"How is this going?"

"Blade broken?"

"Didn't it mean that all the evil spirits in the defensive point will be killed with a single knife? How can this knife break so easily?"

"This is the so-called ghost master?"

Seeing this situation, the other leaders couldn't help but want to laugh.

"If this kind of knife can slash to death all the evil spirits in the defense point, then let me go to me."

And the three-fingered leader of the hacked red ghost who was suspended in the air, he was already mentally prepared to be severely injured by the hack.

Therefore, he took a little bit of skill and proactively stretched his foot over and let the knife cut it.

In this way, other parts of the body will not receive so much impact, and perhaps will not be severely injured and killed by the chop.

Who knows, when he stretched his foot over, he felt that his foot was like an iron pillar, and the knife was like a paper made of paper, it was simply powerless.

The knife slashed on his foot, and it didn't even have the effect of itching.

He was very shocked and did not understand.

"how can that be?"

There was the East Ghost King who was as shocked and incomprehensible as this leader.

The East Ghost King looked at the golden sword that had broken its blade, and suddenly looked angrily at the third-level leader of the scarlet ghost, and cursed: "Why are your feet so hard? Why did you break his blade? Why didn't this knife hack you to death?"

After three consecutive questions from Donggui Wang Wulitou, the third-level leader of the scarlet ghost said innocently: "I am born with copper, skin and iron bones all over my body. The higher the level of our evil spirits, the harder the body. It's no wonder that I, it's just that he didn't cut it at all with this knife."

After the other chieftains were amused, they felt that the matter was very unreasonable, as if something went wrong.

The leader finally thought of the key question.

He muttered softly, "Isn't this master of ghost defender fake?"

The leader next to him was immediately scared and said, "What are you talking nonsense? Do you want to say that the guards of Lord Ghost King caught a fake ghost master and came back?"

Hearing their whispered words, the East Ghost King also looked towards them.

After the two leaders felt the piercing gaze of the East Ghost King, they immediately said in unison: "The guard of the Ghost King is absolutely not wrong."

"My guard can't be wrong, whose fault is that?" Donggui Wang suddenly asked loudly, scared that the two leaders immediately knelt down.

The East Ghost King roared: "Quickly speak! I can't tell, I will kill you!"

One of the leaders said with trembling lips: "The guards of the ghost king can't be wrong. The mistake should be that this human ghost defender dares to pretend to be a master to deceive the ghost king!"

"you are right."

The East Ghost King finally turned his head and glared at Vice Chairman Du Lin.

"Say, why did you pretend to be a master of ghost guard to lie to me?"

Vice President Du Lin ignored the anger of the Eastern Ghost King at all.

He knew that it was okay not to say it, and if he did, he might die sooner.

Therefore, he didn't say a word.

"It's quite arrogant!"

The red-robed ghost third-level leader had come down from the air, he walked over and grabbed the collar of Vice President Du Lin, cursing.

"Do you know you almost scared me to death!"

In fact, this red-robed ghost third-level leader still wants to say that you are not a master of ghosts, you said it earlier, and I have been scared for so long.

However, he did not speak out.

He just breathed a little anger on Vice President Du Lin.

And he was very grateful that Vice-President Du Lin, a master master of ghosts, was pretending to be.

At this moment, he looked at the arrogant appearance of Vice President Du Lin, but he felt extremely cute.

He wanted to say in his heart, you pretend to be good, if you are not pretending, then I will die.

I owe you my life!

Although the red-robed ghost third-level leader grabbed the collar of Vice President Du Lin, he didn't use too much force, he just scared Vice President Du Lin.

At this moment, the Eastern Ghost King saw that Vice President Du Lin was still in that proud appearance, and he couldn't help Vice President Du Lin, so he turned to look at the other leaders and asked.

"How can you catch the real ghost master?"

At this time, the leader said: "You can use this fake ghost master to exchange for the real ghost master. Human ghost masters are very emotional. They will not let this fake ghost master master. I died here for nothing."

The leader immediately questioned: "What if they don't use real ghost masters to change it?"

The leader said: "Regardless of whether it is changed or not, the ghost defender will definitely react, and then he will be able to think of other ways to catch the real ghost defender master."

And here is the Xicheng District Line of Defense Station.

The squadron leader who followed Vice President Du Lin to regain the defensive point, saw that Vice President Du Lin was swept by some strange winds to the territory of the Eastern Ghost King, he immediately went back and reported to President Zhong.

After President Zhong heard about it, he felt that the situation was very serious, and he immediately called a squadron leader-level meeting.

After all, this is a vice president-level ghost master who was captured by the East Ghost King.

At the meeting, all squadron leaders expressed their opinions.

Sacrifice such as zhuiyo.com sacrifice such as. And almost all the squadron leader's opinions felt that Leng Chengyu should be invited to the meeting.

President Zhong felt very embarrassed. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

After all, Chairman Zhong has promised to let Leng Chengyu rest for a few more days.

This time, if he loses his trust in Leng Chengyu again, this will definitely affect the prestige of President Zhong.

Moreover, President Zhong didn't want to rely too much on Leng Chengyu for the defense line station in Xicheng District.

After listening to everyone's opinions, Chairman Zhong said: "I have reported this matter to the headquarters of the Alliance of Ghosts. I hope that the headquarters of the Alliance of Ghosts can issue an order to encircle the East Ghost King as soon as possible because of this matter."

A squadron leader immediately asked: "Then who should take back the defensive point we have lost?"

Chairman Zhong said: "I will go personally."

Seeing that the chairman said so, the other squadron leaders had nothing to say.

After the meeting ended, Chairman Zhong followed the squadron leader who had lost the defensive point to regain the defensive one.

Chairman Zhong brought 3,000 ghost guards. Once he came to the defense point, he didn't become secretive at all. He directly rushed in with the ghost guards, and then killed the evil spirits in the defense point by surprise.

And when the red-robed ghost-level evil spirit leader appeared, it was up to President Zhong to deal with it.

Decrease Bxwx.cO 汜. President Zhong quickly defeated this scarlet ghost-level leader.

Mi He Mi. This scarlet ghost-level leader knew that he was not an opponent of Guilin Zhonggui.

Therefore, after he was injured, he ordered his evil spirits to retreat quickly.

Who knows, at this time, there were a few strange winds.

The squadron leader saw that these strange winds had driven Vice President Du Lin away, and he immediately shouted to President Zhong: "President Zhong, be careful!"

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