After the sword power accumulated, Leng Chengyu swung his sword towards the sentry post.

The surging force of the sword, like a raging wave, swept towards the guard fence made of stone as hard as cyanine rocks.

Wherever he passed, the fallen leaves on the ground were constantly rolled up, as if the wind was whizzing by.

The fierce sword force, the scope of the sword became larger and larger, and there was only a faintly shining giant sword phantom in the middle.

In the blink of an eye, the vast sword force arrived in front of the guard post wall.

Hearing a loud bang, the sword slammed into the hard rocks on the sentry post.

The hard rocks above the sentry were all shattered like terracotta dogs.

And inside the guard post, the evil spirits who were afraid of the bows and arrows shot by the ghost guards outside and did not dare to show their heads, they were not spared.

When the violent wave of the sword impacted on them, their bodies immediately shattered like tofu hit by a hammer, then turned into strands of black air and dissipated in the air.

After the sword swept through the first sentry post, it still didn't stop, and it rushed toward the cottage.


The second sentry post was hit by the knife and turned into broken rubble, and the evil spirits in the sentry post also suffered the fate of broken body.

After destroying the second guard post, the sword's momentum slowly weakened.

Then, when I came to the rock wall made of hard rock in front of the third sentry, it was like a strong wind slapped on the rock, and the rock wall shook.

As for all the evil spirits in the sentry stone wall, they also saw the tragic situation of the two sentry posts in front, and they had been destroyed by this violent wind-like blade force as if they were flat on the ground.

Therefore, they are also afraid. Their sentry post will suffer the same fate.

The evil spirits in this sentry shuddered and hid in fear, some even ignoring the guards of the sentry, fluttered back out of the sentry, left their posts, and fled back to the cottage. Sacrifice as Sacrifice as

However, in the end, the stone wall of the third sentry was only slightly loosened by the force of the knife, and it was not destroyed.

The evil spirits in the sentry sighed in relief.

And Leng Chengyu's side.

Everyone also saw that after Leng Chengyu made the knife, he was able to smash the entire sentry to pieces.

The evil spirits in the sentry post also splashed with blood, shattered internal organs, and shattered limbs.

Not only that, after the sword force smashed the first outpost, even the second outpost 100 meters away was shattered, and the third outpost was almost destroyed.

Several commissioners such as Leng Chengquan, Fang Zhirou, and the ghost guards they brought, had never seen the power of Leng Chengyu’s knife, and couldn’t help but breathe in a few breaths of air-conditioning when they saw it. His mouth widened in surprise.

After stunned for a long time, Leng Chengquan returned to his senses and sighed: "Sure enough, the legend is true. This knife is really powerful!"

Leng Chengquan rushed forward first, came to Leng Chengyu's front, and looked at the knife in Leng Chengyu's hand.

At this moment, after the knife in Leng Chengyu's hand was slashed out, there was still a little heat surging on the surface of the knife, bursting with blue air.

Leng Chengquan stepped forward and patted Leng Chengyu on the shoulder, and said, "Captain Leng Zhong, you are amazing. I am afraid you can take this small village alone."

Leng Chengquan said this because he was too shocked in his heart, so he couldn't help but praise Leng Chengyu, and never thought that Leng Chengyu would take the entire cottage by himself.

However, at this time, Leng Chengyu said with a serious face: "Commissioner Leng, in fact, I have this intention. I want to cut down all the way to the cottage, and I should be able to take the entire cottage."

Then, Leng Chengyu really waved back and asked Zhao Zizhou and the others to take the archer of the Yuguizhe and fly towards the third sentry.

Then, those archers just 100 meters away from the third post, escorted Leng Chengyu, and shot a wave of Polly arrows, so that the evil spirits in the third post did not dare to raise their heads, let alone shoot arrows to stop them. Leng Chengyu went forward.

Leng Chengyu was guarded by Liu Fang and the ghosts of Zhao Zizhou, Wu Siwei, and Simon Yiyi.

With the same result, the third outpost was quickly destroyed.

The sword's momentum did not diminish, and it swept to the fourth sentry.

The fourth outpost was also destroyed, all the evil spirits were also hacked and killed, the body was shattered, and the souls scattered.

There are a total of five posts in this cottage, and after the guard post is the cottage.

At this time, in the Juyi Hall inside the cottage, the head of the bucktooth rabbit evil spirit was sitting on his throne, tasting the good tea, who knows, at this time a few evil spirits rushed in in a panic.汜 minus bXWX.C*o汜

"It's not good, Big Rabbit, our cottage has been chopped down!"

Looking at the men of the evil spirits who were kneeling on the ground in a panic, the head of the bucktooth evil spirit was no longer in the mood to drink tea, and he felt very puzzled.

"What is our cottage being chopped down? Why are you so panicked?"

These evil spirits babbled.

"The sentry was chopped down!"

"All the evil spirits in the sentry post have been hacked to death!"

"It's terrible!"

"It's about to be cut to the cottage."

Hearing these evil spirits' subordinates babbled the head of the bucktooth rabbit evil spirit is still a paste of head.

"Shut up all of you!"

The bucktooth evil spirit leader suddenly roared.

Then, he raised his finger to one of the kneeling evil spirits and asked: "You said, what is going on, tell me from beginning to end."

The evil spirit's subordinate calmed his mind and said, "It is the master of the ghost guard who can hack to death all the evil spirits in the defense point with a gold sword. Two outposts were slashed with a single knife.

Now, our sentries are broken like flat ground, and he is about to chop up the mountain soon. ,

At this time, the evil spirit leader of Bucktooth finally heard it.

"You mean, the ghost master master that Master Ghost King has always wanted to see has come under my cottage. He is taking over my cottage?"

"Yeah, rabbit head collar."

At this time, the evil spirits kneeling on the ground finally said in unison.

After confirming the news, the evil spirit leader of the bucktooth rabbit finally made a sound, stood up from his throne, and looked over the cottage.

Then, he couldn't help but asked worriedly: "Where is that ghost master?"

The kneeling evil spirits immediately responded, "I should have seen the fifth outpost."

The evil spirit's subordinates had just finished speaking, and suddenly they felt the wind roaring outside. Mi He Mi

Then, many cottage houses were blown and collapsed, and the Juyi Hall led by the cottage also trembled.

Those kneeling evil spirits couldn't help but stand up at this moment.

"It's not good! It's cut to the cottage!"

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