Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 264: Wu Siwei's complaint

President Zhong felt that he was still uneasy, so he added: "Also, I still have to report this matter to the headquarters of the Ghost King, so that the headquarters of the Ghost King will be more urgent to encircle the East Ghost King. ."

After the meeting, Chairman Zhong arranged for a ghost defender who was good at hiding ghosts and spirits to pass on the message to the East Ghost King.

To convey the message to the East Ghost King, it is not necessary to go to the East Ghost King’s palace. Just go to a sentry post in the territory of any leader of the East Ghost King, and then drop the written paper to the East Ghost King.

President Zhong is just like that, let this ghost defender who is good at hiding go to the guard post of a leader in the territory of the East Ghost King near the defense line station of Xicheng District, distribute these papers and sneak back.

There is no danger at all without knowing it.

President Zhong's message spread out, and it soon reached the hands of the Eastern Ghost King.

The East Ghost King was in his palace, and asked the chief in the palace how to deal with it.

If you have a leader, worry: "Master Ghost King, I don't think you need to come out in person. Will it be a problem if you come out in person? And it's still at the junction of the Xicheng District Defense Line and our territory."

The East Ghost King did not rush to express his stance, but looked at the other leaders again.

Another leader said: "If the ghost king must go, it is not impossible, but you can bring more men, and it is best to bring a guard.

Although Lord Ghost King is definitely stronger than the ghost defenders in Xicheng District, human beings are more cunning, so they must be guarded against any tricks. "

Another leader said: "These human ghosts are too arrogant. They must let the ghost king go, and they have to be between their defense line station and our territory."

There was also a leader who said: "Why do we have to let the human ghost defenders set a location? It was we who caught them, and it should be ours.

Another leader said: "We can't agree to it so cheaply, we have to show them our strength again.

For example, occupy a few more defensive points, while letting the guards wait.

If the master of ghost guards appears, then the human master of ghost guards can be captured.

If that's the case, we don't need to exchange with the human ghost defender at all, just kill the human ghost defender we caught. "

The leader objected: "We have already invaded many defense points of the Ghost Defender Alliance, but each defense point has lost a lot of evil spirits. If we invade again, and only for the master of the Ghost Defender, no Knowing the value is not worth it."

In this way, the leaders said a little bit of opinion, and finally the East Ghost King decided to send a message to the defense line station in Xicheng District.

The information says above.

"He can go to the East Ghost King to take over in person, but he also wants the person in charge of the Xicheng District Line of Defense Station to come personally.

汜 minus bxW x.CO 汜. And the location should be in a cottage in the territory of the East Ghost King near the leader of the Xicheng District Defense Line Station, and the time was set three days later. "

News was quickly received from the Xicheng District Defense Line Station here.

After receiving the news, Chairman Zhong called a meeting.

Who knows, the meeting hadn't ended yet, and there was news that the evil spirits in the territory of the Eastern Ghost King had invaded the defensive point again, and killed the ghost guards guarded in the defensive point, and then fled.

Similar situations have occurred in many defensive points.

Chairman Zhong, each squadron leader, and Leng Chengyu, all felt very annoyed after listening to them. They all felt that the East Ghost King was too arrogant and too untrustworthy, and he had to do this kind of little action before the handover.

At this moment, President Zhong's assistant came in and said to President Zhong.

"There has already been news from the headquarters of the Alliance of Ghosts. They will decide to encircle and suppress the East Ghost King as soon as possible. The exchange of hostages with the East Ghost King is also very important at the headquarters of the Ghost Attack. They decided to send several commissioners. Come and assist in the transfer of hostages from the Xicheng District Line of Defense Station."

Soon, it hasn't been long before, and there has been news that the commissioners sent from the headquarters of the Union of Ghosts are coming soon, and I hope that the Xicheng District Defense Line will do a good job in welcoming them.

President Zhong took each squadron leader and part of the Ghost Guardian Guard of Honor to meet the commissioners sent by the Ghost Guardian Alliance headquarters.

When meeting those commissioners, Leng Chengyu found that three commissioners were very familiar.

Two of them are Fang Zhi and Song Fei, and the other is the Special Envoy of the Great Elder.

There is also a very young man who has never seen it.

The Special Envoy of the Great Elder introduced: "This is a very outstanding talent cultivated by our Ghost Guards Alliance headquarters. He is currently serving as the Vice President of the Haidu Ghost Guards Alliance branch."

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. "Haidu!"

Everyone was shocked after hearing the name of this base city.

Because this base city can be said to be the richest base city in the entire alliance base city.

And being able to serve as the vice president of the Ghost Guards League branch is definitely not easy.

Everyone looked at this young man with admiration and admiration.

The young man was very easy-going. He smiled and greeted everyone: "My name is Leng You can call me Leng Deputy or Xiao Leng in the future."

And when this Vice President Leng passed the honor guard, it happened that Simon Yiyi and Wu Siwei were in the honor guard.

Simon Yiyi almost fell in a daze.

The Vice President Leng helped Ximen Yiyi easily, and looked at Ximen Yiyi for a while, and said: "Like you who are both a ghost defender and a guard of honor, it is very hard and not easy. Don't fall down. "

Ximen Yiyi's face flushed and said, "Thank you!"

When Wu Siwei next to him saw this Leng Chengquan grabbing Ximen Yiyi's hand for a while before letting go, he felt a little annoyed in his heart.

When the team passed by and Leng Chengyu, who was a little behind, passed by, Wu Siwei couldn't help complaining to Leng Chengyu: "Your Lengs are really brazen. You can't look away when you see beautiful women."

Leng Chengyu glanced at Wu Siwei: "You do your job as a guard of honor, don't chew your tongue, what is our Leng family, don't you know that there are many people with the surname Leng?"

Wu Siwei felt uncomfortable, but still stubbornly said: "Why is it not your Leng family, his name is Leng Chengquan, your name is Leng Chengyu, and you are of the same generation."

Leng Chengyu felt speechless at Wu Siwei's nameless anger.

Does it mean that there are two words in the name that are the same as a family?

So if the names are the same, how many are there?

Mi He Mi. The world is so big and the population is so large. When parents have a name, it is impossible for everyone to discuss together that you should not use the same name with me.

It is impossible to do this.

Therefore, Leng Chengyu didn't really feel much about the vice chairman called Leng Chengquan.

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