immediately said with great pride: "This is not an illusion, this is true. This is the power of our squadron leader's hole card."

But after the shock, the squadron leader began to wonder again.

Because he saw Leng Chengyu actually raised Guan Gong's knife again.

He asked Zhao Zizhou suspiciously: "Didn't all the evil spirits in it have been wiped out for you and turned into powder? Even the buildings have collapsed in a mess. Why hasn't your squadron leader closed the knife? He even raised the knife. What are you doing here?" Xiru 75zhongwen.com Xirubang minus BXW*Xbang

Zhao Zizhou also saw it. He suddenly became serious and said: "By the way, it should be the scarlet ghost in the defensive point that hasn't died yet.

It was the same last time. At that time, due to the negligence of Captain Leng Squadron, all the evil spirits in it had been turned into powder at that time. Who could have thought that the scarlet ghost was only badly injured. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Later, he ran away just like that.

Now, Captain Leng Squadron should want to continue slashing this undead red ghost with a knife. "

"Are there any surviving scarlet ghosts in red?" The squadron captain stared at the still-smoky defense point with his eyebrows.

There was a looming scene of ruin in the anti-counterfeiting point, but no evil spirit was seen inside.

However, the dust quickly dissipated.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in the smoke and dust.

The clothes on this figure's body were already torn apart, and there were also many wounds on the body that were torn open, and a puff of black blood flowed out.

The figure was half kneeling on the ground, breathing hard.

"There is really a scarlet ghost who hasn't died yet!" The squadron leader was shocked again when he saw this.

And the scary ghost in red that appeared in the dust, raised his head with difficulty at this moment, looking at Leng Chengyu who was still holding Guan Gong's broadsword, he tried hard to move his mouth, trying to say something, but he couldn't do anything. Speak out.

Then, a lot of black smoke came out of him.

Then he opened his mouth wide, trying to spray a bleeding mist.

Just like the leader last time, he wanted to use this secret method to escape.

Who knows, at this time, Leng Chengyu's second sword momentum has been accumulated, and the third layer of Guan Gong's sword technique opened up and smashed towards the red ghost. Mi He Mi

The powerful energy frenzy swept over the scarlet ghost in red, and the scarlet ghost in red finally spewed out a blood mist with its open mouth.

However, the energy frenzy released by Leng Chengyu's breakthrough abruptly by these blood mists disappeared without a trace.

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