Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 258: Vice President’s Suggestion

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Leng Chengyu went back to rest.

However, it was not the afternoon, and at noon, President Zhong was still sleeping in his residence.

Who knows, a sudden knock on the door suddenly sounded at this time.

"Chairman Zhong, it's not good! Our defense point has been invaded again, what should we do now? Or call Captain Leng Squadron."

"What? Another defense point has been invaded? Hurry up and notify the other squadron leaders to hold a high-level meeting at the squadron leader level in the conference hall.

Also, the vice president of the other city that has not left yet, let him come to the meeting, as for the leader of the cold center, let him rest for now. "

In the high-level conference hall, each squadron leader looked solemn.

A squadron leader complained: "This East Ghost King is really, not stingy with the lives of his men. After so many evil spirits have died, he will come to occupy our defense points."

A squadron leader said: "The East Ghost King has so many people, how could he care about the death of the 10,000 evil spirits."

Another squadron leader went on to say: “I’m afraid that the East Ghost King has occupied the defense point so frequently, there is an ulterior purpose behind it. I am afraid that he not only wants to invade the defense point, but also wants to invade our entire Xicheng District, and even the entire Fuyang. city."

Chairman Zhong also nodded and said: "I have been worried about this a long time ago. This time, the East Ghost King has been so persevering to invade our defense points. The purpose is definitely not simple. I have reported the situation here to the Alliance Headquarters, but the Alliance The headquarters is not ready to encircle the East Ghost King.

A squadron leader immediately complained: "When will we wait? Will we wait until our Xicheng District defensive line is occupied by the East Ghost King before encircling and suppressing the East Ghost King?"

Other squadron leaders also complained that the headquarters of the Union of Ghosts did not make a timely decision to surround the East Ghost King.

Seeing that so many squadron leaders were so emotional, Chairman Zhong immediately comforted everyone.

Don’t blame the ghost guard alliance headquarters, they are considering the overall situation, we only consider our own territory.

They are considering whether the Tired Ghosts Alliance headquarters gathers forces to surround the East Ghost King, and other ghost kings will take the opportunity to capture other base cities where their forces have been transferred, or even harass the Ghosts Alliance headquarters.

If that's the case, the gain is not worth the loss, and they have to allocate their strength before they can make the final decision. "

Some squadron leaders complained even after listening to Chairman Zhong's words: "Do you think we are abandoned? Let us be bullied by the East Ghost King for nothing?"

Chairman Zhong said: "It's not a bully. Although the East Ghost King frequently invades our defense points, the East Ghost King has not taken advantage.

Because of the presence of the leader of Leng Chengyu squadron, the East Ghost King even stole chickens and failed to eclipse him. He lost nearly 10,000 evil spirits, and there were many evil spirit leaders of the red ghost level. "

"How many defensive points have been invaded this time?" Chairman Zhong said, turning his head to look at the other squadron leaders.

One of the squadron leaders said: "One of my defense points has been invaded. I don't know about the other squadrons."

The other squadron leaders shook their heads one after another: "None of ours has been invaded."

"In that case, only one defensive point will be invaded."

President Zhong bowed his head in thought.

"This is not like the usual style of the East Ghost King. Didn't the East Ghost King break through the defensive point and then attack the Xicheng District defensive line station?

A squadron leader also felt puzzled: "We also don't understand why this time the East Ghost King only invaded one defensive point.

Chairman Zhong said: "Just forget it if you don't understand it. In short, we have to protect our defense points so that the East Ghost King will not have the opportunity to invade our defense line station in Xicheng District. Now the farmers and workers between the defense points have been withdrawn. Are you away?"

The squadron leader in charge of this area said: "They have all been withdrawn according to the plan, and even the resources they produced have been withdrawn. It will not benefit the East Ghost King."

President Zhong nodded and said, "That's good."

And the squadron leader who was taken away from the defense point said with a bitter face: "Then what should I do if my defense point is taken away? Do I want to take it back by myself? I don't have that great ability. ."

President Zhong did not speak yet, and the other squadron leaders immediately suggested: "Or let Captain Leng Squadron stop resting and let him take the shot. As long as he takes the shot, he will cut twice to regain the defensive point. , And it can kill all the evil spirits in the defense point."

Chairman Zhong shook his head and said: "I have agreed to let Captain Leng Squadron rest, and it is not easy to call him now. Don't rely too much on Captain Leng Squadron.

In addition to Captain Leng Squadron, we also have a remaining vice president, that is, vice president Du Lin, who is also a ghost guard at the level of ghost guard in red. "

President Zhong turned his head to look at Vice President Du Lin and the squadron leader who lost the defense point, and said: "Let Vice President Du Lin assist you in regaining the captured defense point. It should still be possible."

Then President Zhong smiled and looked at Vice President Du Lin and asked: "I don't know what Vice President Du Lin wants. Are you willing to assist our squadron leader here in Xicheng District to regain their defense points?"

Vice President Du Lin said: "I am here to cooperate with President Zhong to regain the defensive point. I listen to President Zhong's orders."

President Zhong said: "Well, after the meeting, Vice President Du Lin, together with the squadron leader, will lead 2,000 ghost guards to regain the defense point."

At this time, Vice Chairman Du Lin suddenly said: "I have a suggestion. I heard that Captain Leng Chengyu seemed to have used a golden knife to slash twice and killed all the evil spirits in the defense point. UU read the book. regained the defense point so easily."

Chairman Zhong said: "It is true, but now Captain Leng has regained several defenders in the morning and has never rested. I am a little worried that he will not be able to bear it. I will lose this general by then. It will be very heartache, so it is not good to call him back now."

Vice President Du Lin said: "I don't want to call him back, I just want President Zhong to transfer me a golden knife from the arsenal, preferably like Captain Leng Squadron's."

"Do you want that golden knife? Can this be useful?"

The other squadron leaders raised questions.

And Chen Fei even said: "It's useless to have a knife, and you can't use a knife. Captain Leng Squadron must use it personally to achieve the effect of that knife."

And this Vice President Du Lin smiled and said: "I don't need this knife to exert any effect, I just want to use it to scare those evil spirits.

If we can scare away those evil spirits, then we can regain the defensive point without a single soldier.

Otherwise, even if I am a ghost defender in red, I will have to fight a battle to regain the defense point, and the loss will be very serious. "

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