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Chen Fei also summoned his ghost, letting his ghost assist him to fly to the front of Leng Chengyu who was collecting soul crystals.

However, he found that Leng Chengyu at this time had already retracted the knife into the storage space.

However, Chen Fei couldn't help but make a very exaggerated expression, exclaiming: "Unexpectedly that your knife is so powerful, it can even kill a red ghost in a single blow."

Leng Chengyu glanced at Chen Fei, nodded, did not say anything, but continued to collect his soul crystals.

Chen Fei sighed in his heart.

It seems that if you want to use Leng Chengyu's knife to make yourself try to cut a knife to see how powerful it is, you have to lick Leng Chengyu like a dog.

Otherwise, with Leng Chengyu's lukewarm attitude, he couldn't find an entry point to borrow this knife.

There was a smile on Chen Fei's face, and he pretended to be very sincere and very curious, and said, "Captain Leng Squadron, do you think your knife is very magical? I am afraid that it is not an exaggeration to call it a magic knife. ."


Leng Chengyu only gave a soft hmm again, and then he ignored Chen Fei again and continued to collect his soul crystals.

Chen Fei was scolding Leng Chengyu in his heart. I praised you so much. Shouldn't you be humble? Let me find an excuse to take your knife and look at it. Even if you don't cut it for me, let me see it.

Chen Fei thought to himself, what lines can continue to talk about this knife.

After thinking for a few seconds, Chen Fei finally said: "Your knife should have been bought at a certain auction, right? It must have cost a lot of money?"


Leng Chengyu responded concisely.

And he didn't look at Chen Fei's side, he was just focusing on his own business.

The line that Chen Fei thought of was choked back.

However, this still didn't bother him, he was still able to come up with the next set of lines.

Chen Fei smiled again and said, "Then you must be very lucky. You must have bought it from the stall. The owner on the stall doesn't recognize this knife, but you know gold with a keen eye. You got this good knife, right? You are too good! Captain Cold Squadron."


Leng Chengyu is still concise and concise.

Leng Chengyu was about to collect his soul crystals at this moment.

Seeing that Leng Chengyu was still not salty or indifferent, Chen Fei was very anxious, and he continued to say the next set of lines.

"If you didn't buy it from auctions, or bought it from a street stall, it must have been left to you in your home. It seems that your family heritage is very deep. I'm afraid your family has grown up very much from your ancestors. Powerful ghost defender, you are so lucky to have such a baby."

Now, Leng Chengyu has collected the soul crystals.

When Leng Chengyu was collecting soul crystals, he was a little bored when he heard Chen Fei constantly asking him where this knife came from.

This knife was made systematically, and he couldn't tell Chen Fei, so he responded casually: "Forget it."

Then, Leng Chengyu stopped talking about the knife, but immediately moved the topic back to work.

"Captain Chen, now this defensive point has been reclaimed, you continue to leave some ghost guards to guard and rebuild this defensive point, we will go to the next defensive point immediately."

Then, without waiting for Chen Fei's response, Leng Chengyu asked the girl ghost Liu Fang to help him fly back to Zhao Zizhou and the others behind.

And Chen Fei did not find an excuse to lift the knife anymore, so he had to let his ghost assist him to follow Leng Chengyu to fly, and then ordered his good men to leave some people here to deal with the funeral, and then lead Leng Chengyu there. The next point of defense.

On the way, Chen Fei originally wanted to mention the knife again, and then, after enough preparation was brewed, he immediately asked Leng Chengyu to lend him the knife to try the power of the knife.

See if everyone as long as he has Leng Chengyu's knife, he can use Leng Chengyu's power to break a defensive point with a single knife.

However, Leng Chengyu walked in a hurry, and he had no choice but to keep up.

On the way, he didn't find any chance to lift the knife.

When he came to the next defensive point, a hundred meters away, he was hidden. Then, when Leng Chengyu was about to let the archer shoot a wave of bows and arrows.

At this time, Chen Fei finally found an opportunity.

He pretended to be curious and asked Leng Chengyu: "Captain Leng Squadron, you could have broken the defense point with a single stab, why do you have to let the archer shoot the arrow first?"

Leng Chengyu said: "I am also trying to confuse the evil spirits in the defense point, and then let the red ghost-level evil spirits in the defense point arrange protective barriers, so that I can wipe out the evil spirits inside without worrying about them. escaped."

Chen Fei had already known that Leng Chengyu had this intention, but now he still pretends to be suddenly enlightened, nodded and said: "It turns out to be like this, Captain Leng is really clever!"

Leng Chengyu did not speak any more.

At this time, after shooting a wave of bows and arrows, like those defensive points before, not all the evil spirits inside can resist the bow and arrow, and many evil spirits inside are panicked.

Finally, the scarlet ghost-level evil spirit inside finally built a protective barrier.

After all, in this way, you can lose less of your subordinates.

After the protective barrier was built, Leng Chengyu looked back at Zhao Zizhou.

Zhao Zizhou knew that Leng Chengyu wanted Chen Fei to send his ghosts to attack the protective barrier first.

Leng Chengyu didn't tell Chen Fei directly, because Leng Chengyu annoyed Chen Fei a little. Today, Chen Fei talks a lot.

After receiving Leng Chengyu's eyes, Zhao Zizhou said to Chen Fei: "Captain Chen, just like the previous defense points, now send your ghost guards to summon ghosts to attack the protective barrier. "

At this time Fei found the cause again, and he asked Leng Chengyu strangely: "Captain Leng Squadron, why your knife can already break the protective barrier with one slash, so we must call Should the ghost attack the protective barrier first, won’t it be broken directly?"

Leng Chengyu had no choice but to say: "Just in case, if I took out my knife and aroused the vigilance of the evil spirits in the defensive point, so that they would be very vigilant, or if they simply escaped, it would be impossible to do anything. Annihilated the evil spirits inside."

"It makes sense." Chen Fei nodded.

Then, Chen Fei immediately ordered his ghost guards to summon their respective ghosts to attack the protective barrier.

Then, Chen Fei said to Leng Chengyu again: "Captain Leng Squadron, should you take out your knife to cut the protective barrier next?"

Leng Chengyu said.

Chen Fei continued: "I think you are already a little tired. Why don't you give me your knife and let me cut it for you?"

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