"Okay, just do as you said."

President Zhong agreed to Vice President Du Lin's proposal.

"In the arsenal of the defense line in our Xicheng District, there must be no such powerful sword as Captain Leng Chengyu, but he should still be able to find a sword that is similar in shape, size and color. Vice President Du Lin Long, you can go to our weapons arsenal in Xicheng District to choose whatever you want."

After the meeting ended, Vice Chairman Du Lin went to the weapon store with the squadron leader who had lost his defense point and found a knife similar in shape, size and color to Leng Chengyu's Guan Gong knife.

Then, he took this knife, brought 2,000 ghost defenders, and part of them were archers, to the defensive point that had been invaded.

This Vice President Du Lin is probably very interested in Leng Chengyu, and he has heard a lot of Leng Chengyu's legends.

Therefore, he also followed Leng Chengyu's example, came 100 meters away from the defensive point, and found a hiding place to hide. Sacrifice as 75zhongwen.com Sacrifice as

After hiding, let the archers shoot arrows into the defense point.

The patrolling evil spirits standing guard in the defensive point were shot down by bows and arrows.

Then, soon, the red-robed ghost-level evil spirits in the defense point built a protective barrier.

Bows and arrows can no longer be shot into the defense point.

At this time, Vice President Du Lin immediately said to the squadron leader next to him: "You first send your ghost guards to summon some ghosts to attack the protective barrier."

The squadron leader was puzzled: "According to past experience, this is a protective barrier built by the red-robed ghost-level evil spirits. The highest-level ghost guards under me are only the Tsing Yi ghost guards-level, and they cannot be broken This protective barrier, is it necessary for my ghost defenders to summon ghosts to attack this anti-fog barrier?

You might as well break the protective barrier directly. Anyway, you are a ghost defender in red. You should be able to break this protective barrier. "

Vice Chairman Du Lin smiled and said: "I can barely break it, but am I not a fake tiger? Isn't your Captain Leng Chengyu in Xicheng District doing just that?

And I followed the Leng Squadron Captain to do this, also in order to wait a moment when I took the golden sword to cut the protective barrier, to scare the evil spirits at the defensive point inside the protective barrier.

If the evil spirits in the defense point are frightened, they will be afraid of being hacked to death by this golden sword. Therefore, they may all be scared away. Then, we can take back the defense without a single soldier. Clicked.

And if I go directly to the defensive point, it is impossible for me to kill all the evil spirits in the defensive point alone, I can only deal with the evil spirit of the red-robed ghost level.

You have to deal with other evil spirits.

At that time, it will definitely be a **** battle, and even if the defense point is retaken, it will be deadly and injured.

And if we can frighten those evil spirits and scare them away, then we won't have to suffer these losses. "

The squadron leader nodded after listening to Vice President Du Lin's words, "So you have this idea, but you are afraid that the evil spirit inside will not be scared away."

Vice President Du Lin still smiled and said: "I'm just betting. If I can scare them away, that's fine. If I can't scare them away, I can't break the protective barrier with this knife. I have to summon. Come out and break through with my ghost.

And then, if this is the case, then you have to be prepared to order your subordinates to defend against ghosts. Once I need to use my ghost to break through the protective barrier, when the protective barrier breaks, you will directly Rush into the defense point and kill those evil spirits. "

The squadron leader nodded and said: "I understand, you can rest assured to scare them, I will first let some of the ghost guards summon their ghosts, first attack the protective barrier, and then you will take action."

Under the sign of the squadron leader, his ghost guard finally summoned some ghosts to attack the protective barrier. Diminish

After attacking for a long time, and after being unable to break through, Vice President Du Lin stood up, and then slowly walked towards the protective barrier.

At the same time, in order to allow the evil spirits at the defensive points inside the protective barrier to see his golden sword, when he walked towards the protective barrier, he carried the golden sword on his shoulders.

And when Vice President Du Lin swaggered and slowly carried the golden sword, which resembled Leng Chengyu’s Guan Gong sword, and headed to the protective barrier, the evil spirits at the defensive point in the protective barrier suddenly saw Du. The golden sword carried by Vice President Lin and Vice President Du Lin.

This group of evil spirits already knew why their previous evil spirits that had invaded the defense point disappeared. It was because a master of ghosts slashed all the evil spirits in the defense point with a golden knife. .

This incident has spread in the territory of the Eastern Ghost King, and many evil spirits of this group of evil spirits also know this matter.

And now, when these evil spirits saw Vice President Du Lin carrying a golden knife and swaggering over, they all looked at Vice President Du Lin in shock.

Some evil spirits pointed at Vice President Du Lin in fear, UU reading www. uukanshu. com said, "Look, isn't the one who walked over there that hacked to death all the defensive spirits?"

Another evil spirit affirmed: "I also heard that, look at the golden sword on his shoulder, he used that knife to hack all the evil spirits in the defense point, even the red-robed ghost level. The chieftains were severely injured by slashing, with only one knife, and even the chieftain would be broken to pieces with two cuts."

The evil spirit continued to say: "This is terrible, do you want to report it to the chief immediately?"

However, their leader also walked out, seeing Vice President Du Lin carrying the golden sword closer and closer to the protective barrier, he didn't know what to do.

The evil spirit head spirit turned his head and looked at the dense forest outside the defense point. He knew that the guards of the East Ghost King were hiding in the dense forest.

If it weren't for the guards hiding in the dense forest, he would have chosen to immediately remove the protective barrier, and then fled with the evil spirits under him.

You know, if you don't run away, you will have to die if you are chopped by that knife with two knives, and there is no dead bone.

And in the dense forest outside the defensive point, the guards of the East Ghost King were indeed avoided.

The guards also saw Vice President Du Lin approaching the protective barrier step by step with a golden sword.

They also mistakenly believed that Vice President Du Lin was the master of ghosts.

Therefore, before Vice President Du Lin came to the protective barrier, these guards flew to the side of Vice President Du Lin with their wind-like speed and ninja-like figure.

The Vice Chairman Du Lin was caught all at once. Mi He Mi

Then, he flew back to the dense forest, and then continued without stopping, and continued to fly back to the palace of the East Ghost King.

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