Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 261: Think of a way to make him chop

The Eastern Ghost King raised his hand to the second-level leader of another red ghost ghost, and said, "Go over and let him chop."

The second-level head of the scarlet ghost frowned.

However, he still had to listen to the order of the East Ghost King and walked to Vice President Du Lin.

Walking to a place 5 meters away from Vice President Du Lin, he tremblingly said to Vice President Du Lin: "You take the knife on the ground and attack me. I won't hide."

However, Vice President Du Lin remained motionless, and he didn't even look at the second-level leader of the scarlet ghost.

The red-robed ghost second-level leader was also happy when he saw this. He immediately said to the East Ghost King: "Master Ghost King, this ghost master also looks down on my strength. Why don't you find another person with higher strength than me. Did he chop?"

The East Ghost King glanced angrily at the second-level leader of the red ghost ghost, and then glanced at Vice President Du Lin.

However, Vice President Du Lin ignored the harsh gaze cast by the Eastern Ghost King, and he still sat there silently, with an unruly appearance.

The East Ghost King had to turn his head to look at another third-level red-robed ghost leader, and said, "Go up and find a way to get him to cut you.

If you can't let this human ghost master slash you this time, then I will kill you.

Also, the two previous people who couldn't get this human ghost master to use a sword will die with you. "

The previous leader of the scarlet ghost in red, and the leader of the scary ghost in red, had a cold sweat on their foreheads when they heard the Eastern Ghost King say this.

They felt very wronged, but they did not dare to refute the East Ghost King. If they refuted, the East Ghost King would kill them immediately.

These two evil spirit chiefs can only pray in their hearts, the red-robed ghost third-level chief can think of a way to make this unruly human ghost master sitting on the chair take a knife.

And after the tertiary leader of the red ghost ghost heard the order of the East Ghost King, he also felt very scared in his heart.

He is also racking his brains to find a way to see how he can make this human master ghost defender shoot a knife.

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. The red-robed ghost third-level leader slowly walked towards Vice President Du Lin, and then sniffed at Vice President Du Lin: "You dare not take a knife. You won't be a fake ghost master, I think. You can't kill me with this knife. If you don't believe me, I won't hide.

However, Vice President Du Lin was not moved at all, he was still sitting there with an arrogant appearance, his eyes looked away, and he didn't even look at the third-level leader of the scarlet ghost.

Seeing that Vice President Du Lin was unmoved by the third-level leader of the scarlet ghost, he changed his strategy, from degrading Vice President Du Lin to worshiping and fearing Vice President Du Lin.

The red-robed ghost third-level leader walked to a place three meters away in front of Vice President Du Lin, then suddenly knelt down with a snivel and tears, and said: "Respected human ghost master, please. You slash me.

I know that you can slash me to death. My life is low. I let you slash me. Come and slash me.

I really want to know the power of your knife. I am willing to use my life to let you show the power of that knife to Lord Ghost King. "

However, even if the red-robed ghost third-level leader kowtows garlic, in front of Vice-President Du Lin constantly whispers abnormally, begging to chop, Vice-President Du Lin just slightly frowned, and then recovered. With that unruly face, he no longer looked at the third-level leader of the scarlet ghost.

汜 汜汜. The third-level leader of the scarlet ghost saw that he was so humble, and still couldn't move Vice President Du Lin.

The red-robed ghost third-level leader stood up and said with a smirk: "Okay! Since you don't eat hard or soft, then you can eat my pee!"

Then, the third-level leader of the scarlet ghost actually floated to a place one meter away from the top of Vice President Du Lin's head.

Then he was ready to take out the guy without knowing any shame, and in the public, he wanted to pee on Vice President Du Lin.

"Skills can be killed but not humiliated!"

Vice President Du Lin finally couldn't hold it anymore, he raised his head and yelled at the third-level leader of the scarlet ghost.

The third-level leader of the red ghost said grinning: "If you don't cut me, then you will eat my pee."

The red-robed ghost third-level leader saw that Vice President Du Lin was angry and scolded him, but still did not pick up the knife to slash him, so he spit on Vice President Du Lin.

After vomiting, the red-robed ghost third-level leader said with a grin: "Before you eat my pee, take a sip of water."

Fortunately, Vice President Du Lin avoided quickly. He stood up and avoided it, so that he would not be spit in saliva.

Vice President Du Lin felt very angry. He knew that this red ghost third-level leader could do everything. After spitting, he might really pee. If he can't hide, then he will be caught. Humiliated.

Vice President Du Lin really didn't want to be humiliated.

Therefore, he summoned his ghost, and wanted to use his ghost to kill the leader, at least the leader should be driven away.

After all, Vice President Du Lin also knew that if he really took a knife out to slash the red-robed ghost third-level leader, it would definitely be in vain, and it would expose the fact that he was not Leng Chengyu.

Then he will die even faster.

However, the ghost of Vice President Du Lin had just been summoned, and before he flew in front of the third-level leader of the scarlet ghost, he was stretched out by the claws of the Eastern Ghost King, and he was stunned.

Then, the East Ghost King said coldly: "This respected human master of ghosts, you should use a knife to slash him, otherwise, it won't look good if he urinates and humiliates you."

And this scarlet ghost third-level leader was encouraged by the East Ghost King, and he had no more scruples.

He actually peeed on the spot.

High in the sky, his urine dripped down, and it was showering on Vice President Du Lin.

Vice President Du Lin hurriedly avoided.

However, wherever Vice President Lin hides, urine will fall down wherever Vice President Du Lin can hide.

Vice President Du Lin had no choice but to pick up the golden sword, and then angrily slashed at the third-level leader of the red ghost.

And when Vice President Du Lin's golden sword slashed at the red-robed ghost third-level leader, the leader's face turned pale with fright.

Because, in his impression, this knife hacked to death an unknown number of red-robed ghost-level leaders.

Mi He Mi. Now it was cut at him, he wanted to avoid it.

However, he glanced at the East Ghost King, and when he saw the cold face of the East Ghost King, he did not dare to hide.

He had no choice but to let Vice President Du Lin's golden sword slash at him.

However, at this time, only a "bang" sound was heard.

When the golden sword slashed on the feet of the third-level leader of the red ghost, it broke the blade.

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