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Chapter 265: Leng Chengyu's Knife

These four commissioners were very vigorous and vigorous. Once they came here, they immediately asked Chairman Zhong to hold a high-level meeting.

Moreover, these commissioners seem to have led by Leng Chengquan.

This made Leng Chengyu a little confused.

You know, if you count according to the position, it should be the higher position of the Great Elder Special Envoy.

Even if he was born according to the origin, it should be led by Fang Zhi Roufeng, Song Fei and the special envoy of the elder.

The special envoy of the Great Elder Leng Chengyu had seen him before, and he seemed to be called Miss Fang Zhirou, who had always listened to Fang Zhirou's words very much.

And Song Fei is Fang Zhirou's best friend, it seems to be Fang Zhirou's attendant, to be more precise, she also listens to Fang Zhirou in many ways.

Although Leng Chengquan is an excellent talent cultivated by the headquarters of the Alliance of Ghosts, he has now served as the vice president of Haidu, which is above the local area. Even if Haidu is the richest among all the base cities in the alliance, he cannot Overtake the Alliance Headquarters, right?

If it is counted like this, Fang Zhirou should be the leader.

However, now it is led by this Leng Chengquan, which makes Leng Chengyu have to wonder.

Doubts are doubts, but whoever is the leader of these commissioners has nothing to do with him.

Therefore, in the high-level conference hall, Leng Chengyu just sat where he should sit, listening to Chairman Zhong and these commissioners talking.

Leng Chengquan said: "The Headquarters of the Royal Ghost Alliance has already told me the basic situation. You have to exchange hostages with the East Ghost King, and the East Ghost King needs to come forward to exchange hostages in person. Why is this?"

Chairman Zhong said: "We have a squadron leader. He has a strong hole card. As long as he can get close to the East Ghost King, he can kill the East Ghost King. Therefore, the exchange of hostages with the East Ghost King this time is also an opportunity to kill the East Ghost King. ."

"There is such a capable squadron leader in such a small Fuyang base city?" Leng Chengquan was very surprised, "Can you introduce this squadron leader to me?"

Fang Zhiruan, Song Fei, and the Special Envoy of the Great Elder, all looked at Chairman Zhong with expectant eyes.

Chairman Zhong looked up at Leng Chengyu, smiled and said, "Captain Leng Zhong, stand up and let everyone know him."

Leng Chengyu stood up.

Chairman Zhong introduced: "This is our squadron leader with a strong hole card. His name is Leng Chengyu."

"Leng Chengyu? Who is Leng with me?"

Leng Chengquan narrowed his eyebrows and looked at Leng Chengyu.

However, Leng Chengquan was not entangled with the same two words in his name, but was a little surprised that Leng Chengyu was so young.

And Fang Zhirou, Song Fei and the Special Envoy of the Great Elder, they were very surprised when they saw that the person who had a powerful trump card that could kill the Eastern Ghost King was actually Leng Chengyu in the mouth of President Zhong.

Before, when they were besieged by the men of the East Ghost King in the territory of the East Ghost King, they were still driven by the Special Envoy of the Great Elder to relieve the siege.

At that time, Leng Chengyu didn't show this ability, why suddenly he has such a strong hole card now?

They all felt very puzzled.

And Leng Chengquan couldn't help asking Leng Chengyu: "You really have such a powerful trump card that can kill the 7th-level Eastern Ghost King of the Scarlet Ghost?"

"90% sure." Leng Chengyu didn't say too much either.

Fang Zhirou couldn't help asking Leng Chengyu at this time: "I don't know what your trump card is, can you tell us about it?"

汜减B xW*x.co汜. According to Fang Zhirou's guess, Leng Chengyu might have created a group of powerful paper men who could strangle the Eastern Ghost King at close range.

However, beyond Fang Zhirou's expectation, Leng Chengyu even said, "My trump card is a golden sword."

"A golden sword?"

Not only Fang Zhirou, but also Leng Chengquan, Song Fei, and the special envoy of the Great Elder, all felt very incredible.

Although gold can suppress the power of ghosts, this kind of suppressing power is not worth mentioning for the evil spirits of the East Ghost King as high as the seventh level of the red ghost.

How powerful can a golden sword be able to kill the East Ghost King at close range?

Before Fang Zhirou spoke, Leng Chengquan couldn't help but preemptively said, "Can we take out that knife on the spot for us to watch?"

"of course can."

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. Leng Chengyu took out the Guan Gong knife from the storage space.

When Leng Chengyu took out this Guan Gong knife, not only these commissioners, but also the other squadron leaders in the meeting were shocked to look at the Guan Gong knife in Leng Chengyu's hands.

And Chen Fei stared at this Guan Gong knife with wide eyes.

He thought that he could use this knife to exert such great power like Leng Chengyu, but in the end he was embarrassed.

Even so, his interest in this Guan Gong knife has not diminished at all, but has increased. He really wants to understand why this knife has such a powerful force.

In the curious and surprised eyes of everyone, Chairman Zhong took Leng Chengyu's Guan Gong knife and handed it to Leng Chengquan.

When Leng Chengquan reached out to take it, he thought this Guan Gong sword was just as heavy as an ordinary golden sword.

Therefore, he didn't use much effort to pick it up.

Who knew When he received it, his hand suddenly sank, causing him to stagger forward, almost failing to hold the knife.

He couldn't help sighing: "This knife is so heavy!"

And when he held the knife in his hand, he could also feel the rolling energy inside the knife.

He couldn't help but leave his seat, and then said to Leng Chengyu: "Can I play it?"


When the other squadron leaders heard that Leng Chengquan was going to play this knife in this high-level conference hall, their faces were pale, and they were afraid that this knife would show the power that could slash through the entire defense point with a single blow. This high-level meeting I am afraid that the hall does not exist anymore.

Therefore, all the squadron leaders watched Leng Chengyu's answer with trepidation.

Even President Zhong looked at Leng Chengyu.

They didn't know what the consequences would be if Leng Chengquan slashed in this conference hall.

However, Leng Chengyu smiled and said, "If you are interested in this, you can chop it at will."

"is it?"

Originally Leng Chengquan thought that Leng Chengyu would not let him hack it casually.

After all, this knife is not a common product at first glance, and the owner of the knife must be very cherish, how could it be possible for others to play casually.

However, when he heard that Leng Chengyu was so generous, Leng Chengquan was not welcome.

He walked out of his seat and came to a slightly wider open space in the conference hall.

Then, feeling the surging energy in Guan Gong's broad sword, he used 30% of his power to slash forward.

Just listen to the "call".

Mi He Mi. Each squadron leader sitting on the seat instinctively retreated, fearing that the aftermath of Guan Gong's knife would hurt them.

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