The scarlet ghost in red who wanted to escape by secret method was finally shaken by this energy frenzy and his body floated back several tens of meters.

After flying out for several tens of meters, the scarlet ghost was unable to escape using the secret method, so he wanted to fly away directly.

Who knows, when he uses the ghost power in his body to fly, he finds that his ghost power can't be used at all, just like a person with weak muscles wants to punch someone with his fist, there is no power at all.

Moreover, when he exerted force to forcefully use this ghost power, he felt that his body was chilling everywhere.

Then, when he lowered his head to look at his body, he found that his body was broken piece by piece like glass, slowly, fragmented.

Then, he collapsed to the ground like that, like a lump of rotten meat.

This is not over yet, the rotten meat continues to be broken.

Then, it turned into strands of black energy and dissipated in the air.

He was already gone.

At this moment, after the scarlet ghost flew away, the white gas that represented the soul crystals also emerged from the black gas that was about to dissipate in the air.

On Leng Chengyu's side, after using Guan Gong's broad knife to directly slash the red-robed ghost-level evil spirit, he saw that the evil spirit was smashed and flew back several tens of meters, then fell to the ground, fragmented and dissipated.

Leng Chengyu immediately summoned the girl ghost Liu Fang, let her fly over with her, and collected the soul crystal of this red ghost-level evil spirit into the golden box.

This is an evil spirit at the level of a scarlet ghost! The weight of this soul crystal must be very heavy, how can it be wasted?

Just now, Leng Chengyu smashed all the other evil spirits into pieces with the first knife. When even the soul crystal was smashed into pieces, Leng Chengyu was heartbroken.

Now, Leng Chengyu really didn't want to waste the soul crystal of the evil spirit at the level of the scarlet ghost.

Leng Chengyu was busy cleaning up the soul crystals, but the squadron leader behind was always in shock.

He really didn't expect that Leng Chengyu would be able to kill all the evil spirits, even the leader of the scarlet ghost level, with only two cuts with the hole card and the golden sword. .

Even the entire building at the defense point collapsed and turned into debris.

"What kind of trump card is this? What kind of knife is this? Is there such a powerful knife?" the squadron leader muttered to himself.

After Leng Chengyu collected the soul crystals, he let Liu Fang float to the squadron leader with him.

Then he said to the squadron leader who was still in shock: "Now this defense point has been taken back, but the building has collapsed. You left some people to guard here and rebuild these buildings. We will now go to the next defense point. ."

"Is it coming to the next defense point now? Good!"

The squadron leader heard that Leng Chengyu was so efficient in his work. He had just regained a defensive point and immediately moved to the next defensive point. Of course, he was very happy.

He left a hundred ghost guards under his staff, and after dealing with the follow-up matters here, he led Leng Chengyu and the others to the next defense point.

At the next defense point, Leng Chengyu also used the same method to successfully retake this defense point.

Then, Leng Chengyu didn't rest too much, and soon went to the next defense point.

The next defensive point of the squadron leader was quickly regained.

At this time, Leng Chengyu decided to go back and take a rest. After lunch, he went to take back the defense points of Captain Chen Fei.

Decrease After all, when Leng Chengyu used the third layer of the Guan Gong Sword Technique, he used the energy ball in his dantian.

Even though the energy ball will return to the dantian after displaying the third layer of the Guan Gong Sword Technique, it will continue to be stored in the dantian.

However, it will be somewhat consumed.

It takes a certain amount of time to recover if it is consumed.

In order to recover quickly, Leng Chengyu also specially applied for a few energy pills from Chairman Zhong to replenish himself with energy.

Not to mention, as soon as these energy pills are replenished, that energy ball will soon return to its peak state.

At noon, because the leader of Chen Fei squadron received a notice that in the afternoon, Leng Chengyu was going to help him regain the defensive points he had lost.

Therefore, the squadron leader Chen Fei went to the previous squadron leader and asked about the situation.

In fact, the leader of Chen Fei squadron really wanted to regain his defense points, so he wanted to ask about the situation before he knew how to cooperate with Leng Chengyu.

And because the captain of Chen Fei squadron had not been quite right with the third squadron before, he didn't dare to ask Leng Chengyu directly, so he asked the squadron captain.

The squadron leader said to him: "You don't need to prepare anything at all, you just need to bring hundreds of people to rebuild the defense point."

Captain Chen Fei suddenly couldn't understand: "Why rebuild the defense point? Shouldn't it mean regaining the defense point? Did you say something wrong?"

"I'm not wrong, you'll know when the time comes." The squadron leader said with a mysterious appearance.

"Why are you still betraying me?" Chen Fei squadron leader Zou frowned.

The squadron leader smiled heartily: "It's not that I want to sell you off, I'm just afraid you don't believe it. In short, the cold squadron leader can take care of the defensive point alone, and you don't need to worry about it."

Chen Fei squadron leader saw this squadron leader say half and leave it again, he became more curious.

"What the **** is going on? Can you tell me the whole process? How did you take it back as a defensive You know, in the defensive point, there are evil spirits of the red-robed ghost level, so high. Doesn't the level of evil spirits need a **** battle?

Just relying on Leng Chengyu alone, no matter how powerful he is, he can only kill the evil spirit of the red-robed ghost level, and other evil spirits, don't you need me to cooperate and exterminate them together? "

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. "Hey, no need."

The squadron leader smiled softly.

"If you are not at ease, you can take a team of archers, and you can indeed assist the leader of the cold squadron. If you are not at ease, you can continue to take a team of ghost guards, and you can indeed assist the leader of the cold squadron.

The leader of the cold squadron has a certain strategy to regain the defensive point. His strategy is to kill all the evil spirits completely, and that is a refreshing one.

These evil spirits dare to kill our ghost defenders, so they should all die. "

Mi He Mi. Looking at this squadron leader, he never worried about whether Leng Chengyu would lose his hand and wet his hands when he regained his defense point, but he was full of confidence in Leng Chengyu.

Moreover, in the speech, it seemed to have the meaning of admiring Leng Chengyu.

Squadron Captain Chen really couldn't understand what happened when the squadron leader and Leng Chengyu went to regain the defense point, which made this squadron leader worship Leng Chengyu who was also the squadron leader.

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