Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 246: Chen Fei's careful thinking

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"Magic sword? That sword is indeed a good one." The squadron leader also exclaimed.

At this time, Chen Fei was a little unconvinced.

He whispered: "If Leng Chengyu didn't have that knife, it would be impossible for him to break the defense point with a single blow."

After the opposing squadron leader was silent for a while, he also whispered: "You suspect that the reason why the cold squadron leader is so powerful is because of that knife?"

Chen Fei murmured, "It's not because of that knife? If I have that knife, I can also break the defense point with a single knife like him.

I don't have to lick my face to beg him. You know, I was not on the right track with him before. I am now following his **** and watching him help me break through the defense point. I don't know how embarrassed it is. "

"You mean that as long as anyone has that knife, he can break through the defensive point with a single blow like Captain Cold?" The squadron on the opposite side was surprised.

"Yes." Chen Fei said affirmatively.

"Not necessarily?" The squadron leader over there was still a little confused.

"Should we bet?"


"Yes! Bet! If Leng Chengyu can break through defense points without relying on that knife, I lose you 10 contribution points, but if I win, you have to give me 10 contribution points."

"No, I believe Captain Leng must rely on that knife to break through the defense point. However, I don't believe anyone can break through the defense point with his knife."

"Well, I will use his knife to break through my defense point to prove to you."

"May I?"

"Of course, you will be ready for 10 contribution points by then."

After speaking, Chen Fei hung up the phone.

In fact, Chen Fei wanted to make this bet because he wanted to add some courage to himself.

He really wanted to borrow Leng Chengyu's knife from Leng Chengyu to chop once, to see if he could also generate tremendous power like Leng Chengyu's, and break the defense point with a single knife.

However, because the relationship between him and Leng Chengyu was not so good before.

Therefore, without any reason, he asked Leng Chengyu to borrow the knife like that. He felt that he couldn't open the mouth.

But if you bet, it's different.

He would hint in his heart that he asked for Leng Chengyu because of a bet.

Therefore, no matter how lowly he asks Leng Chengyu to give him the knife, he can do it.

And there can be no psychological burden.

After Chen Fei hung up the phone, Leng Chengyu also collected the soul crystals, and then asked the girl ghost Liu Fang to take him to Chen Fei's face, and ordered Chen Fei to leave a part of the ghost guard and rebuild. After this defensive point, immediately let Chen Fei take him to capture the next defensive point.

However, Leng Chengyu had already put Guan Gong’s big knife in the storage space at this time. Chen Fei saw that Leng Chengyu didn’t have the knife in his hand, so he hesitated to say something, and he couldn’t say it and wanted to take a look at that A knife.

Because Leng Chengyu has always been in a hurry, and an official business.

In short, in Chen Fei's eyes, the look on Leng Chengyu's face is that the reason why I came to help you is because this is a task, not because of favor.

Therefore, if Chen Fei wants to borrow the knife from Leng Chengyu to cut it, at present, they are not familiar to that level. Without any excuses, Chen Fei really can't speak.

In this way, Chen Fei could only silently take Leng Chengyu and the ghost guards who followed to the next defensive point.

After arriving at the next defense point, Leng Chengyu continued following the previous procedure, letting the archer shoot a wave of bows and arrows into the defense point, and hitting the evil spirits in the defense point by surprise, making the evil spirits in the defense point panic.

Then, like the previous defensive points, eventually, the red-robed ghost-level evil spirits built a protective barrier to prevent the invasion of bows and arrows and ghost guards.

At this time, Chen Fei finally found a chance. He asked Leng Chengyu: "Now should you take out your knife to break the protective barrier?"

Leng Chengyu said: "Let's do the same as before. Let some ghosts attack first, and then it's my turn to break the protective barrier with my knife, so that I can hit those evil spirits by surprise."

Chen Fei immediately ordered his subordinates to summon their ghosts to attack the protective barrier.

However, this is not the point. The point is that Chen Fei wants to mention Leng Chengyu's knife and how to let Leng Chengyu lend him the knife to cut it.

However, Chen Fei didn't know how to reach out and ask Leng Chengyu for a knife.

He can only continue to surround the knife and say without pain, "Your knife looks so powerful."

Leng Chengyu didn’t pay attention to Chen Fei, he just gave a soft “um”, and then continued to watch the ghosts attacking the protective barrier and the reaction of the evil spirits in the defensive points inside the protective barrier. .

Chen Fei found a boring one. He hadn't reached out to borrow the knife from Leng Chengyu, only to mention the knife, but Leng Chengyu ignored him at all, and Chen Fei didn't know what to do.

Chen Fei had to follow Leng Chengyu's gaze to look forward.

Finally, the ghosts in front couldn't break the protective barrier no matter how they attacked, and then Chen Fei had something to say again.

"Captain Cold Squadron, should you use your knife to break through the protective barrier?"


Leng Chengyu only responded softly.

In short, Leng Chengyu's focus is not on Chen Fei's body at all. Leng Chengyu is here to complete the task, and his focus has always been on regaining the defense point.

In this way, it was difficult for Chen Fei to continue to ask for a knife from Leng Chengyu.

Don't say that you want Leng Chengyu to lend him the knife for him to use to cut it, just let Leng Chengyu take it out for him to look at it, it is difficult for him to speak at this moment.

After all, Leng Chengyu kept his face cold, he couldn't lick his face and ask for Leng Chengyu, it would be too much of his identity, UU reading, he and Leng Chengyu are at the same level, everyone All are squadron captains.

If he is like licking a dog and asks Leng Chengyu to show him the knife, and then it spreads out, why is he still the captain of this squadron?

As the captain of this squadron, what prestige does he have before his hands?

Now there is a group of men watching behind him.

In short, until Leng Chengyu stood up and went to the protective barrier, took out the Guan Gong knife to cut the protective barrier, and cut the protective barrier through, Chen Fei did not find a chance to ask Leng Chengyu for Guan Gong's broad knife to look at it.

Not surprisingly, Leng Chengyu went down with a stab, and the evil spirits in the entire defensive point were all the same as those in the previous defensive points, and their souls were scattered.

And the remaining badly injured red-clothed ghost-level evil spirit was also dissipated under Leng Chengyu's second sword.

And when Leng Chengyu summoned the girl ghost Liu Fang to fly over to collect the soul crystals of the scarlet ghost in red, Chen Fei finally couldn't help it.

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