Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 260: Caught in front of the temple

Vice President Du Lin didn't see the real bodies of these guards. His body seemed to be rolled up and flew away by a few winds. He didn't know what was going on.

After being swept high in the air by these strange winds, Vice President Du Lin felt that things were a little strange.

Therefore, he wanted to summon his ghost.

Who knows, at this moment, he received a heavy blow on the back of his head, and he fainted like this.

As for the ghost guards hidden 100 meters away from the defensive point, as well as the squadron leader, they were also very surprised to see Vice President Du Lin flying into the air by a few winds.

"Is Vice President Du Lin so weak and can't help the wind? How many winds can be blown up?"

And when Vice President Du Lin had been swept high above the defense point, and then caught in the dense forest, drifting towards the territory of the East Ghost King, the squadron leader realized that something was wrong.

"No, those few winds may be displayed by evil spirits who are good at this kind of ghost art. They are going to arrest Vice President Du Lin."

One of the ghost guards of this squadron leader said: "Look, the body of Vice President Du Lin floated to the territory of the East Ghost King. It must be the ghost of the East Ghost King's men."

And when the squadron leader sent his men to summon ghosts and went to chase Vice President Du Lin back, Vice President Du Lin had disappeared in the dense forest.

No one knows what to do.

The protective barrier built by the scarlet ghost level at the defense point was still not broken, and they could not capture the defense point.

The only Vice President Du Lin outside the defensive point who can break the protective barrier has been swept away by several strange winds.

To be precise, it should have been taken away by Donggui Wang's men.

Now, the squadron leader and his subordinates, the ghost guard, have no ability to regain the defense point.

The squadron leader had to retreat and went back to report to Chairman Zhong.

Besides, the guards of the East Ghost King turned into several winds, and the Vice-President Du Lin, who had been unconscious, went to the palace of the East Ghost King.

The East Ghost King and all the chieftains were waiting in the palace, when suddenly they saw a comatose human ghost defender and a golden sword in a few winds.

The East Ghost King and all the chieftains can see that this should be the master of the ghost guard.

The leader immediately yelled excitedly.

"The ghost master has been caught back!"

"Of course, Lord Ghost King's guards made a move, but they didn't get it right."

The East Ghost King also nodded with a smile.

Those few winds placed Vice President Du Lin 5 meters away in front of the Eastern Ghost King Throne.

Then, those few winds swept away and disappeared.

In other words, after the guards mistook them for Leng Chengyu, Vice President Du Lin, who was a master against ghosts, and captured them, they did not meet with other leaders at all, did not reveal their real body, and no longer knew where to retreat. went.汜减B xwx.co汜

The East Ghost King looked at Vice President Du Lin, who was slumped on the ground and still unconscious, and said to the other chieftains: "Who of you went to wake him up?"

The leader walked over and performed a little ghost technique, and then Vice President Du Lin screamed in pain and woke up.

After Vice President Du Lin woke up, he saw evil spirits all around him, and he was already in a magnificent palace at the moment.

Then see the East Ghost King above the throne.

Vice President Du Lin had guessed a bit, he might have been caught in the palace of the Eastern Ghost King. Sacrifice as

Vice-chairman Du Lin knew that he had been arrested in the palace of the Eastern Ghost King, and that the only chance he could survive was to delay waiting for rescue.

However, the chance of rescue is actually too slim.

After all, the ghost defenders who came to the rescue at the Xicheng District Defense Line wanted to come to the East Ghost King’s palace unless they were torn their faces with the East Ghost King, and then the Ghost King Alliance headquarters approved to encircle and suppress the Ghost King.

And if that's the case, it will take a very long time, and I don't know if he will be killed by the Eastern Ghost King during this time.

Therefore, after Vice President Du Lin saw the surrounding situation, he didn't say a word, but stood up with awe-inspiring appearance.

You must die with dignity.

The leaders immediately yelled, Du Lin, vice-chairman of the team, "Kneel down in front of the Eastern Ghost King!"

However, Vice President Du Lin still stood there proudly.

When the leaders saw that Vice-President Du Lin was still standing there, they guessed that the Eastern Ghost King would definitely be angry, and maybe it was possible that Vice President Du Lin would be strangled to death immediately.

However, to what everyone expected was that the East Ghost King smiled and said, "Yes, yes, you deserve to be a master of human ghosts."

However, even if the East Ghost King said a compliment, Vice President Du Lin still said nothing, standing there with a straight face.

The East Ghost King said to the men next to him: "Go and move a chair for this human ghost master to sit on."

A chair was brought in by his men.

This time, Vice-Chairman Du Lin was not polite, and immediately sat down, with Erlang's legs raised, as if he didn't see all the evil spirits in his eyes.

All the leaders were very angry.

The East Ghost King frowned slightly.

However, the East Ghost King still smiled and said: "I heard that you only cut two knives with a gold knife, and you killed all the evil spirits in my defense point, including the evil spirits of the red ghost level. UU看书www.

I didn’t think there was a master like you among the human ghosts. I really want to see it. I wonder if you can show it on the spot? "

As soon as Vice President Du Lin heard this, he immediately knew that the Eastern Ghost King had caught the wrong person.

Vice President Du Lin knew that the East Ghost King must have mistaken him for Leng Chengyu.

And let him show the power of the golden sword on the spot, he definitely can't show it.

Therefore, he still sat there without saying a word.

The East Ghost King was a little annoyed, but he didn't dared to cast his anger on Vice President Du Lin immediately, instead turning his head and glaring at the other leaders.

Then he looked at one of the lower-strength red-robed ghost first-level leaders, and gave an order: "Do you think of a way to get him to slash you."

The red-robed ghost's first-class leader made his whole body tremble with fright.

"Lord Ghost King, forgive me, if he stabs me, I will definitely die!"

"If you don't let him chop, then I want you to die now."

As he said, the pair of sharp claws of the Eastern Ghost King suddenly grew longer, and then quickly stretched out to the neck of the first-level leader of the scarlet ghost.

The leader can only say: "Master Ghost King, I will listen to your orders, and I will let him chop off."

The East Ghost King retracted his claws.

The leader slowly walked to Vice President Du Lin, and then said in a trembling voice: "You take this knife on the ground and chop me." Mi He Mi

But Vice President Du Lin was still sitting there quietly, ignoring the leader at all.

Upon seeing this, the leader became happy, then turned to look at the Eastern Ghost King, and said, "Master Ghost, he thinks I am low in strength. He is not cutting me. You should find someone with a higher strength to let him do it."

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